Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #CENSUS2020

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Largest population losses in NC counties:
Robeson: -17,638
Duplin: -9,790
Edgecombe: -7,652
Columbus: -7,475
Halifax: -6,069
Because of changes to #2020Census questionnaire, may see some declines in population identifying as a single racial group ("alone"), but see growth in groups "in combination" (more multiracial identification)
Can't do an exact comparison to 2010 for race/ethnicity -- advise caution -- because of changes in questionnaire and how responses were coded. #Census2020
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Follow THIS thread for our live tweets of the Census 2020 data release (starting in 3, 2, 1...)

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1/ Oh, did you think #Census2020 was over?

It.👏 Is.👏🏽 Not.👏🏾 Over.👏🏿

In fact, things are JUST getting interesting. @DaveeJonesLock and @ByardDuncan have heard from ~150 census employees about problems on the ground.

And they want to hear more:…
2/ Our reporters have been letting workers’ experiences guide coverage of #Census2020 for months.

First, it was faulty technology in the field.…
3/ Then, it was a wave of complaints about duplicative work, arbitrary terminations and haphazard management practices.…
Read 11 tweets
1/ Throwback to early 2019: Mayor Emanuel’s tenure was winding down, plans for the $95 million cop academy rammed thru City Council & officials promised to put Peach’s & @culvers in the parking lot. Update on that last thing + lots more happening in public meetings this week 🍔
2/ City Council’s Committee on Workforce Development had a brief, 13 min meeting to update the collective bargaining agreement the Teamsters Local Union No. 700 / Mon, Oct 19, 10am 🐤 @ecullnan 📝 @KailCohen…
3/ Eleven months later... the county board’s Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations Committee has signed off on a new Cook County Health CEO: Israel J. Rocha, current VP of NYC Health + Hospitals / Mon, Oct 19, 2pm 🐤 @MikeTish4 📝 Isabella Eliopulos
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🧵 In Puerto Rico it is being reported that the #Census2020 response rate is high – 89.9 % (9/10/20). Most people think this numbers is the % of households which have completed the census form. Unfortunately, IT IS NOT. That number is actually 33.9% (9/10/20). #Censo2020 Image
I will explain why, esta vez en inglés para el beneficio de nuestros amigos angloparlantes. #Census2020 #Censo2020
89.9% is the share of housing units (households) enumerated (counted). It is referred to as "Enumerated" in the table below or as the total response rate. It is the sum of 2 key pieces of information⬇️⬇️⬇️ #Census2020 #Censo2020
Read 23 tweets
During today’s #COVID19 UPDATE w/ @GovMikeDeWine, Lt. Gov. @JonHusted reminded Ohioans about #Census2020.

✅As of today, 69.5% of Ohioans have completed their census form
✅That is above the national response rate of 65.5%.
✅But 1 percentage point behind Michigan! Image
✅Takes 10 minutes to respond
✅Impacts our state for the next 10 years
✅Determines how $1.5 trillion in federal funding gets allocated to states, counties and cities to support essential services including public education & public health - & congressional districts.
➡️Complete your Census TODAY by going to or calling 1-844-330-2020.

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A menos de 3 semanas del finalizar #Censo2020 33.8% de los domicilios en Puerto Rico han completado el formulario del Censo. La Gobernadora @wandavazquezg y @EstadisticasPR no han hecho un pronunciamiento acerca del tema desde julio. Desesperante y desesperanzador. #Census2020 Image
En #Censo2010 54% de los domicilios puertorriqueños completaron el formulario por correo. No existia la opcion de internet o teléfono.
Y por si tienen dudas porque han oído que la tasa de respuestas en Puerto Rico es más alta (86.4%) incluyo este artículo de @NPR que corrobora lo que estoy tratando de explicar El % de domicilios enumerados no es lo mismos que % de formularios completados.… Image
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Comienzo 🧵 de #Censo2020 #Census2020

