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Jan 12th 2022
I’d like a PM who comes to Parliament to present a weekly vision and progress report, not a weekly half-hearted apology for insulting the country’s intelligence.
#JohnsonOut #BorisResign
The gaslighting ‘line to take’ has become that the lockdown rules had all become far too complicated. But they weren’t, they were very clear and simple, which was why the breaking of them is so blindingly easy to spot. Bringing booze to an outdoor event at work wasn’t allowed.
When your last line of defence comes from a deranged colleague famous for blocking legislation to ban up-skirting and to protect girls from female genital mutilation, it’s probably time to leave public office and go and write your Shakespeare book. #JohnsonOut #JohnsonMustGo
Read 5 tweets
Jan 27th 2021
1/6 I was trying to get my head around this ludicrous £22Bn figure for the non-functional Track&Trace app.
I'm still not sure how you physically spend that amount of money on ANYTHING!
So I tried to find a way to understand it.
A Billion is 1,000 Million. Thus 22Bn is 22,000 Mil.
2/6 I thought about sports cars, property, yachts. None of these felt like a common enough denominator for a Joe Schmo like me to truly understand. Then, it hit me. Football!
I could buy a Club!
Now, we generally accept footballers are paid 'disgusting' amounts of £ these days.
3/6 So my first thought was could I buy, for instance, the full 25man MCFC squad?
To my surprise, I could. Easily. A snip at a mere £810.9m from my 22,000M budget. Is that all?!
How many more? The Mirror has my back!…
Read 7 tweets
May 27th 2020
@SuneAuken ✨ 🦇 🌖
✨ 🏢
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Gotham City...

Welcome to

...and its Super-cilious Hero
‘Fat Man!’
@SuneAuken 🌈💚🌿🌱🟢👀🟢🌱🌿💚

...often known as
‘Tw#t Man!


@SuneAuken ✨ 🕊 🌖
✨ 🏢
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Show candour... ✨
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This is the Era of TRUTH‼️

Read 102 tweets
May 10th 2020
SMR | Here's our thread on the latest shambles from our Orwellian Regime:

🤦‍♂️ "Half a million fatalities" would have been a catastrophe. This implies that 10's of thousands is actually pretty good. By comparison.

Well done! 👏

🤦‍♂️ "I've consulted across all four nations of the UK."

Did you though? @NicolaSturgeon would beg to differ. She says you didn't even bother to pick up the phone!

🤦‍♂️ "World beating system for tracking and tracing the virus."

So, it's still all about the UK showing the rest of the planet who's best then? Just another big Willy Waving Contest.

Read 10 tweets
Mar 25th 2020
So #PrinceCharles ignores govt. instructions to not travel to rural areas to avoid #Covid19 & takes the bloody #CoronaVirus with him using scarce #NHS #CovidTesting & treatment resources. "One rule for the rich..." & "do as I say not as I do"?… /1
"The tests were carried out by the NHS in Aberdeenshire where they met the criteria required for testing." What's that then? Large ears, an excessively narrow gene pool & flirtation with neofacist social policies? Still no #TestingForCovid19 for #NHS workers or more widely! /2
And still our #NHSheroes have inadequate #PPE & struggle to work on crowded #publictransport. The #Tory government are protecting the elite & their wealth while letting the #NHS collapse & condemning many thousands to die. What will @UKLabour do? #BorisResign! /3
Read 3 tweets

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