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【牛市加速器——详解 #RWA & 最具潜力的 7 个项目🔥】

花旗银行「区块链下一个十亿用户和万亿价值」报告中指出区块链下一个万亿级别赛道,将是真实世界资产代币化(RWA),预测在私募市场将增长 80 倍以上

🧵本文深度介绍 #RWA 概念及赛道中最有潜力的项目,相信一定会成为牛市中的 #财富密码
1⃣ 什么是 #RWA

RWA 是将真实世界中的资产,如房子、车、收藏品等真实物品,或债券、股票等金融物品,通过区块链技术将其代币化,拥有代币就代表你在现实世界里有这个物品的所有权,你可以用它去贷款、出租、买卖等。

1.1 RWA 最大意义:降低投资门槛并提升资产流动性。

如纽约有一套房子,房价太贵没有人买,房地产商可以通过 RWA,将这个房产的所有权代币化,分成 10,000 份,即允许 10,000 个人同时投资这个房子,房价上涨的收益也由这一万人平分,而拥有代币的人可以转卖,或者通过借贷协议进行贷款。

Read 11 tweets

Một trong những thứ giúp chúng mày x tài khoản nhanh hơn đó là nhờ narrative. Narrative hút dòng tiền và và đẩy giá token bay nhanh hơn.

Sau đây là 17 narrative từ đầu năm đến giờ và có thể là mùa bull tiếp theo.

Thread 🔽 Image
1/ Thread tổng hợp khá nhiều.

Vì thế, chúng mày nên lưu lại để research sâu thêm nhé!

Ok giờ bắt đầu.

🔽🔽🔽 Image
2/ #LSD

Hiện tại đang là mảng DeFi có TVL lớn nhất.

Khá chắc là mảng này tiếp tục tăng trưởng trong các năm tới.

Người stake $ETH và các mạng PoS hưởng lợi từ trend này

Một số dự án hot như $RPL, $LBR, $TENET, $PENDLE, $LDO,... Image
Read 26 tweets
#ACNH—亚数行1:1锚定离岸人民币的数字资产,现已登陆 #everPay
解锁流动性,摆脱 #Web3 内卷,为下一个亿级用户做好准备!👁

🤝与 #everPay:亚数行提供支付通道,支持 #everPay 业务,实时无 #Gas 费⚡。

@Permaswap:亚数行整合 #ACNH 进入 @Permaswap,间接提高资产流动性🌊。 Image
📌1️⃣ 探秘 #ACNH 发行方 —— 亚洲数字银行🔍

👋大家好!#ACNH 是亚洲数字银行发行的数字资产。

亚数行@AsiaDigitalBank致力于将传统银行业务与 #Web3 解决方案相结合,专注于利用区块链技术实现安全便捷的交易。

Read 10 tweets



🧵内容较长,为方便查阅,做成了脑图。记得收藏,别再错过轮动浪潮 !🌊

#Bitcoin Image
1⃣ #Layer2

以太坊 #坎昆升级 预计会在今年 10 月份进行,EIP-4844将令以太坊二层处理速度提高 10 - 100倍,且每笔在 L2 上发生的交易成本将比现在便宜数十倍。

升级将为 #Layer2 催生更多应用场景,大事件推动必然带来大的板块拉升。

⌨️ 这里也为大家放出 #区块链基建 代表项目及分类。

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1.1 Layer2板块币种推荐

💵 $ARB

@arbitrum 二层扩容方案龙头,且作为一个新币,还没打出三浪,很有可能在坎昆升级之前提前打出预期,所以布局的性价比比较高。

💵 $OP

@optimismFND 巨量解锁后基本面的压力会比较小。同样如果坎昆升级带来Layer2 summer的话,OP rollup生态一定会拉升。

Read 25 tweets
This coin generates over 7% yield without you having to do anything.

And it's a stablecoin.

This is why $USDR will grow to be the next major player in the stables market.

(Stay till the end for bonus yield farming opportunities)

👇🧵 Image
Real USD (USDR) is a stablecoin issued by @tangibleDAO

It is:
- natively rebasing
- yield-bearing
- overcollateralized
- backed by tokenized real estate

USDR can be minted 1:1 with DAI or TNGBL (only up to 10% of USDR minted).