EXPLICANDO EL CENSO - Muchas personas en Puerto Rico están reportando múltiples visitas del Censo y cuestionando si el Censo está registrando sus respuestas. Voy a tratar de contestar algunas de sus preguntas.
1ra Columna (Self-Responded): % de viviendas que han respondido al Censo por correo, internet, o teléfono. Si usted no incluye su código del Censo en su respuesta, el Censo tiene que verificar su dirección antes de incluir su respuesta en la 1ra columna.…
2da Columna (Enumerated in NRFU): % de viviendas visitadas por enumeradores por que no han respondido al Censo. Una vez la unidad de vivienda responde, pasa de la 2da a la 1ra columna.…
Read 12 tweets
I wrote a proposal for @uscensusbureau inspired by @JColeNC song ATM - more info coming today.
We are excited to announce the launch of @BOOMConcepts ' Count It Up campaign in partnership with the @uscensusbureau
@BOOMConcepts Count it Up 2020​ draws small parallels to how the census is a "count it up" moment for individuals and can help steer funding to communities that take part.
Read 8 tweets
“This is a break-the-glass moment for the U.S. #Census. If they stop counting at the end of next month like the Administration plans, it would lock in extra political power and federal funding for whites in the suburbs for a decade. 1/5
It would deprive whites in rural areas, everyone in cities, Native Americans, Blacks, LatinX and renters of that same power and money. 2/5…
The effects go well beyond political manipulation to strike at who counts as an American. Since 1790 the #Census has been a building block to our democracy. 3/5…
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"Although excluded from the census, the notorious census citizenship question and the fear it has instilled in people has been an ongoing barrier to overcome in organizing for an accurate and fair census count." #Census2020
“'The citizenship question created so much fear,' said Tervalon-Garrett. 'To be honest, as a Black woman who is a citizen, I was concerned about how I wanted to answer the citizenship question. The whole question and political dynamics seemed really fraught.'" #Census2020
.@TheWayWithAnoa: "The census remains an important tool for providing opportunity and resources to states, nonprofit orgs, & local communities across the country. Misinformation & fear could lead to entire segments of communities in need not completing the census." #Census2020
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Thread: Once again, the integrity of the #2020Census is under attack, as the Trump administration seeks to rush the count during a pandemic and suppress the count of immigrants.
Last week the President issued a Memorandum directing the Census Bureau not to count undocumented immigrants in the #2020Census count used to apportion congressional seats:…
Although the constitution is widely understood to require all people, regardless of citizenship or immigration status, to be counted, the order reaffirmed the Administration’s pattern of efforts to suppress the count of immigrants in the Census:…
Read 12 tweets
100+ IMPORTANT articles & videos from a perspective corporate media won’t show you in Thursday’s @ProgNewsDaily. Topics include how the Rs tried to rig the #2020census, Dems allow expanding surveillance powers…

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the Senate’s vote against cutting military spending by 10%, #FoxNews #SexualHarassment lawsuit, sewage indicating #Yosemite may have infected visitors with #COVID19 & many more! Click to see them all!…

Please ❤️, RT Follow & Subscribe to @ProgNewsDaily
Thursday’s Top Articles:

* White the vote - @JuddLegum, Popular Information
#2020Census #Census2020 #Census #gerrymandering #redistricting #RepublicansAreTheProblem #citizenship…

Please ❤️, RT Follow & Subscribe to @ProgNewsDaily
Read 13 tweets
Teachers and students need relevant, engaging materials grounded in current events. In response to the pandemic, protests against racism, #Census2020 and upcoming election, The Change Agent is making two issues available for free: "Talking about Race" & "Stand Up and Be Counted."
Both issues support students to learn basic skills and critical thinking in the context of student-written articles that remind all of us that we can be agents of change in our own lives, families, and communities. #adultedu
To sign up for your free issue of "Talking About Race," including resources on facing racism, celebrating Juneteenth, and recognizing racism in voting rights, fill out this form:…
Read 4 tweets
Grateful to our friends serving children & families at meal sites across NM, while simultaneously promoting awareness of #Census2020 Have you filled out your Census yet? @ICountNM #AllTogetherNM ImageImage
Since March, NM public schools have served almost 9 MILLION meals, making sure all kids could eat for free during school closures!
Families who qualify will also receive additional P-EBT benefits. The final round of cards are in the mail! #AllTogetherNM
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We'll be live-tweeting our panel on democracy starting now. Follow #ACS2020 to hear highlights from our fantastic speakers: @staceyabrams @JocelynBenson @MALDEF's Thomas Saenz & @ProfTolson!…
In introducing Abrams, ACS member @jamandell notes that when the work of democracy seems daunting, @staceyabrams inspires! #ACS2020
Our collective mission is to ensure the integrity of our democracy, says @staceyabrams. We are at our strongest when every vote can be counted and every voice can be heard. #ACS2020 Image
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Our communities deserve the political power and funding that they need.

