Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #jpmorgan

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📈 Se la #recessione sarà dura come si comporterà il nostro amato #bitcoin? 📉

Abbiamo affrontato la questione nell'ultimo #CryptoPub insieme a @AlexOttaBTC 🍻

Qui il link per il Podcast👇…

Vediamo un po' di riflessioni a questo riguardo 🧵🔥
1/ La famiglia reale di Abu Dhabi è pesantemente short sull'azionario USA 🩸

@markets ha riportato la notizia che il fondo della Famiglia Reale è fortemente ribassista nei confronti del mercato USA.…
2/ Anche #JPMorgan avverte i mercati per un imminente tracollo economico 🚨

La verità è che i dati sono ancora estremamente ambigui. Alcuni settori dell'economia USA mostrano segni di resilienza ma l'aggressività delle politiche #FED potrebbe portare a risvolti inattesi. Image
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para el gran momento

#inflación, $GOLD, #Newmont, #Alemania, #Europa, #España, #JPMorgan y @michaeljburry Image
@michaeljburry La zona euro, a pesar de las palabras de Lagarta y NoLey-en, no ha demostrado en marzo ser resistente a la crisis de liquidez, inflación y recesión. Ya fue Alemania la primera en avisar de que su producción estaba cayendo y ahora es la zona euro en general…
@michaeljburry … la que cae al -4.2% en la producción industrial en la comparativa de año tras año. Realmente no sería algo preocupante. Europa destaca o destacó, al menos hasta el 2018 por unos ratios de variación constantes. Lo que preocupa es que los picos y sobre todo valles…
Read 23 tweets
For apologists, #SVB's #bailout was mere prudence: innocent bystanders stood in harm's way - rank-and-file startup employees, elite private school scholarship kids -so regulators improvised measures to make everyone whole without costing the public a dime. What's not to like?

1/ A glass-and-steel, high-tec...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

But that account doesn't hold up to even the most cursory scrutiny. Everything about it is untrue. Take the idea that this wasn't a "bailout" because it was the depositors who got rescued, not the shareholders.

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Tweet mañanero y Cuenta atrás.


Cuando paras el vídeo en el momento
Mientras que los bancos e instituciones financieras arrasan en las compras de bonos de duración corta, el mercado comienza a mostrar signos de incapacidad creciente de atender pagos. De planes de expansión o crecimiento, ni hablar. Eso se llama contracción y es fuerte.
El producto interior bruto de prácticamente todos los países se ha estancado o está disminuyendo. Mientras que mercados como #USA aún mantienen un ratio alto de empleo gracias a un consumo interior impulsado por créditos tipo plástico, otras naciones llenan lentamente…
Read 31 tweets
#JPMorgan : des sacs de cailloux à 1,3 million de dollars ! Les institutions financières seraient-elles indignes de notre confiance ? Le marché des métaux a connu un véritable choc cette semaine. Thread 1/7 ⏬
JP Morgan vient d’annuler neuf contrats de nickel d’une valeur d’environ 1,3 million de dollars, signés au London Metal Exchange. Ces contrats étaient garantis par des sacs de nickel entreposés à Rotterdam. 2/7 ⏬
Mais après une fouille de routine, on a découvert que ces sacs contenaient… des pierres ! Aucune trace de nickel, de la pure monnaie de singe ! La nouvelle a choqué le monde des métaux, car les contrats du LME ne sont généralement jamais remis en question. 3/7 ⏬
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For many #ConstitutionalLaw scholars, last years' #Dobbs decision on #AbortionRights at the #SupremeCourt came as a dismaying shock, because it showed conclusively that #conlaw wasn't a realm of ideologically consistent intellectual foment, but rather, a matter of *politics*. 1/ A kraken strangling a coin-...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
Writing for @CreditSlips, the #FinanceLaw scholar #AdamLevitin admits to feeling a bit of schadenfreude in that moment. The "blue collar" law scholars in "grubby" banking and money fields have always treated the conlaw set as "slightly clueless toffs":… 3/
Read 53 tweets
Herkese günaydın 🤗 öncelikle dün açıklanan makro verilerden bahsedelim.Perakende satışları,ABD'deki perakende satışlarının Şubat 2023'te, piyasa beklentilerine göre %0.3 azalması beklenirken %0.4 düştüğü açıklandı.
Ocak ayında da %3.2 artış yaşanmıştı.En büyük düşüş mobilya mağazalarında (%2.5), yiyecek-içecek hizmetleri sektöründe (%2.2), çeşitli perakende satış noktalarında (%1.8), otomobil ve parça satıcılarında (%1.8)
giyim mağazalarında (%0.8) ve benzin istasyonlarında (%0.6) yaşandı.Bununla birlikte, online perakendecilerde (%1.6), sağlıkta (%0.9), yiyecek-içecek mağazalarında (%0.5%), genel mal mağazalarında (%0.5) ve elektronik ve ev aletlerinde (%0.3) artış görüldü.
Read 35 tweets
🧵This is best understood if you familiarize yourself with the research of @RealGeorgeWebb1 and my past threads. Is there a connection between JP Morgan, BCG, Pfizer, Metabiota and Johnson Controls?
1/7 🧵Johnson Controls provides HVAC, & security equipment for buildings/corporations. In Biolabs, the ventilation is of the utmost importance. It controls the flow of sanitized air & keeps the infectious air from leaking out of the lab.
2/7 🧵@RealGeorgeWebb1 uncovered a NIH contract offering for just that by Johnson Controls in 2017. Webb also found that Project Veritas' Pfizer exposed video of Jordon Walker's boss Shuang Wu had a patent for air controls citing Johnson Controls.
Read 8 tweets
#Biden backs strength of #banking system after collapse of #SVB, #SignatureBank | Mar 13
- When fed auths bailed out depositors in insolvent lenders SVB (NASDAQ:SIVB) and #SignatureBank on Monday,
Joe sought to reassure the public Image
#Ukraine-#BanderasBox opened.
#RAND Co | Jan 25
- There is an urgent need for #resources to flow into the national econ, especially the #banking system. Only European countries bound by #EU and #NATO commitments will be able to provide them
#SVB #SignatureBank #BanderasBox.
#Rand Co | Jan 25
- The key objective is to #divide #EU by placing #UsefulIdiots in political positions in order to stop #Russian #energy supplies from reaching the continent
- The entire #EU #economy will #collapse
Read 38 tweets
Una cronología del 2do colapso bancario más grande en la historia de EEUU. Las redes están a full con publicaciones sobre #SiliconValleyBank, y la historia es difícil de seguir. Acá un hilo 🧵con un poquito de research para intentar entender mejor cómo se llegó a esta situación
El miércoles pasado, Silicon Valley Bank $SIVB tenía $212 billones en activos y una capitalización de mercado de $16bn. 48 horas después, el banco quebró. ¿CÓMO SE LLEGÓ HASTA ESTA SITUACIÓN CRÍTICA?
La raíz del problema empezó en 2021 cuando las firmas, mayoría #startups respaldadas por #venturecapital, recaudaron $330bn (el doble que el año anterior). Todo esto en un mundo en donde sobraba liquidez, con Fed fund rates de 0,25 %, T-Bonds a 10 años al 1% e inflación de 1,4%
Read 21 tweets
Tweet mañanero y bitácora de guerra.

