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Most recents (21)

May 21st 2023
Weight gain before 30 increases the risk of fatal prostate #Cancer

1. Prostate cancer is the second commonest cancer among men (after lung cancer). Advancing age, positive family history & several genetic markers are non-modifiable risk factors of prostate cancer.
2. A recent study looked at the association between weight gain and risk of developing prostate cancer among 258,477 men aged 17 to 60.
#weightgain #prostatecancer
3. Overall, men who gained a little over 1 pound per year (1.10 pounds) had, compared with those with stable weight, a 10% increased risk of getting aggressive prostate cancer later in life, and a 29% increased risk of dying from it.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
Strange meeting with oncologist today. After three months of Private Health appointments ending with a #prostatecancer diagnosis I changed course to be treated in the public health system.

Suddenly this private appointment is Bulk Billed.
They wanted to know how it was going in the Public system. At least thats what the guy who made the appointment said. But the oncologist pretended to not know I was under treatment. It was weird.

It made little difference to me, I was there for another reason.
I was there to tell them about the massive holes in their treatment approach so that maybe other blokes can have a little less distress during this deeply troubling episode.
Read 21 tweets
Feb 23rd 2023
Can resistance training counteract the adverse effects of androgen deprivation therapy?

A thread 🧵👇

#resistancetraining #prostatecancer #ADT
Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. An effective treatment is androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), which lowers testosterone levels to castration levels. However, such low testosterone levels tend to result in a loss of muscle mass and strength.

Our study investigated the effect of resistance training with or without protein supplementation on muscle mass and strength in prostate cancer patients undergoing ADT.

Read 9 tweets
Oct 14th 2022
@TumorBoardTues @DrRanaMcKay @MPishvaian @ParamMD @antonyruggeri @minaseconomides @EricaMarieRomn1 @ProstateUK @PCFnews @ZEROCancer 2/4 #TumorBoardTuesday
Thurs Case🎀

#prostatecancer & DNA damage repair mutations
✅Send NGS (somatic & germline) in mCRPC
✅PARPi ⬆️effective w biallelic loss
✅Key SEs= ⬇️🩸&🤢

📚We captured @DrRanaMcKay’s discussion in this moment:…
@TumorBoardTues @DrRanaMcKay @MPishvaian @ParamMD @antonyruggeri @minaseconomides @EricaMarieRomn1 @ProstateUK @PCFnews @ZEROCancer 3/4 #TumorBoardTuesday
Thursday Case🎀

📷 TBT in an image:
Take a look at a (simplified) guide to management of metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) and PARPi data in DDR mutated disease.

Don’t forget about PARPi side effect mgmt either! Image
@TumorBoardTues @DrRanaMcKay @MPishvaian @ParamMD @antonyruggeri @minaseconomides @EricaMarieRomn1 @ProstateUK @PCFnews @ZEROCancer @esinghimd @jacobadashek 4/4 #TumorBoardTuesday

Thursday Case🎀

🙏 Germline NGS is 🔑 in mCRPC
🤔 Earlier PARPi (ARSI + PARPi for BRCAm) in the future?

➡️Please be sure to join us on 10/18/22 when @drteplinsky discusses key considerations in
early-stage HER2+ breast cancer! #BC
Read 3 tweets
Oct 12th 2022
@TumorBoardTues 1/13 #TumorBoardTuesday #ProstateCancer #OncTwitter
👉55 yo♂️dxed with localized prostate Ca
⬆️Elevated PSA🟰8.0 ng/mL
🩺Abnormal DRE w/ T2 disease
👨👩👧👦Family Hx
👩🦳Mother w/ ovarian Ca
👨🦳Paternal uncle w/ prostate Ca
👨🦳Father w/ heart dz
➡️Two brothers - no cancer
@TumorBoardTues Would you order germline testing for this patient?
@TumorBoardTues #TumorBoardTuesday
🔪Underwent radical prostatectomy
🔬pT3a with extracapsular extension, confirmed Gleason 4+5=9
➡️Post-operative PSA is undetectable then starts to rise
☢️Salvage radiation therapy with 6 months of CAB initiated
Read 6 tweets
Jul 20th 2022
Here’s our @Nature paper on v deep whole-genome sequencing of serial ctDNA and met tissue. @cherberts1, Matti, Joonatan et al applied new methods to give fascinating insight into temporal #ProstateCancer clonal complexity and evolution of resistance. 1/7… Image
ctDNA is a composite of distinct cancer populations, with small contributions to total ctDNA from each metastasis. Intra-patient clones are typically similar but can exhibit startling differences in key features such as whole-genome doubling status or mutational signatures. 2/7 ImageImage
ctDNA populations are in dramatic flux over time, with treatment causing expansions of populations with unique genetic profiles. In prostate cancer this means constant selection for new clones that have increasingly aggressive AR gene alterations. 3/7 Image
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Jun 2nd 2022
Thread about my article on CNBSS and why it still influences guidelines……
The Canadian National Breast Screening Studies were two mammo RCTs initiated in the early 1980s. Heavily criticized from the start, patient recruitment and randomization mishandled. This showed in the results as it was outlier of all the Mammo RCTs. Massive imbalances were seen.
So why do these studies continue to influence guidelines? Shouldn’t the stats experts who write guidelines pay attention to this stuff? There are now whistleblowers who gave direct accounts of the poor randomization, but why were they needed when the stats told the story?
Read 21 tweets
Sep 19th 2021
Excited to share the latests results from the STAMPEDE clinical trial: abiraterone plus prednisolone with or without enza added to ADT compared to ADT alone in high risk nonmetastatic #prostatecancer patients #ESMO21
None of this would be possible without all the patients, supported by their family/friends, all the site staff involved in the trial, our pharma partners @AstellasEurope @JanssenUK, our funders @The_MRC @CR_UK, and the efforts of the whole team @MRCCTU #ESMO21
More details on the study design enabling this comaprison, including our amendment to the reporting plan… #ESMO21
Read 6 tweets
Sep 15th 2021
PRIMARY: is Ga PSMA PET useful beyond mpMRI for diagnosis of #ProstateCancer?

