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Jan 17th 2021
End of week 2 thread on post Brexit food trade

There is continued growing unease. The main picture remains one of depressed/tentative trade (c50% down y-o-y) and some high profile logistics business have taken the rational step to stop and regroup.…
The big worry here is that ‘not-trading’becomes a habit. We can’t/won’t carry on at half the volumes of before, but as volumes claw back we may only reach something like 80% of previous volumes and that is a disaster for a food industry already battered by a recession.
Lots of focus has been on the idea of EU businesses stopping serving the UK. Worries about how we feed ourselves has trumped worry about our exporters at every stage. Even though it is the collapse of our export businesses that is (and has always been) the greater threat.
Read 26 tweets
Jan 14th 2021
A live example of the issues on why businesses are not better prepared for post-Brexit red tape - thread

Over past few days I have been really annoyed with myself that I did not foresee and warn #coldchain members about key processes on food (SPS) exports that have come to fore
Remember I am not a customs/trade expert, my knowledge comes from 2 years of engagement on government policy and acting as a conduit between industry and policy makers in Brexit preparations - others across industry are genuine experts and may have foretold this better than me
Before you import food goods to EU you the importer must make entry onto an EU IT system (called TRACES NT) this can only be done EU side by the importer or an agent - for meat or dairy you need a Certificate signed by a vet before TRACES (all that I knew)
Read 13 tweets
Dec 24th 2020
We haven't seen the text (disclaimer) but nonetheless here is my pre-Christmas thread in reaction. This is a #hardBrexit deal (by design) and that means for food it is hardest of all. No rabbits out of the hat - the UK gov have followed through on their stated intent...1/
All food exports from the UK into EU will be subject to the same checks and inspections as EU imports from Russia, Chile, and yes.. Australia - this despite the fact that the UK rules will be 100% the same rules on safety, env, and animal welfare 2/…
So (eg) in 7 days all our meat, fish and dairy will require export health certs - gov estimate is 300k next year (industry thinks it will be more) that's 10x more than now (btw for most supply chains the EHC is just the last piece of paper) we have 2x as many vets to do this 3/
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Nov 10th 2020

Press briefing on actions taken, preparedness and updates on #COVID19, today at ⏰4:30 PM

Join Live:

@MIB_India @PIB_India @airnews_mumbai @DDSahyadri @MoHFW_INDIA @drharshvardhan
India's #COVID19 recoveries cross 79 lakhs; highest in the world

More than 11.96 #COVID crore tests conducted ; more than 11 Lakh tests conducted daily during last week

Daily positivity rate during last week, 4.2%

- Secretary, @MoHFW_INDIA
Live Now: Image

New #COVID19 cases/million population reported in last 7 days - 235; new cases reported across the world is 482

New #COVID deaths/million population reported in last 7 days ; world average is 7

- Secretary, @MoHFW_INDIA
Live Now: ImageImageImageImage
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Nov 9th 2020
“A # of the leading #Covid19 #vaccines under development will need to be kept at temperatures as low as minus 80 degrees Celsius (minus 112 degrees Fahrenheit) from the moment they are bottled to the time they are ready to be injected into patients’ arms.”…
“Companies may have to transport tiny glass vials thousands of miles while keeping them as cold as the South Pole in the depths of winter.”… #Coronavirus #Vaccine #ColdChain #CoolChain #CoolCargo #SupplyChain #SupplyChains #Logistics
“That will not be easy. Vaccines may be manufactured on one continent & shipped to another. They will go from logistics hub to logistics hub before ending up at the hospitals & other facilities that will administer them.”… #ColdChain
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Sep 21st 2020
Inventing a #COVID19 vaccine is just a first step. For it to make a material difference in the pandemic, we must also manufacture and distribute it, and people must take it (with confidence that it's safe). Let’s talk about the often-overlooked, unsexy problem of DISTRIBUTION. 1/
There are many efforts afoot using diverse biological approaches to develop a vaccine. I think it is likely one will be invented – though how safe and effective it will be, and when it will appear, are still far from certain. 2/
As discussed in #APOLLOSARROW, out on October 27…, the many steps necessary before widespread vaccination takes place may mean it does not arrive before we reach herd immunity anyway, in 2022 or so. So a vaccine may not materially shorten the pandemic. 3/
Read 32 tweets

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