USDR was designed to be a good store of value.

Many fiat-backed stables are exposed to the loss of purchasing power in the US dollar.

But USDR combats the effects of inflation with real estate, which has proven itself to be an appreciating asset class 👇

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Read 16 tweets

The survival of #DeFi depends on the integration of Real World Asset (#RWA). 🌎

Let's dive into one of the most significant DEFI protocols that incorporate these RWAs into the blockchain. 🔥

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1- What is @synthetix_io?
2- What are synthetic assets?
3- How does it work?
4- Synthetix utility
5- Synthetix ecosystem
6- Tokenomics
7- Metrics
8- My opinion

1- What is @synthetix_io?
Synthetix is a protocol that enables the issuance of synthetic assets on the blockchain.
These synthetic assets are backed by a real-world asset or another cryptocurrency such as gold or Bitcoin.
2/ Image
Read 30 tweets
Think that your city is going to shit?

Here's how you can trade real estate on-chain, and go long / short on the prices of your city:

Shoutout to @Parcl @ParclLabs @ParclWizard

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Enter @Parcl - a real estate trading platform on @solana.

Parcl allows users to invest in a digital square foot of real estate anywhere in the world.

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With no minimum investment, anyone can long / short indices tracking the median prices of neighborhoods around the globe.

Parcl's mission is to bring real estate to anyone in the world, regardless of background.

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Read 11 tweets
From land to ledger, the $325 Trillion Real Estate market is moving on-chain! How can this technology be used to revolutionize one of the most stable asset classes?

Sit tight, as we navigate through the following projects that are paving way in Real Estate Tokenization 👇🧵 Image
1/ Distributed ledger technologies have been reshaping finance and #RWA Tokenization is one of them. It’s about converting physical assets like real estate into digital tokens, aligning with the fast-paced, interconnected global economy.

But why does it matter? Image
2/ Real Estate Tokenization introduces a whole new operating system that disrupts the traditional methods and unlocks new opportunities:

a) Disintermediation
b) Fractional Ownership
c) Enhanced Liquidity
d) Global Accessibility
Read 19 tweets
Real world assets are coming to crypto, and they're about to change the game.

Here are 3 utility RWA projects that you need to keep eye on 👇🧵 Image
If you haven't already, check out my previous thread on RWA tokenization and its inevitable impact on our world:

Let's jump straight into it

1. Galileo Protocol (@galileoprotocol)

Galileo is a multichain NFT marketplace for tokenized physical assets such as art, luxury goods, and real estate.

It is built on Quant Network (@quant_network), allowing interoperability between chains.

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【6 个币圈财富密码,今年的牛市加速器!】

99.99% 的 memecoin 都会归零,虽然在币圈谈基本面分析很扯,但比起冲土狗我更愿意关注项目。下面是我认为大概率会爆发的六个叙事和 16 个项目,欢迎大家收藏并关注一下这些项目,欢迎评论区里一起讨论。

Not financial advice, #DYOR
#btc #LSD #crypto
1/14 叙事一:LSDfi
近几个月来,流动性质押衍生品 (LSD) 的受欢迎程度暴增,引发了 DeFi 的又一波浪潮。 LSD 是一种新的代币类型,使质押者能够通过释放其质押的加密货币(例如 ETH)的流动性来增加潜在回报。而基于 LSD 所构建的二层生态,势必会成为 DeFi 爱好者们都去参与的叙事。
2/14 相关项目:
• $USH
@unsheth_xyz 最近上线了平衡 LSD 协议之间的去中心化程度的治理系统 • $SD
@staderlabs 上线了 $ETHx,声称可以最大化 ETH 的质押奖励 • $FIS
@StaFi_Protocol• $PENDLE
Read 15 tweets
📣 1. @nasdex_xyz & @galileoprotocol are collaborating to revolutionize the luxury industry. By facilitating effortless cross-selling of tokenized luxury items on both platforms, a world of opportunities will be unlocked.

#nsdx $nsdx #tokenization #rwa Image
2. Galileo Protocol and Nasdex are merging their distinct expertise to enable cross-selling of specific tokenized luxury products on their respective platforms. This partnership is geared towards driving meaningful change and creating opportunities for all.
3. We're proud to work with @galileoprotocol! This collaboration represents a significant step towards a seamless and interconnected luxury experience for the digital age.

