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Jun 3rd 2023
In this thread, we will have fun talking about how a ketogenic diet makes for a healthy brain. And sharing just a small portion of the research that proves I am not making this up! Are you ready? 🧠🧵(1/14)
The ketogenic diet (KD) has been linked to significant neuroprotective effects, with Beta-hydroxybutyrate acid (BHBA) playing a key role in preventing neurodegenerative disorders. I kid you not. Ketogenic diets are no joke when it comes to having a kick-ass brain! (2/14)
Microglial cells play a crucial role in neurodegenerative disorders, but BHBA from the ketogenic diet can help. It promotes an anti-inflammatory microglial phenotype, reduces migration, and modulates cytokine levels. The implications for neuroprotection are off the charts! (3/14)
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Apr 6th 2023
Are you on #pain medications or use #opioids? If so, and you do a ketogenic diet, you may find you are more sensitive to opioids. (1/6)
Now, this was a mouse study. And you are not a mouse. I am aware of that. But I am not surprised by the findings of this study. Why? (3/6)
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Mar 21st 2023
So what's the difference between nutritional psychiatry and metabolic psychiatry?🧵(1/6)
#Metabolicpsychiatry is a subfield that focuses on the assessment and treatment of metabolic dysfunction as a means to improve #mentalhealth. (2/6)
There is a complex but crucial relationship between #metabolic dysfunction, food, and mental health. (3/6)
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Mar 20th 2023
I will be in the audience cheering on @georgiaedemd @IainCampbellPhD @ProfDanielSmith and @ShebaniMD and on what I believe will be a historical moment in the #MetabolicPsychiatry movement.
Save me a chair, @janellison and @bschermd ;)
Let me explain what is going on. This ain't no receptive, open minded low-carb medical conference that these researchers are presenting to.
Their research on bipolar and other serious mental illness is going to be dropped on a bunch of conventionally trained mainstream MDs and researchers.
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Mar 20th 2023
Did you know that a guy named Zoltán Sarnyai, MD, PhD brought his big, beautiful brain to this years' Metabolic Psychiatry Retreat put on by @janellison and @metabolic_mind? He is working hard to bring #metabolicpsychiatry to the masses, so it's time to learn about him! 🧵(1/9)
@janellison @Metabolic_Mind Dr. Zoltán Sarnyai is Professor at James Cook University. He was previously a University Lecturer in the Department of Pharmacology, University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of Pembroke College, where he was Director of Studies for Medicine. (2/9)
@janellison @Metabolic_Mind He trained at McLean Hospital at Harvard Medical School and at The Rockefeller University, supported by the DuPont-Warren Award and a NARSAD Young Investigator Award, respectively. (3/9)
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Mar 19th 2023
Did you know that @MaryPhillips23 was at this years' Metabolic Psychiatry Retreat put on by @janellison and @Metabolic_Mind? 🧵(1/10)
@MaryPhillips23 @janellison @Metabolic_Mind I got to sit next to her! She is lovely and brought so much to the work we did there to help bring the hope of #metabolicpsychiatry to the masses! It's time to learn about Mary Phillips, PhD (2/10)
@MaryPhillips23 @janellison @Metabolic_Mind Dr. Phillips has been a leader in affective neuroscience for over 25 years, bridging cognitive and clinical approaches to mood disorders research. (3/10)
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Mar 18th 2023
I need to make sure you know that Lilianne R. Mujica-Parodi (@MujicaParodi)
was at the Metabolic Psychiatry Retreat put on by @janellison and @metabolic_mind this year! 🧵(1/11)
#metabolicpsychiatry #science
@MujicaParodi @janellison @Metabolic_Mind She made quite an impression on me! My honest-to-goodness thoughts were, "this woman is wicked smart," and "I am so glad she is on our side getting this data!" 😆 (2/11)
@MujicaParodi @janellison @Metabolic_Mind As Director of the Laboratory for Computational Neurodiagnostics (LCNeuro), Lilianne R. Mujica-Parodi leads a multidisciplinary team working at the intersection of human neuroimaging and computational neuroscience. (3/11)
