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Apr 14th 2023
💥🔥 🚀¿Opción de "Personas Cerca" de Telegram, obtenidas con facilidad a través de #Bots de #Telegram?

🔥 ¿Es fácil encontrar ID, usuarios y grupos que se encontrarían cerca a una ubicación geográfica?

🔥 Pues relativamente lo es... y aquí hay un ejemplo. #Osint

🧵🧵 Image
1⃣ En la aplicación de Telegram, tiene una opción muy interesante el de "Personas cerca", que sirve para saber quienes se encontrarían a nuestro alrededor (500 a 1000 metros de distancia), pero esta opción SOLO está disponible si activamos nuestra *UBICACIÓN*... 😪😌.

⬇️ Image
2⃣ También existen repositorios #Osint (#Osintgram), que cumple la misma función, pero esta herramienta solo funciona si ingresamos nuestros códigos API, cosa que tampoco queremos ya que, en muchas ocasiones #Telegram me ha *BLOQUEADO*... 😪😌

Fuente:… Image
Read 10 tweets
Mar 23rd 2023
🇷🇺🇺🇦🛰️📸 - Optical satellite imagery has been everywhere since the start of the war.

IMINT analysts use it to understand what's happening on the ground and provide intelligence.

Some of them use a trick: AI.

Here are some key detections made by AI on the conflict.

1/5 🧵⬇️
Hostomel, Ukraine.

AI provided situational awareness on a critical image - spotting the Russian column arriving towards the place and the already messed up hangars.

Detection, classification for vehicles.
Detection, classification, identification for aircraft.

Mazyr, Belarus.

Sudden change and troop movement - arrival of Russian helicopters.

Read 5 tweets
Dec 30th 2022
#OSINT #geoint #Quizz
Yandex Maps permet le suivi des véhicules en mouvement via GPS.
Pourriez-vous reconnaitre à quelles villes sur le continent africain correspondent ces maps numérotées de 1 à 10 ?
Réponse sous la partie 3 ImageImageImageImage
2/3 ImageImageImageImage
3/3 ImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Sep 30th 2022
!!! #Ukrainian #UAarmy forces just letting the world know #Yampil is again totally under control just couple months after letting it go.
Hello #Putin & Putin nut suckers!! , Happy Encirclement Day yall! #UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWar ImageImage
2/ Ru Tg "officials" report that the situation south west of #Kreminna is not fully controlled, and also that #Zarichne is still not under direct attack.

Also reports that the road between #Torske & Kreminna & several positions & convoy are being heavily shelled now. Image
3/ #lymann is done for good.
"Z is dead babe"
Read 11 tweets
Sep 23rd 2022
Tools to increase the efficiency of working with MAPSs in #osint (more exact #geoint)

Quick basic thread

(1/10)🧵 Image
These tools will help you measure the area of individual map sections (in square and polygon form), the radius of circle on the map, the distance between points of complex routes, etc.…

(2/10) 🧵 ImageImage
And these tools will help you quickly compare how the same place looks on dozens of different online maps:
OSM smart menu extension:…

(3/10)🧵 ImageImage
Read 11 tweets
Sep 7th 2022
L'idée de ce tweet m'est venue après un challenge proposé par @meakaaet sur le discord @OsintFr .
Il fallait trouvé la geoloc d'une scène en vidéo.
Objectif de ce thread : Chercher des photos récentes dans une zone géo via Yandex Maps. ImageImageImageImage
2/4 ImageImageImageImage
3/4 ImageImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Aug 1st 2022
Cómo Investigar un número de teléfono con #OSINT
Comparto Tools y Tips para encontrar pistas de quien está detrás de un número...
Qué empiece el hilo 🧵⬇️
Es necesario decir algunas cosas:
1⃣ Centraré en herramientas gratuitas o con versiones trial. Investigar un número con una de botón gordo de $2.000 es fácil.
2⃣ La mayoría será para acceder desde un navegador (incluso del móvil) y for Windows.
3⃣ Usad para fines educativos
Aah, ya me olvidaba:
4⃣ Enfocado en números españoles.
Sí, amigo (que vive o investiga) en el extranjero...podrás adaptar la mayoría de las tools. 😏
Evitaré publicar webs que solo traen datos de EEUU
Read 21 tweets
Jul 21st 2022
🏔️Probably you have seen this breathtaking video of an avalanche. 😲 Everyone survived.