Join us to explore the future of luxury, and don't miss out on upcoming updates.
Read 3 tweets
$RIO is a true 100x+ sleeping giant in the #RWA space.

👉 One-stop platform for the trading of all tokenised assets
👉 In-house DEX with deep liquidity to facilitate seamless swaps
👉 Stacked list of industry and strategic partners

You can check out my full deep dive below 👇
Enjoyed this thread!?

1. Follow me @Sykodelic_ for more of these
2. RT the tweet below to share this thread with your audience
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"Have you heard about the incredible success of trend and narrative traders?

These traders are seeing massive returns, with some even managing to 10x or 100x their portfolios.

Want to know their secret?"🧵 Image
After being Led by #LSD #GAMBLEFI #ARBITRUM #RWA

You guys need to know about #DeSci

What do you think about science and scientists in web3 and blockchain?

Well work with me let me tell you more on #Desci
What we will cover in this thread

🧬 What is Science

🧬 What is #DeSci

🧬 What are the benefit of #DeSci

🧬 Why do we need Decentralized Science #DeSci

🧬 Few low cap #DeSci project
Read 23 tweets


首先此处先感谢我们的团队,可能由于我们券商出生,在一些看法上,有一些自己的独特视角,这给我们带来一些帮助。 Image

就像前不久看的这份报告里面描述的:AI是新生产力,Web3是新生产关系,用户数据是新生产资料。 Image


Read 24 tweets
The biggest gains you'll ever make will come from Micro-caps.

Every large project once started off small.

The trick is to find the ones with real value.

Here are my top 5 micro-cap plays with solid fundamentals & #utility, all under $500k.

Plus one under $100k 👀 Image

Even though the biggest gains come from Micro caps, so do the easiest losses.

I have provided this info as so many people DM and ask me, but please DYOR before investing.

I lose money on micro caps often.

Be a responsible ape, sers.

Good luck!
1. @IncVeda $MVEDA

- Blockchain-based medical platform
- Secure ecosystem for sharing data
- Profit sharing with patients on their data
- #Utility token

$190k Mcap.… Image
Read 9 tweets
#RWA #DEFI #Web3


比如合成资产协议 @synthetix_io📷 和引入RWA对DAI支持的 @MakerDAO📷 早已开始了这方面的布局 Image
RWA 的全称是 Real World Assets(真实世界资产),指的就是将真实世界中的任何实物资产数字化,并通过区块链技术将其代币化,从而让其以一种更轻便且无中介的方式来进行确权和流通;数字化美元 USDT、USDC 等产品就是 RWA 赛道的一个重要应用;
Read 16 tweets
Being successful in crypto = finding narratives + an aggressive profit-taking strategy.

Keep it simple- I'll cover upcoming narratives, catalysts and altcoins to keep an eye on in 2023 👀

If you find any value Like/RT for others 🧵👇 Image
1/ $ETH - Shangai upgrade

I don't need to speak about $ETH too much cause we all know how important ETH is.

This is a key player in my portfolio for a good balance.
2/ $LDO - #LSD narrative

lido is providing liquid staking for $ETH. I believe the #LSD narrative will continue to grow throughout 2023 and beyond

Picking $LDO because it's a solid player.
Read 16 tweets
🔹I found a #DeSci medical gem: $MedAI @MedicalAIToken

🔹Market Cap is low at 62$k, however, it bounced slightly from the bottom.

#DeSci #RWA
🔹 More details below 👇 Image
🔹 $MedAI @MedicalAIToken is a revolutionary health platform project that combines the power of AI with the convenience of your mobile device.

🔹 With MedicalAI, you can access personalized health consultations with just one click on Telegram and WhatsApp. Image
🔹 From diagnosing common diseases to providing helpful advice on treatments and lifestyle changes, MedicalAI is your go-to source for all your health-related queries. It can help you better understand your body and make informed decisions about your health. Image
Read 4 tweets
🔹 The past week has been bustling with uptrend waves that attract the crypto market #RWA #pow and most recently #memecoin.