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Mar 17th 2023
I am sure many of you know who @davidludwigmd is, but just in case you are brand spanking new to the low-carb space, I want you to know who he is and that he was at the Metabolic Psychiatry Retreat put on by @janellison and @Metabolic_Mind this year! 🧵(1/8)
@davidludwigmd @janellison @Metabolic_Mind Dr. David S. Ludwig is an endocrinologist and researcher at Boston Children’s Hospital (@BostonChildrens), Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School (@harvardmed), and Professor of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health (@HarvardChanSPH). (2/8)
@davidludwigmd @janellison @Metabolic_Mind @BostonChildrens @harvardmed @HarvardChanSPH For more than 25 years, Dr. Ludwig has studied the effects of dietary composition on metabolism, body weight, and risk for chronic disease – with a special focus on low-glycemic index, low-carbohydrate, and ketogenic diets. (3/8)
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Mar 16th 2023
You may not know who Dr. Carlo Longhiano is, but you will after this thread. I met him at the Metabolic Psychiatry Retreat put on by @janellison and @metabolic_mind this year! 🧵(1/8)
@janellison @Metabolic_Mind Dr. Carlo Longhitano is the Associate Professor of Psychiatry at James Cook University (Australia) and a psychiatrist at North Queensland Forensic MH Services. (2/8)
@janellison @Metabolic_Mind He obtained his MD in 1999 (Italy) before completing his psychiatric residency in Oxford and London (United Kingdom). (3/8)
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Mar 15th 2023
Dr. Eric Kossoff was an excellent addition to the Metabolic Psychiatry Retreat put on by @janellison and @metabolic_mind this year! Let me tell you why this was helpful in paving the way towards #metabolicpsychiatry 🧵(1/8)
@janellison @Metabolic_Mind Dr. Eric Kossoff is a Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. (2/8)
@janellison @Metabolic_Mind He is a pediatric epilepsy specialist and is currently the Medical Director of the Pediatric Ketogenic Diet Center at Johns Hopkins. (3/8)
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Mar 14th 2023
Did you know that Dr. Elena Gross was at this years' Metabolic Psychiatry Retreat hosted by @janellison and @metabolic_mind? I want you to know about some of the people bringing #metabolicpsychiatry to the masses through their work! So it's time to learn about Elena! 🧵(1/7)
@janellison @Metabolic_Mind Dr. Elena Gross has a BSc in Psychology (University of York), an MSc in Neuroscience (University of Oxford), and PhD in Clinical Research (University of Basel). She is the founder and CEO/CSO of KetoSwiss AG. (2/7)
@janellison @Metabolic_Mind Elena used to be a chronic migraine patient, and due to the lack of tolerable and efficacious treatment options, she pursued an MSc in Neuroscience (University of Oxford), where she discovered the key role of metabolism in migraine. (3/7)
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Mar 13th 2023
We were all super excited to see Dr. Mark A Frye at the Metabolic Psychiatry Retreat put on by @janellison and @metabolic_mind this year! Let me tell you why this was a big deal for the future of #metabolicpsychiatry 🧵(1/10)
@janellison @Metabolic_Mind Dr. Mark A. Frye is a Consultant in the Department of Psychiatry & Psychology at Mayo Clinic. (2/10)
@janellison @Metabolic_Mind He is the past Chair of the Department of Psychiatry & Psychology (2010-2020) and is recognized with the distinction of the Stephen and Shelley Jackson Family Professorship in Individualized Medicine. (3/10)
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Mar 13th 2023
The tides are turning, and people are taking charge of their health like never before! With big pharma falling short, we're in a renaissance of exploring all the ways we can feel better. #metabolicpsychiatry #neurotwitter
Ketone body metabolism has shown promising potential for enhancing wellness and ameliorating disease, including mental illness and neurological disorders.
There's so much more to learn about the power of ketone body metabolism, but the growing interest is an amazing sign for the future of healthcare.
