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Jul 28th 2022
Today is #WorldHepatitisDay2022! To honor it let's talk about Hepatitis B.

The Hep B vaccine is now given at birth, but starting *this year* all adults <60 are recommended to get it.

I talked to the CDC's former viral hepatitis lead Dr. John Ward to understand why 🧵
First, what is viral hepatitis?

Viral hepatitis comprises a few different infections caused by viruses Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E. While A and E mostly cause acute disease, the others including B often lead to chronic infection.

HepB in particular is a lifelong infection.
HepB is harmful because chronic infection is a leading cause of liver cancer.

In the US, between 1-2 MM people have chronic HepB. Most are unaware. And while it travels through body fluids, it's so infectious that transmission can happen through casual contact. (Dr. Ward ⬇️)
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Jul 27th 2022
.@ProfSharonLewin #AIDS2022 media briefing: As we face the COVID pandemic & ongoing humanitarian crises, we need to refocus attention on the global #HIV/#AIDS response. 1/
Annie Luetkemeyer (@annielue, @UCSF): doxycycline post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is safe & highly effective strategy for reducing sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis) among men who have sex with men (MSM) & transgender women (TGW). 2/
66% reduction in STIs among MSM & TGW taking #HIV #PrEP, 62% reduction among HIV+ MSM & TGW. Analysis of doxycycline resistance & effect on gut microbiome is ongoing. #AIDS2022 3/
Read 11 tweets
Apr 12th 2021
I am attending the annual meeting of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (@CND_tweets), the principal policy-making body of the United Nations in drug-related matters. #CND64 is being held in person in Vienna & virtually. In this thread I will share information & reflections🧵⬇️ 1/ Image
I am privileged to be a member of the Australian Civil Society Committee on United Nations Drug Policy.
The Committee provides input & collaborates with the Australian Government; participates in @CND_tweets; and encourages dialogue with Australian civil society.
#CND64 2/
A small civil society delegation has travelled to Perth (to assist with the challenging 18-hour CET time difference, sessions run 3pm-2am AWST) to participate in #CND64 alongside the Australian-based Government delegation who is working in conjunction with post in Vienna.
Read 52 tweets
Jan 4th 2021
Talk in the UK (& Germany & Denmark) of using just 1 #COVID19 #vaccine dose/person for now, possibly providing boosters months later, is distressing.
A quick thread follows.
1.) @Pfizer has been clear as a bell: 1 dose = 52% protection, 2 doses = 95%
2/ Compare those 52% vs 95% numbers to #measles. After Dose 1 a child is 69% protected against measles, but that jumps to 91% w/2nd dose. Given measles is ultra-contagious (Ro up to 18!) anything <90% is awful.
MORE… and….
3/ In contrast, #hepatitisB vaccine offers up to 93% protection w/1 dose & 97.8% w/2 doses.…
The virus is not very contagious (Ro<1), and not airborne, so a single dose of vaccination may be adequate for people who aren't sexually active.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 16th 2020
I'm now logging into #ISPOREurope live session IP3: The Meaning of Cure – the Search for What? with @NRLatimer, @BettinaRyll, and K. Jack Ishak and Ágnes Benedict from @evideraglobal… Image
Jack Ishak starts by introducing panellists and setting the motivation for this panel: therapies that have raised the potential of cure, given the plateau since in the OS and PFS curves
This raises analytical challenges on how to project the OS and PFS curves over the long term. Mixture cure models have been used. Here, the curve is a weighted average of the survival of cured and uncured, where the weight is prop cured.
#ISPOREurope Image
Read 36 tweets
Nov 9th 2020
"We published the first global report on the burden of #sepsis, and a charter on health worker safety"-@DrTedros #HealthForAll #WHA73

"We’ve drawn new & much-needed attention to #mentalhealth, with new guidelines on stress management & adolescent & mental health, & we hosted the Big Event for Mental Health, a global advocacy event seen by more than 600,000 people"-@DrTedros #WHA73

"On maternal & child health, we’ve published new standards for improving the quality of care for small & sick newborns & provided intensive support for 20 countries to address the indirect impact of #COVID19 on mothers & children"-@DrTedros #HealthForAll
Read 91 tweets
Oct 19th 2020
I am attending the #UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs intersessional

This is the only time #hepatitisC is on the workplan

We must prioritise people who use drugs to achieve our #hepatitis elimination goals

This is my thread 🧵 ⬇️ 1/

#CND2020 #CND63 #SDG3.3 #HepFreeFuture Image
- 11.3 million people inject drugs
- 48.5% #hepatitisC prevalence
- More than half of the 585,000 people whose deaths were drug related were due to #hepC

@UNODC_HIV #CND2020 #CND63 #HepFreeFuture #NoHep

2/ ImageImage
Indigenous peoples experience criminalisation, racism and discrimination

Structural barriers must be overcome to promote engagement and access to health services including harm reduction #hepatitis


#CND2020 #CND63 3/ Image
Read 26 tweets
Aug 3rd 2020

1. Affects your liver
2. Extremely infectious
3. Many show no symptoms
4. Vaccine protects you
5. Can be treated
6. You can live a long, productive life with #HepatitisB infection if you treated.

A thread 🧵

{RT for awareness!} Image
First, #HepatitisB, like other viral hepatitis, loves the #liver.

Once infected, the virus goes straight to your liver, multiplies alarmingly, & tries to evade immune attacks.
In some, immune system clears the virus so they recover. In others, no, so they remain infected. Image
People who remain infected with #hepatitisB over a long period of time may develop liver issues.
Such liver problems may include #fibrosis, #cirrhosis, #livercancer, & #liverfailure.
If not detected & treated on time, the person may die of these complications. Image
Read 17 tweets
May 31st 2020
Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver

Viral hepatitis is popular, strains of it ;
A, B, C, D E.
Let's focus on HEPATITIS B (HBV)

It's vaccine preventable

Can be from mother to child, contact with blood & body fluids(Saliva, menstrual, vaginal & seminal fluid) Image
Exposing events include needle prick, tattooing, piercing, sexual intercourse

5% of adults & 95% of children who get HBV becomes chronically infected 

Vaccine was introduced to Nigeria in 2004

Born before 2004? get tested & vaccinated

What's your Hepatitis B status? Image
Schedule for vaccine among children.

Next I will tweet on what to do if a couple or one partner has Hepatitis B infection especially in pregnancy
#hepatitisB Image
Read 3 tweets
Apr 30th 2020
Our article on the origin and health status of first-generation Africans from the Viceroyalty of New Spain is out now in @CurrentBiology! Here’s the #thread in case you can’t make the complete read:
These African individuals were first noted by @MezaAbigail and colleagues to be not Native Americans and found in a hospital which was dedicated to care exclusively for the indigenous population of the Viceroyalty of the #NewSpain
Here’s a look at the excavation site: (from:…)
Read 10 tweets
Apr 30th 2020
Ensuring children 👦👧 get a birth dose of hepatitis B vaccine 💉 is key to helping them grow into healthy adults 💪 and protecting them from both hepatitis B and hepatitis D virus.

Hepatitis D infection occurs only in people with hepatitis B, and affects 15-20 million people around 🌎🌏🌍

It is important to ensure you and your family are protected through vaccines 💉

Co-infection with #hepatitisD & #hepatitisB is the most severe form of chronic viral hepatitis. It is a major cause of deadly liver diseases ❗️ including liver cancer.

Read 4 tweets

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