Where was it shot? 📍

Let’s do some #GeoLocation 🌍! 🧵👇 1/…

#Verification 🎥

There are NO street signs, logos, number plates, trees or any other visual indications 🫤... except 🏔️🏔️.

This part of #GEOINT is new to me. 🤫

I used a mountain range only once for a fact check of migrants arriving in the Balearic Islands 👇:… 2/…
🥳Luckily a great TUTORIAL was released by Eyran Millis (@Istihbarat1800L) recently:… (as seen on Week in #OSINT by @Sector035)

With only this pdf-cocument 📄 I decided to give it a try. 3/…
Read 20 tweets
Jul 14th 2022
CCTV cameras in #OSINT

- how to search for cameras (including vulnerable cameras)
- how to save streams from cameras
- how to analyze video

You can search for cameras using Google Custom Search Engine, which brings together the ten largest aggregators of camera streams (Webcamtaxi, Insecam, Geocam etc).

Just enter the city name or address.

🧵🧵🧵 (2/15)
A lot of camera streams can be found by searching on @YouTube. Enter the name of the city/street and add to it:

"live streaming"
"live webcam"
"live hd cam"
"earthcam live."
"walking stream"


🧵🧵🧵 (3/15)
Read 17 tweets
Jul 3rd 2022

New search engine from @dancho_danchev developed especially for #osint specialists!
It has many filters and advanced search operators that can help you analyse the information you find more quickly and effectively.
I will talk more about them in this🧵
It's possible to filter results by filetype, language, domain, author, keywords and protocol (https or http) and also sort by date.

All the filters mentioned in the previous tweet are available not only for searching web pages, but also for searching pictures.

Read 7 tweets
May 4th 2022
How #OSINT works.
On May 1st, a video showing transport of agricultural equipment (see video) appeared.
All sources claimed that Kadyrov's Chechens stolen this equipment and the video was taken during the transport to the Chechnya.
We can see cars doing an escort for the transport.
Due to the fact that I'm not familiar with russian police cars (and with automotive;) I used Yandex image search for reverse image search (@brechtcastel is master here :). You can see the results in attached image. Image
So we know now that this is indeed russian police escort (car: Skoda Octavia).
Next issue is what is transported.
I can recognize:
-2 or 3 tractors John Deere,
-2 seeders and some equipment I can't recognize and spare parts.
Read 9 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
Missed me? After fighting COVID and taking some easter rest, here is a bomb of #DailyOSINT tools and tips, that I would have posted if things were different. #OSINT Thread 🧵 (1/7)
[#DailyOSINT - Day#299] Twitter tools always amazed me and just when I think I have seen it all, another good one appears. Whotwi is a twitter profile analysis tool without the need of a twitter login! #OSINT (2/7)
[#DailyOSINT - Day#300] This website has historical aerials dating back to the 1930's for the US! (by green socks) #OSINT #GEOINT (3/7)
Read 7 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
My first thread:
Around April 18, the video of Ukrainian prisoners of war appeared on social media (see first screenshot).
This was no surprise that geolocation of that object is valuable. (1/11)
Next video appeared a day later (see second screenshot). The surroundings seemed to match the first video. Obviously, due to the fact that barbed wire (first video) and tower (second video) is visible it must be prison or a penal colony. (2/11)
On the same day video showing same facility appeared in RUS media. It gave more clues about the structure of penal colony. (
So how it was geolocated? (3/11)
Read 15 tweets
Apr 17th 2022
I heard you like #OSINT and #GEOINT, try to geolocate this photo. In a Telegram post, Евгений Пригожин, the guy behind Wagner, has been seen in ЛНР
2 minutes before this VK post, Vitaly posted 3 photos with the following description:

« Ничего святого у заражённых «коричневой чумой»: в этой церкви в пос.Верхнеторецкое украинские националисты убили несколько людей.. » Image
Read 13 tweets
Mar 18th 2022
2/5: Post 👇 which mentions heavy fighting, it seems to be in #Mariupol, this is supported by their confirmed presence on post 1 & supported by the #Telegram channel of #Kadyrov which states Mariupol without giving a precise location.(obviously)
3/5: Exact Geolocation/Coordinates in reference to post 1 & below video/ plus image 👇
Coordinates: 47°05'38.7"N 37°38'59.1"E…

