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💸 THREAD ALERT: The Dynamics of Sending Eth without Expectation! 🔄

The Real Reason Why People Are Sending/Asking for Eth! 👀
1️⃣ Generosity Unleashed: Sharing the Wealth! 🎁

Sending someone Ethereum (ETH) without expecting anything in return is an act of generosity. It's a way to share the wealth and bring joy to others.

Let's explore the beauty of selfless giving in the world of cryptocurrencies!
2️⃣ No Strings Attached: Freedom in Transactions!🆓

When you send ETH without any expectation of receiving something in return, it's a transaction free from obligations. It reflects the freedom & flexibility inherent in the decentralized nature of crypto.
Read 8 tweets
நம்மில் பலருக்கும் தெரிந்த உயர் பதவிகள் *IAS*, *IPS* பதவி என்று தான் நினைத்து கொண்டு இருக்கிறோம்.
ஆனால், இதே அளவு தகுதி உள்ள மத்திய /மாநில அரசு பணிகளும், தேர்வுகளும் எத்தனை உள்ளது என்பதையும் தெரிந்து கொள்வோம்:- இதைப் பற்றியும் சிந்தியுங்கள்
மாணவச் செல்வங்களே..
1. IAS - Indian Administrative Service
2. IPS - Indian Police Service
3. IFS - Indian Foreign Service
4. IFS - Indian Forest Service
5. IRS - Indian Revenue Service (Income Tax )
6. IRS - Indian Revenue Service ( Customs & Central Excise )
7. IAAS - Indian Audit and Accounts Service
8. ICAS - Indian Civil Accounts Service
9. ICLS - Indian Corporate Law Service
10. IDAS - Indian Defence Accounts Service
11. IDES - Indian Defence Estate Service
12. IIS - Indian Information Service
Read 9 tweets
RE: The 3CX VOIP supply chain attack, vendors have stated that macOS was also targeted - but I couldn't find any specific technical details (yet) 🍎🐛☠️

One vendor stated, "we cannot confirm that the Mac installer is similarly trojanized"

...let's dive in! 1/n 🧵
We'll start with 3CXDesktopApp-18.12.416.dmg
(SHA 1: 3DC840D32CE86CEBF657B17CEF62814646BA8E98)

It contains a *notarized* app ("3CX Desktop") ...meaning Apple checked it for malware "and none was detected" 😜☠️ 2/n
This app is massive - 381mb 🤯
...let's focus on libffmpeg.dylib
found in the App's /Contents/Frameworks/Electron\ Framework.framework/Versions/A/Libraries directory

(SHA 1: 769383fc65d1386dd141c960c9970114547da0c2)

It was submitted to VT today:… 3/n
Read 33 tweets
Es ist einigen hier sicherlich nicht entgangen, dass in einem offenen Brief an die #JungleWorld besonders von mir Texte genannt wurden, die dem Kollektiv hinter dem Brief als #transfeindlich gelten. Ich werde hier nun alle Texte verlinken, auch von anderen. #Servicetweet 🧵
🧵 Ich werde die Texte nicht weiter kommentieren und in der Reihe bringen, wie sie im Brief genannt wurden:
“Sex ohne Körper”, Till Randolf Amelung, 13/21:…

Vorwurf: Verharmlosung von transfeindlicher Gewalt.
🧵“Who done it”, Till Randolf Amelung, 37/22…

Als PDF:…

Vorwurf: Verharmlosung von transfeindlicher Gewalt
Read 14 tweets
Ülkemizde malum elini sallayınca süper başarılı tradera değiyor.

-Ben dün geceye kadar son 3-4 aydır medya maymunluğu oynamaktan doğru dürüst trade yapamıyordum.

Dün gece, işlem yaptım, kazancımın ufak bir kısmını beni takip edenlere RT v.s. bir şeye zorlamadan hediye ettim.
⚠️ Şimdi bu başarılı arkadaşlara bir çağrım var.
Gelin egonuzu bir kenara bırakın ve sizi takip eden insanlara ufak da olsa destek olun.

Şu an bulunduğunuz noktayı yetenekleriniz, sıkı çalışmanıza olduğu kadar bu insanlara da borçlusunuz.
Konuşulan meblağlar sizin için çok büyük olmayabilir fakat Twitter'dan kripto para alıp satıp zengin olma hayali kuran ve sonra elinde avucundakini kaybeden insanlar için önemli bir miktar.

🔸Bu çağrıyı etkili şekilde yapmanın başka yolu yok. Maksadım şov yapmak değil, fayda.
Read 5 tweets
dj heri here.. beep! beep! what can im get mews? im parkings mine barmobile at da #carterslide for an afternoons of #ChillTent funz! get mews floaties an mews waterwings on an joins me in da pool.. da waters fine!😺🫧🍸🍹
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #anipals #PoolParty
dj heri here.. bringin da sounds of summer to da #chilltent this afternoons.. im hopes mew havings an great times.. these are da days!😺💜

dj heri here.. in da summertime.. ch..chcchch.. what an classic! #chilltent 😺💜
Read 21 tweets
While I was interacting with students yesterday, through direct DM, many have asked me regarding economics. It seems like many are scared of economics.

Hence decided to write a thread on economics 🧵🧵

How to approach economics for UPSC ? How to make economics our strength ?
1. Incase you have joined coaching, focus more on economics classes.

You can study Polity, History etc from books. But for economics, classes are important. Classes are important to learn basic concepts of economics.
2. Incase you have not joined any coaching, you can watch Mrunal sir or any other faculty videos on economics. Get your basic concepts like Depreciation, appreciation, Bank rates, BOP, inflation, fiscal policy etc... very clear.

