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May 21st 2022
🚨 EMERGENCY PLS RT: My dear friend and sister Aasiya @Ecohesian is w/o power needed to live. Without a generator every disabled person who requires power for life sustaining equipment in #ONStorm is at risk. It’s not hyperbole—legislated disability poverty in canada kills. #LNOB
Though to be clear poverty and disability poverty is deadly in a myriad of ways. It’s not always such an acute situation. Poverty is traumatic. #Poverty is violence. #Ableism is deadly. Ableism is traumatic. Ableism is violence. The same can be said of the #ClimateCrisis. #NAUWU
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Mar 31st 2021
People with disabilities are often excluded from #DevelopmentResearch. People with complex/multiple impairments such as #DeafBlindness are often excluded even from development research that focuses on disability. We wanted to challenge that & work with the most marginalised.
A team of @IDS_UK researchers including @B_Rohwerder & I recently undertook a study with the #InclusiveFutures initiative to understand how people with complex/multiple impairments had experienced the #COVID19 pandemic & associated lockdowns…
We undertook narrative interviews in #Nepal & #Bangladesh. 🇳🇵🇧🇩 We found that the pandemic and responses have had devastating and life-changing detrimental effects on people with disabilities from the most marginalised groups.
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