🔹 I'm currently settling down to reflect and analyze to feel what's next.

🔹 And I chose the keyword #DeSci. Let's explore #DeSci and notable projects 👇 Image
Enjoy the following themes:
1️⃣ What is #DeSci?
2️⃣ What are the potentials & related benefits of #DeSci?
3️⃣ Our mission in the #DeSci keyword
4️⃣ Current interesting #DeSci projects
5️⃣ Conclusion
#DeSci #RWA #POW #memecoin Image
1️⃣ What is #DeSci?

🔹 Decentralized science is a web3 movement whose primary goal is to upgrade traditional science and provide a fully-fledged public infrastructure for scientific research, publication, and funding using blockchain, NFTs, and DAOs. Image
Read 10 tweets
📜 一文详解现实世界资产RWA项目分类

现实世界资产通过代币化进入区块链网络,随着 #DeFi 基础设施完善,从现实世界获取资金和收益成为发展趋势

本推将对各种 #RWA 项目进行分类,盘点主要项目的现状与运行机制 ,建议转推、收藏✍️🧵

📌按照现实世界资产的定义,中心化稳定币可能是使用最早、规模最大,但又经常被忽视的一类RWA。截至4月18日,规模最大的四种稳定币及其发行量分别为USDT 810亿、USDC 315亿、BUSD 66.5亿、TUSD 21.4亿。稳定币也已经成为加密市场的基础。 Image

Read 21 tweets
1/10: The #tokenisation of real-world assets is a game-changer in the cryptocurrency industry, and at StrikeX, we're proud to be at the forefront of this exciting trend. #Tokenised #RWA #StrikeX

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2/10: Tokenised #RWAs offer ownership rights to the token holders, providing a digitised replica of the real-world asset. In short, you own the token, you own the real thing. #Tokenised #RWA #StrikeX
3/10: The true value of any token depends on the quality of the asset it's collateralised with. Tokenised RWAs are collateralised by the real-world asset itself, which gives intrinsic value and dramatically improves stability. #Tokenised #RWA #StrikeX
Read 10 tweets

Good Morning

Are you a part of a Real World Asset (#RWA) project? Have you considered tokenization?

Then make sure you read this thread to learn about the different types of tokens available and what it means. #StrikeX #tokenized

❤️&RW Image

Synthetic #RWA tokens

Holders can track real-world asset prices on-chain WITHOUT ownership. Interesting concept! #StrikeX

Tokenised #RWA tokens

To provide ownership rights to the underlying real-world asset, offering voting and dividend payments to holders. It's like owning a digitised replica of the asset! You OWN the token #StrikeX #Ownership
Read 5 tweets
#RWA narrative isn't showing any signs of slowing down.

StrikeX is bringing retail investors the tools they deserve to succeed in the digital markets.

Let’s dive in 🧵 Image
What I will be covering in this thread:

• introduction
• Easy to Use Features
• StrikeX to unify the growing ecosystem of web3 products under POA blockchain
• Tokenization of RWAs
• X-chain
• TradeStrike
• Stock token bridge
• Conclusion
@TradeStrikeBVI is a rapidly growing ecosystem of web3 products that offer innovative solutions to traditional finance problems.

Its native currency, $STRX, is a Binance smart chain crypto that will be utilized across a growing suite of StrikeX products.
Read 18 tweets
Hi Guys,

I just wrote you this thread about #StrikeX. It's a #RWA project & I'm going to tell you why I do believe @TradeStrikeBVI will be in the TOP 10 of #Cryptos.

So read through this thread and you'll have more info about potential of $STRX 🔥🔥🔥

❤️&RT Image
2/25 "Over the last two years here at #StrikeX, we have been methodically laying the foundations for an ecosystem capable of delivering the full potential of tokenised" #RWAs

👉 @TradeStrikeBVI
👉Stock Token Bridge
👉 StrikeXWallet ✅
👉 TradeX ✅
👉 Xchain
👉 $STRX ✅ Image
3/25 Introducing @TradeStrikeBVI - the 24/7 digital marketplace for any asset. TradeStrike is a revolutionary platform that combines the blockchain technology of a #cryptocurrency exchange with the intuitive design of a traditional stock trading platform. #RWA Image
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