MRI -> MRI+PSMA: avoid 22 unnecessary biopsies but add 17 false+, so only really spare 5/291 men by adding PSMA.

🧵1/ Image
Really great study by @drlouiseemmett is worth a close read.


PRIMARY eligibility criteria: pts needed a biopsy *after* MRI already interpreted.

If PI-RADS 2, had high clinical suspicion.

No PI-RADS 1 included.

Not all comers. Study objective to look at *adding* PSMA to MRI.

Read 9 tweets
May 15th 2021
Hysteroscopy: excellent treatment when done with respect & compassion for patient, without financial and convenience issues & outdated attitudes to women getting in the way. A thread:

#Anaesthetics have been available since the century before last.

Men are given local or general anaesthetic for #prostatecancer biopsies as a matter of course.

So why do women continue to be subjected to #gynaecological torture? Misogyny in action?
Hysteroscopy is SURGERY - anaesthesia, relaxation and pain management should be the norm, not the exception.

And as it's surgery, involving cutting and blood, doing it in an office with patient & #gynaecologist in their outdoor clothes is a hygiene disaster waiting to happen.
Read 16 tweets
Feb 23rd 2021
The next 48hr #ProstateJC starts Feb 25 @ 10am ET!

We will be discussing the association between BRCA2 alterations and intraductal and cribriform histologies in #ProstateCancer.

@Ecastromarcos @LotanLab @EAntonarakis @Dolmos77
@ColinCPritchard @quimmateo… ImageImageImage
Our next 48hr #ProstateJC starts NOW!

We will be discussing the association between BRCA2 alterations & intraductal & cribriform histologies in #ProstateCancer. Please join!

@Ecastromarcos @LotanLab @EAntonarakis @Dolmos77
@ColinCPritchard @quimmateo…
What are intraductal and cribriform #ProstateCancer histologies? #prostatejc
Read 7 tweets
Oct 6th 2020
I’m delighted to share the latest publication from the NCI GU Malignancies Center of Excellence, “Sequential prostate MRI in high-risk prostate cancer treated with neoadjuvant enzalutamide is predictive of therapeutic response” published today in @CCR_AACR…
Although most patients diagnosed with higher risk prostate cancer receive surgery or radiation a newer approach is to treat up-front with targeted therapy. We can determine how well the therapy worked by comparing the amount of tumor before treatment to the amount after treatment
Read 10 tweets
Sep 20th 2020
Folks! We return for #HOTrainees with the exciting #Day2 @myESMO #ESMO20 and some more #practice relevant studies in #breastcancer #ProstateCancer #lungcancer #GI, so sit back, relax and lets go through some data (#HO #trainee-style!) Shout out to @peters_solange @OncoAlert
1. #BreastCancer: We have #monarchE and #IMPassion031 hoping to hear from experts @ErikaHamilton9 @NicoleKuderer @DrSGraff @matteolambe @tmprowell @GeorgeSledge51 @VukovicPetra for more insights- please link to your discussions here for #trainees:
1. A) #monarchE: use of #abemiciclib in HR+, HER2-,high risk #EBC in addition to endocrine therapy.
Current #SOC: adjuvant ET (5-10 years)
#monarchE: #Abemaciclib + ET iDFS HR 0.747, here's a great summary by @ErikaHamilton9 for @OncoAlert :
Read 11 tweets
Sep 8th 2020
September is Prostate cancer awareness month.

