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Jun 7th 2023
Premier Rockliff, Tazmania, Australia faces difficult questions:

"Did you lead the charge with former New South Wales Premier Dominic peretet to remove five-day isolation knowing it would lead to an increase in infection re-infection disability and death?"

"Do you think it is responsible to allow the
continued infection & reinfection of
childrn with a novel coronavirus that
is vascular that causes long-term sqlae
brain damage increases in childhood
diabetes & kidney issues along with a
whole range of other compounding
"How can you [.] not confirm that Covid is
airborne [.] & tell people that in order to protect themselves [.] they should wash their hands and take personal responsibility? [.]

There is an area of personal responsibility for all of us it used to be called 'Public Health'."
Read 6 tweets
Apr 27th 2023
SPRING BOOSTERS #MasksInHealthcare

The Spring booster campaign brings together the most vulnerable people for their 6 monthly vaccines - which are known to wane after 5m.

This is a highly vulnerable cohort of patients.

One of our Facebook members shares their story:

1/ Clinically Vulnerable Famil...Oh and she said people who ...It's utterly dystopian as i...
It is incredibly worrying that the staff and volunteers at the centre were not wearing masks, particularly when interacting with vulnerable patients. The failure to follow basic infection prevention and control measures places our most vulnerable community at risk.

Conflicting information provided to the patient about mask-wearing is a concern. Patients should receive clear information about safety protocols where many people are in close contact.

Miscommunication is not only confusing, but it prevents people from making safe choices.

Read 6 tweets
Apr 17th 2023
Clinically Vulnerable Rights ARE Human Rights

Let's talk about how public health measures are impacting human rights, specifically for Clinically Vulnerable people and households.

Masks are a vital protection for those with health conditions. The withdrawal of masks in healthcare is concerning.

Clinically Vulnerable people have lost freedoms and are facing discrimination in: workplaces; schools; court hearings & job centres; without remote options.

'Personal responsibility' can't replace public health. Clinically Vulnerable people are unfairly burdened to protect themselves, while being denied basic rights.

This breaches their rights under Article 14 of the HRA, which guarantees the right to non-discrimination.

Read 18 tweets
Apr 16th 2023
TW: my thread here talks about #Cancer #chemotherapy #Grief #Loss #COVID19 #forgotten500k #ClinicallyVulnerable if any of these topics are painful for you, this might not be a helpful thread to read. 🙏🏼 please sign this petition asking for #MasksInHealthcare
🧵 1/
Two years ago my mum died in hospital from v rare #chemo complications Bcs of covid rules we hadn’t been able to see her during her 3 wk hospital stay apart from briefly in her last 48 hrs on compassionate grounds. We had just come out of the horrific winter20/1 wave
2/Of course I wanted to see my mum prior to that though initially the gravity of her symptoms weren’t known. I WANTED her to be on a ward with restricted visits & mask mandates bcs I appreciated she & other patients on the oncology ward were very vulnerable…
Read 13 tweets
Apr 16th 2023
Do you remember when we all wore masks at the height of the pandemic to protect ourselves and others?

It was a simple way to show our commitment to public health in a powerful act of solidarity.

1/ #MasksInHealthcare Smiles are Contagious!  (Im...
But the fight against Covid is not over.

There are vulnerable individuals who still need to visit healthcare facilities for essential care.

We must ALL continue to protect them by wearing masks in healthcare.

2/ #MasksInHealthcare

Nobody wants to inadvertently infect those who are immunocompromised, elderly, or have chronic health conditions. They deserve our support and care.

Wearing masks in healthcare can help prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses and protect lives.

3/ #MasksInHealthcare Protect our NHS BY protecti...
Read 7 tweets
Feb 8th 2023

The apathy repeatedly demonstrated by govt, certain health leaders & HCPs as our #NHS collapses around us resulting in the normalisation of ‘avoidable death/harm’, is staggering.

I never thought I’d see the day that #FirstDoNoHarm became utterly meaningless!
When we look back at this time & reflect on the thousands of lives that didn’t need to be lost & the millions more that suffered bc of unnecessary bereavement/#LongCovid/#NHS neglect/the end of public health messaging ETC…& wonder how this happened in a civilised society…
….& why we seem to have learnt absolutely nothing from our collective pandemic experience?

Why can’t @DHSCgovuk @NHSEngland see the unacceptable harm done by actively encouraging an individual response to a novel🦠, reinstate a #MasksInHealthcare mandate & upgrade staff😷s?
Read 4 tweets

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