La lista que no debió de salir nunca…
Ya saben. En nuestro artículo dejamos patente que #FTX_Alameda era una empresa dedicada principalmente a lavar dinero en fase de prueba y luego controlar a la Hacienda americana. El apoyo político era demócrata. Vean aquí quienes recibieron su parte del pastel:
Ahora tendrán que devolverlo todo Anda, menuda pena me da. Estoy por enviarles unas mascarillas con un dólar impreso, para que al menos tengan un poco de oxígeno de urgencia.
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#JPMorgan #CVC #SerieA #DisdettaDaznSky Anche se é ancora presto per parlare di SL, vogliamo precisare alcune cose. Da pochi giorni é uscita la notizia che JPMorgan si é offerta di finanziare la media company che gestirebbe i diritti TV della Serie A. Ma cosa vuol dire?
Partiamo dal fondo CVC. Il fondo CVC (che ha già chiuso l'accordo con La Liga) ha messo una clausola nel contratto che vieta esplicitamente alle squadre di prendere parte alla Superlega (o altre competizioni simili).
Quando stava trattando con La Liga aveva anche provato ad entrare nella Serie A alle stesse condizioni. Ma questo i club lo hanno impedito (non solo la Juventus perchè, come visto in Spagna, uno o due club non pesano nella decisione finale).
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Here goes my attempt at being a threadoooor for @cheqd_io (ticker: $cheq). A 🧵

So what is #cheqd and why should it excite you?
It's become a commonly known truth that in the age of Web2 - WE are the product. Our data is held by companies the companies we interact with online, ostensibly for KYC purposes.

It's expensive to hold and keep secure and makes for crappy UX for users.
This data is often misused, sold or simply lost by the companies holding it, creating huge issues for users

Laughing man explains the struggles here:

Read 16 tweets
2023 will be the year of layoffs…
20/1/2023 - #Google's parent #Alphabet to lay off 12,000
18/1/2023 - #Microsoft is laying off 10,000 employees

#layoffs #layoffs2023
Read 64 tweets
1/21 Let's talk about $WE. Last month @SeekingAlpha reported that WeWork could declare bankruptcy in 2023. They have a $ problem.…
2/21 Their analysis of WeWork's failed business model is spot on.

