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Aug 2nd 2022
‼️⚡️ Declaração oficial do Ministério das Relações Exteriores da Rússia sobre a visita da Presidente da Câmara dos EUA, Pelosi, a Taiwan.

Em 2 de agosto, a Presidente da Câmara dos Deputados dos EUA, Nancy Pelosi, chegou a Taiwan.
Consideramos sua visita uma clara provocação, como parte do espírito da política agressiva dos EUA, de contenção abrangente da China.

Acreditamos que as relações entre os lados do Estreito de Taiwan são um assunto puramente interno da China.
China tem o direito de tomar as medidas necessárias para defender sua soberania e integridade territorial na questão de Taiwan.
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Mar 26th 2022
Political ideology courses in Chinese schools require teachers to teach students that "Ukraine was invaded by Russia because of political corruption in Ukraine, the killing of people by Nazism,

#大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
and the Western country continue helping Ukraine to fight with Russia. Putin had been forced to fight to protect Russia to exist."

#奶茶同萌 #大翻译运动 #Ukraine️ #RussiaUkraineWar #RussiaChina




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Mar 11th 2022
In my first collaboration with talented @WendyZhou502 for @TheAtlantic we argue that #China primarily sees the #RussiaUkraine conflict through the prism of the #UnitedStates and more broadly of the #West. 1/11…
We analyze #China's debates about #UkraineWar on #weibo, official statements and in selective media, and find that #ProRussia leaning is rooted in anti #Western sentiments. The key protagonist in many of these posts is not #Russia or #Ukraine, but #US and #NATO. 2/11
#NATO and the #US are portrayed as the source of the conflict, #Russia (and #Europe) as trapped by the #US, and #Ukraine as a powerless proxy of great power competition. 3/11
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