Our communities deserve an honest and #faircount in the #2020Census. Image
The #CoronavirusPandemic demands we fight harder to ensure an accurate count of communities of color.

Join us tonight at the front lines of the fight for a fair count ft. @JNelsonLDF, @acepedaderieux, @tomTMwolf & Osita Nwanevu.

RSVP: Image
”...we are on pace to become a majority minority country by 2045...communities of color should feel welcome to the Census process, and should be encouraged.”

-LDF Assoc. Director-Counsel @JNelsonLDF

Read 7 tweets
Thank you @CBCInstitute for the informational Leadership Town Hall. My staff and I found it very helpful in this dire time. Here are some key points we noted:
1. #COVIDー19 Is a member of the Coronavirus family. COVID-19 is an unfamiliar strain which is why this virus is challenging to treat for health care providers.
We need to take #COVIDー19 serious. Many people compare it to the flu and that is not the case. This disease is twice as contagious. If someone is infected, they can spread it to 3 people.
Read 6 tweets
1/3 Today is #CensusDay. There is a direct relationship between a complete and accurate count and the services and equipment we need as a result of #COVID19.

A few key points:

☑️ A complete and accurate #census supports better funding for disaster and healthcare services.

☑️ Federal funding that supports meal distribution comes to Houstonians based on these numbers. More people counted=more food in pantries

☑️ Federal funding based on #census numbers supports hospitals & can determine the amount of equipment that's delivered to our region. Census Community Committee ...Artist puts finishing touch...Mayor speaks in front of ce...

☑️ Complete the #Census2020 in the safety of your own home at or call 844-330-2020. No one will have to knock on your door.

☑️ Everyone needs to be counted.

#HoustonCounts #YesToTheCensus #HtownCounts #GetCounted #2020Census

Mural by @MrD_1987 Mayor poses with artist in ...Artist explains the mural t...artist applies finishing to...mayor speaks in front of ce...
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Who has filled out their census either online or by mailing it in?

If you have not, it's really important you do. #Census2020
These are the things affected by your census.

1) Your representation in the House of Representatives
2) The number of representatives your state sends to Congress.
3) The number of electoral votes your state has in presidential elections.
4) Your representation in state legislative bodies
5) Your state's share of federal funds for all sorts of programs.
6) Your town and county's share of state and federal funds.
7) Funding for schools
8) Where roads and other infrastructure investment happens.
Read 9 tweets
Got my #Census2020 today! Go online and fill yours out once you get your number, that way you avoid census takers coming to your door.
Interesting that there are only 2 choices for gender

Asking if I'm Latino, Mexican American, Chicano, Cuban or Spanish🤔specially on a separate page. Next page is other nationalities.

Asking me to fill out the nationality box under white🤔
Asking if my spouse is same sex or opposite sex. Why?
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Starting today households throughout the United States will receive their invitation in the mail to complete #Census2020 . Check your mailbox! If you did not get the letter today, it is coming either tomorrow or on March 19th or 20th.
The Census affects how over $600 billion in funding is distributed.
New York receives more than $53 billion in federal funding each year for hospitals, schools, transportation, emergency services, and more.
Read 21 tweets
Does this look like a #Census2020 document? It's's a misleading campaign ad from the Republican National Committee, sent in a mailer to people all over the country. Members of Congress are now trying to stop them from being circulated. #NexstarDC ImageImage
Read the bottom of the page which asks for a campaign contribution of "$25, $50, $100, $250, $500, or $1,000" … to re-elect President Trump and Republicans at all levels of government #NexstarDC Image
Facebook removed paid campaign ads for President Trump & Republicans' re-elections, because they were misleading and looked like links to the U.S. Census Bureau. FB cited a policy to "prevent confusion around the Census". #NexstarDC

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STREAMING NOW: Tune in to the livestream at… or follow along with us as we live-tweet the panel.

#LDFatSelma #Selma55
“Every generation must fight for the progress we currently have and press forward to continue that’s okay to get into ‘good trouble.’”
-@RepTerriSewell welcoming attendees to the “Voting Rights in the Age of Massachusetts Incarceration” panel ImageImage
Alabamanians and Selma sojourners are leaning into today’s #votingrights discussion.

Join us online:… ImageImage
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