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Nov 14th 2022
I am anti PPI unless its for documented ulcers or H. pylori.

Unexplained dyspepsia +/- alarm symptoms should ALWAYS be evaluated.

PPI without a specific reason qnd for long term --> DANGER

Thanks to @MedRewind for the table!
Read 4 tweets
Sep 15th 2022
🧵 Reducing #PrescribingCascades ⬇️

1/ What are #Prescribing Cascades?

1⃣ A drug is prescribed 💊
2⃣ #AdverseEvent occurs but is misinterpreted as a new medical condition ⚠️
3⃣Another drug is prescribed for the drug-induced adverse event 💊💊 #MedEd Image
2/ Anticholinergics ➡️ cognitive dysfunction ➡️ drugs for #dementia

#Anticholinergic 💊 block acetylcholinergic neurotransmission in the brain, impairing cognition & memory

Can lead to new Rx or ↗️ acetylcholinesterase inhibitor doses #MedEd #FOAMed Image
3/ Drugs for #dementia ➡️ incontinence ➡️ anticholinergics

Conversely, AChE-I can cause urinary or fecal incontinence, that may "cascade" to prescription of an #anticholinergic

👉🏽 full Letter here:

#MedEd #PrescribingCascades #MedTwitter Image
Read 10 tweets
Apr 14th 2022
#2 B-COMPLEX/MULTI VITAMIN. Buy a liposomal or other form that increases bio-availability. Take 1 capsule w/Breakfast and Lunch. If you have stomach upset, try sublingual (under tongue) EZ Melt B-Complex in AM & Multi w/iron for Dinner.…
#3 OMEGA 3s. Fish Oil, Krill Oil, Algae Oil are all good sources of Omega 3. Be careful the EPA/DHA ratio. EPA helps with inflammation/DHA helps with cognition. You need both! Opt for a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio of DHA to EPA (2:1 ratio eg. 800 DHA/400EPA)…
Read 93 tweets
Mar 31st 2020
On 31 Mar 20, a distress tweet was forwarded by Mr. Manik Sharma from #Poonch to #PMO’s office to save his grandmother, who lives in a remote location in #Rajouri. On receipt of message, #IndianArmy sprung into action & #ArmyDoctor was immediately sent to rescue ailing patient.
Doctor with troops equipped with essential medical kit reached vill Dayala, Sialsui, #Rajouri & provided immediate medical assistance to the patient diagnosed with severe #CoronaryArteryDisease, #Hypertensive emergency & #Dyspepsia & evacuated to #MilitaryHospital, #Rajouri
As per medical reports, patient is out of danger & is receiving specialist care at #MilitaryHospital, #Rajouri & will soon be reunited with family post recovery. Family of the lady has been informed of rescue & her progress. #IndianArmyForAwam #WeCanWeCare @adgpi @NorthernComd_IA
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