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Mar 12th 2023
Mitochondria and ketone bodies play important roles in the regulation of redox potential, and together they can help heal your brain. 🧵(1/12)
Mitochondria are the primary site of energy production within cells, and they play a crucial role in the regulation of redox balance. (2/12)
During energy production, electrons are transferred from electron donors to electron acceptors and can lead to the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). (3/12)
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Mar 11th 2023
Dom was at this year's Metabolic Psychiatry Retreat put on by @janellison and @Metabolic_Mind 🧵 (1/7)
@janellison @Metabolic_Mind I am pretty sure everyone knows who @DominicDAgosti2 is, but just in case you are new to the space, I need you to know the level of brain power in your corner! (2/7)
@janellison @Metabolic_Mind @DominicDAgosti2 Dr. Dominic D’Agostino is a tenured Associate Professor at the University of South Florida (USF) Morsani College of Medicine in the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology. (3/7)
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Mar 9th 2023
Did you know that Iain Campbell, PhD was at this years' Metabolic Psychiatry Retreat put on by @janellison and @Metabolic_Mind? I want you to know about some of the people bringing #metabolicpsychiatry to the masses through their work! So it's time to learn about Iain 🧵(1/8)
@janellison @Metabolic_Mind Iain Campbell is the Baszucki Research Fellow in Metabolic Psychiatry at the University of Edinburgh. (2/8)
@janellison @Metabolic_Mind He is a co-principal investigator and the PPI Lead on a pilot trial of a ketogenic diet for bipolar disorder at The Division of Psychiatry within the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences. (3/8)
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Mar 8th 2023
It's time to make sure you know about @ElisaBrietzke, who attended this year's Metabolic Psychiatry Retreat put on by @janellison and @metabolic_mind. You need to understand the level of brain power going on to bring #metabolicpsychiatry to the masses! 🧵(1/5)
@ElisaBrietzke @janellison @Metabolic_Mind Elisa Brietzke is an Attending Psychiatrist at the Adult Division of Kingston General Hospital. Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Queen's University (2/5)
@ElisaBrietzke @janellison @Metabolic_Mind Elisa is the lead of the International Society of Bipolar Disorders Nutrition and Exercise Task Force (NExT) and a member of the executive committee of the Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT). (3/5)
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Mar 8th 2023
We are discovering exciting things about how therapeutic nutritional ketosis could benefit those living with serious mental illnesses. It's time for a short thread about two main ways this could be happening. 🧵 (1/13)
First is the direct effect of ketones. Scientific studies have shown that people with serious mental illnesses often have trouble using glucose efficiently for fuel. Ketones supply fuel that doesn't depend on insulin or the cell's ability to metabolize glucose. (2/13)
By providing the brain with this alternative fuel source, ketones can help enhance energy production and improve cognitive function in people with serious mental illnesses. (3/13) #lifechanging
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Mar 7th 2023
Hey! I want you all to know that there was a BEYOND AMAZING Metabolic Psychiatry Retreat that just happened in Miami thanks to @janellison and @Metabolic_Mind 🧵(1/5)
@janellison @Metabolic_Mind Follow me if you want to learn more about the people who came. They are all amazing and deserve their own thread! #metabolicpsychiatry (2/5)
@janellison @Metabolic_Mind I got an invitation because they were also celebrating the Metabolic Mind Award 2022 Peeps! I got a beautiful dinner with the others who won and this plaque! Which was so cool! But the really cool part followed! (3/5)
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Mar 3rd 2023
It can be easier to adopt the ketogenic diet as a treatment for mental illness if you're not taking medications. But many other clinicians and I have seen many people taking medications for psychiatric disorders benefit from it. (1/6)
So, as @bschermd says in this video, don't let that hold you back. You just need the clinical support of a cooperative prescriber. (2/6)
@bschermd @Metabolic_Mind wants you to have this information so you can advocate for yourself and find a cooperative prescriber you can work with! (3/6)
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Feb 26th 2023
Mitochondria are essential to our overall health and well-being. In addition to producing energy, they regulate many critical processes in the body. (1/11) #mitochondria #energy #health
Mitochondria play a key role in the production and regulation of neurotransmitters. They also help produce key hormones like cortisol, estrogen, and testosterone. (2/11) #mitochondria #hormones #neurotransmitters #neurotwitter
Mitochondria are involved in epigenetics, which is the expression of #genes from the nucleus. They send signals to the nucleus that turn genes on or off. (3/11) #epigenetics #genes #mitochondria
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Feb 23rd 2023
Mitochondrial impairments can lead to mental illness and neurological disease. It's true! 🧵(1/9) #metabolicpsychiatry #mitochondria
Some believe the root cause of certain types of mental disorders is things like mercury or allergies. (2/9)
it's important to understand that they affect metabolism in specific ways by poisoning mitochondria or affecting regulatory cells. So it still comes back down to mitochondria (3/9) #mentalhealth
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Feb 23rd 2023
Attention healthcare professionals, if you haven't yet explored training in ketogenic dietary therapy for mental illness and neurological disorders, you may be missing out on a groundbreaking approach that is transforming lives. (1/10)
The online training program designed by @KetoPotterRDN @KaniaZupec has seen tremendous success, with several hundred professionals completing the training within the first year. (2/10)
@KetoPotterRDN @KaniaZupec In addition to benefiting those with epilepsy, advanced ketogenic dietary therapy has shown promise in improving the symptoms of a variety of neurological disorders, including migraine headaches, autism, and dementia. (3/10)
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Feb 22nd 2023
Many people with mental health conditions rely on medications to manage their symptoms, but these medications often come with metabolic side effects like weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and sexual side effects. (1/8)
Many people complain of feeling less "bad" but also emotionally flat. As someone who does couples therapy, I can tell you these side effects come into the session with the couple.
There are costs to these side effects. (2/8)
In addition to the financial cost of medications, these side effects can come at a high quality-of-life cost, which is why many people don't stay on them, even when they're helpful. (3/8)
Read 8 tweets

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