Here is a 🧵 on #ProstateCancer

Prostate cancer(Pca) is the second most common cancer in men world wide & the commonest cause of cancer related 💀 in 🇳🇬 men above 50yrs of age. /1
#prostatecancer vary 4m a slowly growing, indolent tumor to an aggressive, rapidly growing tumor that ultimately results in death. The major problem wh Pca care is knowing which tumor requires aggressive treatment. /2
Known risk factors #prostatecancer
1. Age: Pca is uncommon in <50yrs
2. Ethnicity: Being black is a major risk factor for aggressive Pca with poorer outcome
3. Family history: risk is higher wh a +ve fmly history of Pca, breast or ovarian cancer /3
Read 7 tweets
Sep 1st 2020
(1/13) Please RT: our first #tweetorial!

Here's a 🧵on our new paper which is also my 1st time being (joint) last author✍️

Congrats to all, especially superstar med student @LuszczakSabina!

#AcademicTwitter @AcademicChatter @OpenAcademics #womeninSTEM…
(2/13) In #prostatecancer cell lines & human tissue, co-targeting #PIM & #PI3K #kinases seems promising!

We reckon ~20% of prostate cancer patients could benefit from this approach in future & these tend to be the sicker patients.

Scroll for #science!…
(3/13) Fig1a:

From publicly available data we see that some patients overexpress either the #PIM pathway, the #PI3K pathway, or both. Each of these targets have inhibitors in development, that could theoretically be of benefit to any of these patient groups when combined 🤞
Read 13 tweets
Aug 6th 2020
Abiraterone 💊 is an oral antiandrogen approved for metastatic hormone sensitive and castrate resistant prostate cancer

Why does abieraterone have to be coadministered with prednisone? 🤔 What if a patient wishes to avoid steroid therapy? 🤯

#oncopharm #pharmpearl
Abiraterone is a CYP17 inhibitor that suppresses downstream non-gonadal androgen synthesis
As a consequence➡️ reflex↗️↗️ ACTH production leads to excess in mineralocorticoids

Early trials WITHOUT pred▶️pts developed severe hypertension, hypokalemia and edema 2/2 ↗️ aldosterone Image
To suppress the reflex activation of the HPA axis & diminish symptoms of mineralocorticoid excess▶️coadministration with prednisone is required

If a pt is reluctant to taking long term pred▶️try Epleronone ✅ Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist- blocks🛑 aldosterone!
Read 4 tweets
Nov 17th 2019
Mega #prostatecancer thread ahead. Please read if this is about you and re-tweet as wide as you can to help men who may be just starting out on this frightening and unsettling journey.
I’ve lived with #prostatecancer for a little under 6 months and now, 3 weeks post-surgery, I want to share some insights that might help you if / when you embark on your own journey.
The first thing I want to say is this will not happen to every, single man - it may never happen to you. But #prostatecancer is a statistically significant killer of men so you need to take the threat seriously.
Read 38 tweets
Sep 27th 2019
Thread: Top 20+ things that will change your clinical practice this year @dominof. 1/x #AAFPFMX
Follow parents up for more than six weeks screen for heart failure and depression postpartum #AAFPFMX 2
Less than 60 min of screen time for kids #AAFPFMX 3
Read 33 tweets
Dec 12th 2018
In our @JCO_ASCO piece out today, @VPplenarysesh and I argue that recent drug approvals based on metastasis-free survival (MFS) in #ProstateCancer illustrate the trade-off between speed and certainty in cancer drug approvals. Long thread to follow...…
Good treatments have dramatically improved life expectancy for patients with advanced #ProstateCancer. This is a good thing. But as life expectancy has increased, overall survival becomes a difficult endpoint to achieve in clinical trials, requiring lots of patients, time, & $$$
Hence the need for a surrogate endpoint like MFS. Two drugs - apalutamide and enzalutamide - just received @US_FDA approval for non-metastatic castrate-resistant #ProstateCancer (nmCRPC) based on MFS improvement. MFS will likely be a std endpoint in future prostate cancer trials
Read 12 tweets
Apr 3rd 2018
I've been lucky to grow up academically around many #prostatecancer scientific 'big machers' & helped with early cancer genomic maps over the last 5+ years, e.g.:
1) (@Chris_Barbieri1)
3)… (@NCIgenomics)
About two years ago, @stephanie_mul tallied the whole exome data we had & mapped it against theoretical power calculations @gaddyg set forth for discovering significant cancer genes in any cancer type (see:
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Mar 2nd 2018
A twitter explainer on our latest study, Inherited DNA Repair Defects in Colorectal Cancer – congrats @s_aldubayan @MattYurgelun @SapnaSyngal et al! @DanaFarber @broadinstitute @DamonRunyon @AJHGNews
There’s an established heritability for colorectal cancer hovering around 30%, though only roughly 5-10% is explained by known syndromes involving genes like APC, MSH2, and PTEN, among others – the rest is so-called “missing heritability”
In addition, traditional clinical measures like family history have not thus far been closely related to the identification of bona fide pathogenic mutations, so new studies are needed looking at a broader patient population to understand the patterns of these mutations
Read 10 tweets

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