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Apr 9th 2021
When folks online think women at midcareer are “too much” or “overcompensate”

you are 100% right

=working 3-10x as hard to get 1/2 as far
on display

Tired of experiencing us online?
Try living this way ALL THE TIME
If you don’t recognize it, ask yourself whether your goals and/or identity align with power, privilege, structural inequity

..and in how many domains?

How complex or intersectional is your identity?

Centering on self is the best way to misinterpret the world around you.
If you start by asking yourself questions

you will start to learn to ask others questions, not assume

One version is called “the beginner’s mind” or a child-like curiosity about the world that promotes learning & understanding

Opposite of expert
Read 19 tweets
Feb 2nd 2021
Those of us who affirmed our own agency and power by learning from and with our moms. My mom’s stories are her own but she and I together have unpacked many cultural myths to learn better self compassion, willingness to identify racism, less perfectionism.
💪🏽💪🏻💪🏿 @DrvanTilburg
This is a type of trauma many WOC/POC experience. My mom’s hair is extremely thick, textured. I recall her being very fixated on making sure her own hair & our hair was always incredibly neat.

More recently I’ve come to understand this matches an experience of having black hair.
The so-called “model minority “is taught to align with white culture, to suppress oneself in order to layer under & serve white supremacy.

I have worked to remove internalized racism, colorism, self hate & learned from #blackexcellence on:…
Read 20 tweets
Jan 31st 2021
Keep in mind the phrase “shattering” the glass ceiling is a violent phrase associated with riots or “anti-social” activities. #womeninleadership conferences or books don’t prepare you for reality of how perceived/treated when “smashing” the patriarchy, especially as a WOC.
There are two ways past the barrier: 1-align with/serve patriarchy and have the door opened.
= mere optics of change while perpetuating status quo & structural inequity
2-shatter it the glass ceiling. The latter will cause you to be a threat to the system & leadership
On rare occasions, the person opening the door past the barrier is truly seeking progress at scale rather than tokenizing you.

More often than not, your role when on the other side is to be token and sign off on perpetuation of inequity while providing the right look/optics.
Read 22 tweets
Dec 27th 2020
Nothing captures structural racism better than this as has been put out by many including @QaaliHussein1

Knowledge + Black (+ woman) = scary?! (“intimidating”)

This is the type of implicit bias to racism spectrum communication I had identified this summer as well. #MedTwitter
These dynamics is partly why I have been wary of any subsequent executive roles I have been offered.

I made it past the glass ceiling. In many institutions this is exactly what you will find.

Why many BIPOC go off a #glasscliff

Your job: Be token.…
To be clear, I have the privilege of choosing to be so called “model minority” or to be anti-racist.

Black women and men never get that choice.

Executive incentives and rewards often are to generate revenue for an institution per the existing system, NOT to be a change agent.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 6th 2020
A word to you ladies & femmes who are looking to advance equity:

Highly recommend studying cultures were women have historically held power, to understand use of power

I found this extremely informative, both on power & for my own cultural roots…
A key attribute was that these women were daughters in tribal culture, therefore more trusted than an outsider

That can mean your university or company network, even religious group. For instance, Dr. Birx is evangelical as are current health advisors…
You still have to be qualified.
But final cut: usually “in group” gets in + staying power

“Group” can be defined in various ways. Options for me: #publichealth, #pediatrician, #communityhealth etc.

Know which groups have internal competition & dysfunction (Doctors, Academics)
Read 20 tweets
May 5th 2020
Umbereen S Nehal MD MPH: who is this person? Several people have been asking

A thread

Where am I from? Hooboy.
Let’s say, citizen of the world, human ping pong ball. Third culture kid. Genetic mutt

Born: 🇺🇸
🇵🇰 parents - when my parents born colonial rule, pre-Pakistan
To thoroughly annoy my Twitter bestie, @DrvanTilburg

Am an ENFP - a cross between Snoopy, Robin Willians, Ellen Degeneres, Dr. Seuss, Charles Dickens, Upton Sinclair

I border on ENTP - love new info and love to challenge in order to break through barriers or limitations
My great-grandfather was given title "Khan Bahadur" (brave). As a judge, a brown man under Colonial rule, he threw the book at a British attorney. "Learn the law" if in his courtroom. Hence my stiff moral backbone

My mom & me:

(She loves this song)
Read 52 tweets

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