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Most recents (3)

Dec 15th 2022
OK, it’s on!

To #Ukraine With Love
Essays on #Russia’s War & #Europe’s Future

- is now out on @amazon Paperback and #Kindle

➡️a short(ish) thread of thanks
- & promotion as 📖 raises awareness &💰for 🇺🇦.

(UK order link below
others follow in🧵).…
So what is the book about?

- it collects a lot of my Essays, Interviews, Op-Eds & Analytical Commentaries for media & think tanks from Dec 21 - Dec 22

& adds ➕➕➕…
➡️ a brand new #Longread piece
‘The New Idealism’

- the deepest development of #NeoIdealism so far as an emerging approach to #grandstrategy & #internationalrelations.

- what is Neo-Idealism (& why the name?) & who are the Neo-Idealists.

Read 28 tweets
May 26th 2020
As #Beijing prepares to impose a sweeping #NationalSecurityLaw formally invalidating core #1C2S protections, risks are mounting for #HongKongers & their future.

So I’m standing up a #HongKong #WatchFloor:

Stay tuned for updates!…
The clock is ticking toward an unclear, but clearly worrisome, future for #HongKong.

To shine a spotlight on these critical issues, I’m standing up this virtual #WatchFloor.

I’ll improve & update it to the best of my ability, & welcome suggestions via
As #Beijing prepares to impose a sweeping #NationalSecurityLaw that in effect invalidates core #OneCountryTwoSystems-promised protections, risks are mounting for #HongKongers.

Under assault: some of their most cherished values & freedoms.…

Read 19 tweets
Oct 30th 2019
Honored to publish @WarOnTheRocks!

Make #China Great Again: #Xi’s Truly #GrandStrategy

PRC strategy has broadly-defined arc that US should address w/ strategy of “#CompetitiveCoexistence” to safeguard interests sustainably amid increasing assertiveness.
@WarOnTheRocks With the grandest & most strategic vision of any great power, Xi & his Party have staked their persistence in power on the proposition that they alone can make China great again, in part by achieving hierarchically prioritized national security interests.…
@WarOnTheRocks Realizing this “#ChinaDream,” as #Xi defines it, by 2049 or even earlier requires subordinating #HongKong to Beijing’s unchallenged control, incorporating #Taiwan formally into the PRC, and realizing a variety of disputed #NearSeas sovereignty claims.…
Read 12 tweets

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