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Sep 4th 2022
Our paper ‘Current applications and future promise of genetic/genomic data for conservation in an Aotearoa New Zealand context’ is now available as an open-access peer-reviewed report in @docgovtnz’s Science for Conservation series:… 🧵1/7
To support conservation practitioners in identifying appropriate tools to inform conservation management, we review opportunities, challenges and costs associated with available & emerging tools, incl #pedigrees, #microsatellites, #genomes, #eDNA, #aDNA, #pangenomes & more! 2/7
This is a dynamic field, & costs (incl 💰🕒🥼🖥️) are rapidly changing. With >300 references, we hope this paper will be a useful resource for #conservation researchers & practitioners keen to apply the #conservation toolbox, esp. in an Aotearoa context. 3/7 A diagram describing conser...
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Apr 15th 2021
We are live tweeting the panel “Recoding Our Future: Looking Beyond the Digital Wars” with @vestager @NandanNilekani @MarietjeSchaake
Moderated by @samirsaran #Raisina2021 #RaisinaDialogue
.@samirsaran: In the absence of regulations and clear-cut rules of the road for #digital technologies, there are anxieties and tensions in need of a resolution. #Raisina2021
.@vestager: The EU's key concerns are 1) Creating a level playing field in the marketplace; 2) Insufficient enforcement of rules, that have for decades applied to the offline world, in the online world; & 3) Dignity of citizens in #democratic societies. #Raisina2021
Read 19 tweets
Aug 1st 2020
The potential of this #TikTok deal is interesting, especially when viewed from an Indian perspective and in the context of #antitrust (no pun intended).

#DataSovereignty - and yet more #ads - vs fading concepts of an "#OpenWeb"?… Image
For non-US citizens, though, the choice'd remain #Beijing under #CCP or #Redmond under #FISA. More broadly, whether the #EU has the capital / market(s) to 'underwrite' #GDPR remains an open question. And after that India, poss. Russia, there's really only one other 'bloc' left...
Or, looking at it from a slightly different angle, this - plus rest of [Thread] - may be onto something:

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