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Dec 25th 2020
MUST WATCH NOW: #THECOMINGCONTAGION on @CNN: Timely!! Re: #SARS_CoV_2 & the #COVID19Pandemic - what happens when #HomoSapiens messes up with the environment: starting with #Ebola in #Africa, that Equine Virus in Australia, #NipahVirus in #Malaysia, #H5N9Influenza, #SARS, #MERS..
Equine influenza zoonosis - Australia: -
Australian #Hendra Virus zoonosis from race horses which gave clue to the #NipahVirus zoonosis from Malaysian farmed pigs on the edge of the rainforest (eating fruit bats faeces-contaminated fruits on the ground), killing the pig farmers!! Re:-…
Read 8 tweets
Feb 2nd 2020
Évolution de l'épidémie du 2019-nCoV en GIF vs les précédentes épidémies du #SRAS, #MERS, #H5N1 et #Ebola
▪️ répartition spatiale
▪️ nombre de cas et de décès
▪️ taux de mortalité au cours du temps…

#Coronarivus #coronavirus #CORONAVIRUSENFRANCE
🇫🇷 Évolution du nombre de cas entre le 22 janvier et le 1er février dans le Monde

🇬🇧 Number of confirmed cases of #2019nCoV in the world over time (2020/01/22 - 2020/02/01)

#CoronavirusOutbreak #coronavirus #FactsMatter
🇫🇷 Évolution du nombre de cas entre le 22 janvier et le 1er février en Chine

🇬🇧 Number of confirmed cases of #2019nCoV in #China over time (2020/01/22 - 2020/02/01)

#CoronavirusOutbreak #coronavirus #FactsMatter #WuhanOutbreak #ChinaCoronaVirus
Read 9 tweets
Jul 17th 2019
🚨BREAKING: @WHO *finally* declares the #Ebola outbreak in #Congo as an international health emergency.

LONG OVERDUE, as >1,600 people have died since Aug'18 in the 2nd-deadliest #EbolaOutbreak ever, and the virus just spread to a city of 2 million.😱…
@WHO WHO was horribly slow in responding to the West Africa #Ebola outbreak that killed >11,000. WHO repeatedly declined to declare an emergency until #Ebola was spreading explosively in 3 countries & 1,000 people died. WHO feared it would "anger the countries & hurt their economies."
@WHO I spent nearly a decade working to develop an effective treatment for #Ebola & other hemorrhagic fever viruses. Deadly outbreaks are becoming MORE frequent and are killing MORE people. #Congo + other affected countries need help NOW‼️

cc @MelissaJPeltier
Read 3 tweets
Jun 1st 2019
I’ve observed Colorado @SenCoryGardner since his election. What I’ve seen has left me dismayed. Rather than building bipartisan bridges to get things done, Cory became a supine Trump yes-man. There are 1000s reasons he shouldn’t be re-elected. Here are 101: #VoteCoryOut #COsen
#1: Even though he was elected by the narrowest of margins in 2014 in a state that has since voted for Hillary in 2016 & a democratic state govt trifecta in 2018, Cory continues to act as if he has a mandate from the white nationalist alt-right. #VoteCoryOut #cosen
#2: Cory Gardner has consistently voted for the extreme Trump agenda. During the 2019-2020 Congress, he’s voted with Trump over 90% of the time. During Trump’s 1st two years, Cory’s voting record was over 95% in line with Trump. #VoteCoryOut #cosen
Read 109 tweets

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