Read 5 tweets
Feb 27th 2022
Using OSINT techniques to locate where a Russian Missile/shell hit a residential 9-story building this morning at approx.08:20am (UTC +2) in Bucha, Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine. #Missile #UkraineWar #Kyiv #Bucha #UkraineRussiaWar #ukraine Image
Geolocation/Coordinated: 50.554038, 30.217386
Vokzalna vulytsia, 101, Bucha, Kyivska oblast, Ukraine
Using Yandex Map in 3D.
#Yandex #osint #geoint #ukraine #coordinates #Geolocation #vokzalna Image
Finding the side of the building that was hit was not easy on Yandex as the last update was in 2010. The south side of the building seems to fit the Yandex street view. Stains and markings on the building were compared. Image
Read 4 tweets
Feb 13th 2022
Imagery acquired 12FEB2022 by @capellaspace shows armored formed up at Alchevsk. (again another typo fix, sry.) Image
Welcome to the 'count-the-blob' game. @planet's Planetscope imagery acquired on 13FEB2022. Image
Planet imagery acquired on 11FEB2021 showed that 11 x Su-25SM had relocated to Millervo east of Luhansk. The airbase hosts the 31 IAP which has been converting to the Su-30SM from the MIG-29 since 2015. #geoint Image
Read 15 tweets
Jan 14th 2022
Comment détecter la présence de photos postées sur une zone précise via Google Maps?
Exemple :…
En cliquant sur la flèche ➡️no photo.
En cliquant sur la carte à plusieurs endroits ➡️une photo mais qui ne correspond pas à la zone. ImageImageImageImage
Je ne m'étais jamais intéressé à cette information.
Le plus code ➡️Pour les informations :…
Et pour avoir une visu
Chaque zone et sous zone est délimitée par un jeu de caractères. ImageImageImageImage
Donc concernant ma zone de recherche : 7C3F
Mais je peux encore zoomer pour réduire la surface.
Donc ma zone correspond au code : 7C3FPV.
Je me suis dit et si je récupérai toutes les combinaisons et que je testais sur google
exemple: avec 7C3FPV8M+65 ImageImageImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Dec 17th 2021

Tools, extensions, automation methods.


#google #search #osint Image

Going beyond the "filter bubble"!

Set the language, country, device, and location you want to search from in detail.

Google Search thread🧵#1

#seo #geoint Image…

And here is an analogue of the service mentioned above. It has fewer options for settings (for example, you can't select a city), but you can search in @googlemaps, too

Google Search thread🧵#2 Image
Read 23 tweets
Dec 8th 2021
Today already 464 links on my Worldwide OSINT Tools Map (+28).

In this thread🧵 I will tell you how to use this tool.


#osint #geoint
Note that the map has a built-in search function. You can enter the name of a city or country, find it on the map, and see what checkboxes are next to it (adjust zoom to see more).

Red — services for countries
Blue — regions
Green — cities
White — continents

You can also press Ctrl+F (or Command+F) and search the text table below the main map.


#osint #geoint
Read 11 tweets
Dec 6th 2021
9 basic tools to search, collect and analyze information in the TELEGRAM messenger (500 million users in 2021)

Extremely popular in the countries of the former Soviet Union and Iran.

#osint #socmint #telegram

🧵🧵🧵 thread

Tool based by Google Custom Search Engine.

Search in Telegram, Telegraph, Stickers, Voice Chats, Contacts, Messages, Bots, Videos.…

Telegram #osint 🧵🧵 1/11

Tool based by Yandex Custom Search.

Search by 17 telegram content aggregator sites.…

Telegram #osint 🧵🧵 2/11
Read 18 tweets
Apr 21st 2021
#OSINT quizz: Reverse image search is not always the ultimate solution for #GEOINT

Let's try to solve this one the old way
What can we see?
- We can recognise the road signs, we are in the US.
- The building looks like NYC but it just a wild guess
- The store is in a corner
- We can read the store sign: "Hardware *umber store"
- The store sign is also in Chinese. Maybe chinatown?
Just type "Hardware *umber store" in Google. Ok, the missing letter is an l.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 12th 2021
Ok guys! #OSINT and #GEOINT story time! On a random Facebook group, someone posted a picture of a beautiful house without any information. I decided to do a little training. Goal: find the exact address.

1/? Image
At first, I started to search for "Black Victorian House California" in Google Image. Problem was: MANY results. (California seems to be one of the pillar of Victorian Houses).
So after some time, I decided to first confirm the State.

I focused on specific sections of the picture. Tried to find the type of plants in the front & such... Without luck. The last try was: identify the sign present behind the planks. I do not live in the US so at first, I was thinking about a garden/plant company ads.

3/? Image
Read 12 tweets

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