"The problem for $WE is the margin between what they pay and what they receive from their #customers has not been enough to cover the very large administrative/marketing/advertising #expenses." Image
3/21 Their story is wild. WeWork was founded in 2010. By 2014, it "the fastest-growing lessee of new #office space in New York" and was on track to become "the fastest-growing lessee [lessor] of new space in America."
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#Epstein, Biden et les #Twitterfiles: accrochez-vous.
La #procureure générale des îles Vierges, Denise George accuse ce 27/12 la banque #JPMorgan d'avoir "facilité, soutenu et caché" le réseau de trafic humain d'Epstein, dans un procès de 30 pages.… suite⏬
L'accusation? Avoir ignoré les preuves de trafic humain depuis +de 10ans, en échange de deals & clients promis par #Epstein. Des décisions approuvées par des seniors au plus haut niveau JPMorgan. Les victimes accusaient aussi la banque de complicité. Mais coup de théâtre: suite⏬
Figurez-vous que ce même 27 décembre, Joe #Biden annonce partir prendre des "vacances" aux îles Vierges. Et 4 jours après, la procureur générale qui avait déposé le procès contre JPMorgan vient de perdre son job.… suite⏬
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Day -12 on #JPMorgan SQL Questions Series

Q12) Write a query that outputs the name of each credit card and the difference in issued amount between the month with the most cards issued, and the least cards issued. Order the results according to the biggest difference.
🫡Thankyou Shri @NickSinghTechSir For Creating Such a Great Platform
@DataLemurHQ For SQL & Data Science Learners

🖍️Code Snippet :
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Ever wondered how do World’s biggest investment banks gain and spend their money?

Steal this data!!

- JP Morgan
- Goldman Sachs
- Wells Fargo
- Bank of America

📊 Check out these 5 Dynamic Charts of Banking Stocks:
🔸 JP Morgan – Has the highest net profit margin at 40% compared to the other banks in the slides Image
🔸 Goldman Sachs – Biggest revenue streams are from market making ($15.4 Billion) and investment banking fee ($14.2 Billion) Image
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A sad irony that peak fiat would be #FTX - a "crypto" exchange. Fiat shills at #NYT say "it is just like #JPMorgan" in showing the need for a central bank. Close miss: It is just like JPM a moral hazard of centralized money production, regulation, lobbying, and other collusion.
FTX's event "Crypto Bahamas" in April gave it all away when speaker Bill Clinton concluded that "crypto is obviously serious." I'd rather be the jester calling out the naked king than courting the "serious" people in finance and politics.
How odd that the jesters are considered "toxic". Nothing is more toxic than this typically decadent combination of shills, crooks, careerists, and journalists, virtue-signaling on how they'd solve all the world's problems.
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@boblautenbach @Alan_L_Lovejoy @Ryu_Zoku Yes Chris Lattner is very interesting, been following his #LLVM and #SWIFT work.

@boblautenbach @Alan_L_Lovejoy @Ryu_Zoku Actually #ZokuTalk adopts the portion of SWIFT #EBNF for #Unicode as they seems have done good job on that, as well as parts of the EBNF for numerics such as "1_234.00" to expand privative data types entry.

@boblautenbach @Alan_L_Lovejoy @Ryu_Zoku Borrowing C & Assembly data types: 0b0011, 0xFF, keeping 16r0A, plus many others.

Actually the numeric formats are one of more complicated part of the #EBNF of #ZokuTalk and the only non-#MOBS (#Messages #Objects #Block #Syntax) part of the evolved syntax.

Read 10 tweets
Today is the #JPMorgan July roll. Here is the current structure:
2/x This matters to you and I because there will be a structure change of some magnitude appearing in the SPX PM-settled complex at the end of October. While this is some distance away in time, as we navigate those strikes, we may feel the pressure.
3/ x Best guestimate of the new strikes are as follows:
Short 3260P
Long 3870P
Short 4325C
This will be for no-cost.
Each contract will provide approximately $60,000 of downside protection, and we expect at least 13,000 contracts to be opened for October.
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While the pictures from the #WebbSpace Telescope have transfixed everyone with an interest in outer space, back on planet earth, investors are fixated on #recession. We looked at the history of recessions and found some interesting facts. Here’s the lowdown: 1/7
There have been 12 official recessions. On an average, they happen about every 6.5 years. The average period of #recession lasts about 10 months. But the ones in 1973, 1981, & 2007 lasted for well over a year. 2/7
Before the #pandemic, the deepest recessions that saw #GDP decline by more than 3%, started in 1957 (tightening of monetary policy), 1973 (stagflation, oil embargo) and 2007 (global financial crisis). 3/7
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Ce 11 juillet, @EmmanuelMacron déroule le tapis rouge au Château de @Versailles aux PDG des
➡️pollueurs : #ArcelorMittal #BASF #CocaCola
➡️évadés fiscaux : #JPMorgan #MorganStanley
➡️profiteurs : #Accenture

Au nom de l'emploi et de l'attractivité du pays

A écouter l'exécutif, il faudrait sauter au plafond pour les 6,7 Mds € d'investissements et 4 000 emplois annoncés. Sauf que
➡️ plusieurs projets ont déjà été annoncés en janvier (Mars x3, Merck etc)
➡️ jamais n'est indiqué combien d'argent public a été donné

Sans doute faut-il aussi se souvenir que
- #Amadeus, qui annonce 800 emplois, en a supprimé 1800 en France en 2020
- #FedEx, qui annonce 1000 emplois à Roissy, a annoncé en supprimer entre 5 500 et 6 300 en Europe en janvier 2021

Un commentaire @CBeaune ? #ChooseFrance
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