Once you get basics right you become unstoppable.
Read 10 tweets
Thanks to @pidgeo now stuck on a certain period of music so going to make twitter share @LacyMartini 'fetus songs' being played in the office this morning 🤔
#SharingIsCaring #CaitsFetusSongs…
🎶You hold a candle in your heart
You shine the light on hidden parts
You make the whole world want to dance
You bought yourself a second chance 🎶

Cherry Lips
🎶Rhythm is a dancer
It's a soul's companion
You can feel it everywhere
Lift your hands and voices
Free your mind and join us
You can feel it in the air 🎶

Rhythm Is A Dancer

Read 32 tweets
A 🧵 with many resources for applying to *PostDocs* in Astrophysics 👇👇👀 @AcademicChatter What resources do you recommend or did I forget? 😊😊♥️ #SharingIsCaring Photo of an astronomer looking at the night sky, in the cent
First: some "general" resources, that might provide a good overview of the application process (and how to decide whether you want to apply for a postdoc/fellowship):
1) YouTube 📹 presentation on "How to apply for PostDocs (in the USA)"  by David Charbonneau @ExoCharbonneau: and PDF of the slides:…
This was part of our new workshop series @CenterForAstro ♥️
Read 24 tweets
Excellent writeup published by @ESETresearch / @marc_etienne_ on "CloudMensis" 🍎👾

...a new macOS backdoor that "uses cloud storage as its C&C channel and to exfiltrate documents, keystrokes, and screen captures"👀…
Just uploaded samples of CloudMensis to our public Mac Malware Collection! #SharingIsCaring

⚠️Direct download link:… (password: infect3d)
And yes, our free/open-source tools will alert you in multiple proactive ways, even with no a priori knowledge of this new threat! 🔥

▫️Persistence (BlockBlock)
▫️Network Access (LuLu)

...and KnockKnock can show if you're already infected!

Read 3 tweets
👾 New Blog Post: Analyzing OSX.DazzleSpy

Discovered by @ESET, DazzleSpy is a fully-featured cyber-espionage macOS implant, installed via a remote Safari exploit ☠️

The targets?
Pro-democracy supporters in Hong Kong.

Read: Analyzing OSX.DazzleSpy…
@ESET's blog post (written by @marc_etienne_ & @cherepanov74) on DazzleSpy is a must read!

...especially for details on the Safari exploit used to remotely deliver the malware! 🍎🐛…
If you want to play along, we've also uploaded a DazzleSpy sample to our public macOS malware collection. #SharingIsCaring

👾… (pw: infect3d)
Read 4 tweets
Thread. Good morning. Another turbulent day is expected in #Kazakhstan.

Shootout at Republix square in Almaty (Source: Sputnik Kazakhstan)

The military on armored personnel carriers and armored vehicles managed to encircle protestors in Almaty's city centre.

#Kazakhstan #KazakhstanProtests
A large-scale "cleanup" from looters began in Almaty as of this morning.

The military and representatives of law enforcement agencies are taking part in the operation, the Mir 24 TV channel reports.

#Kazakhstan #KazakhstanProtests
Read 107 tweets
The best #SEO threads from 2021.

That's right, here's a thread of threads! 😂

#SharingIsCaring 🙏

10th Feb

@natmiletic lists a top 10 of free #SEO tool recommendations to help crush your competition.

Retweets: 137
Quote Retweets: 10
Likes: 565

15th Feb

@natmiletic discusses learning #SEO as a web developer and what's important for a decent SEO foundation when building a website.

Retweets: 517
Quote Retweets: 17
Likes: 2,892

Read 45 tweets
1/ After having so much fun during my #Pulmonary consults block, I decided to put together some of my favorite reads during this rotation. No specific order, a mix of guidelines, reviews, and trials that I found helpful. #Sharingiscaring
2/ Cavitary Lung Diseases: A Clinical-Radiologic Algorithmic Approach - @journal_CHEST -

An algorithmic approach for the evaluation of cavitary lung disease; full of CT-images, definitions, and important clinical aspects.
3/ High-Resolution CT of the Lung: Patterns of Disease and Differential Diagnoses -

A Bible during my consult rotation, a comprehensive combination of HRCT with pathology of an infinite numerous of lung diseases. Great resource to build differentials.
Read 23 tweets
Adventszeit! Wir werden in den letzten 4 #edupnxchallenge-Wochen für dieses Jahr unter 4 Rubriken Ideen sammeln, die dann als Übersicht auf dem Blog erscheinen. So könnt ihr immer wieder nachschauen und euch informieren.
Die erste Kategorie sind: Tipps & Tricks. 1/3
Was erleichtert euch die Arbeit, verkürzt den Workflow? Es soll um Hilfen und Hinweise gehen, die uns als Lehrende den Alltag besonders bei immer wiederkehrenden Aufgaben erleichtern. Schickt eure Tipps & Tricks als einfache Hinweise oder auch Links zu Blogbeiträgen 2/3
(können auch ältere sein, da ihr ja über sich etablierte Workflows berichtet). Wir freuen uns über jeden Beitrag und sammeln fleißig - auf twitter und hier auf Instagram. Immer her damit, den #sharingiscaring❤️ #edupnx 3/3
Read 3 tweets
✨The Ryan Eggold & Freema Agyeman (aka Goldman aka the Co-captains of the #Sharpwin ship) Thread✨
Pictures from the first table read (of the Pilot) and first cast dinner. #AndSoItBegins

🗓️ March 7 and March 8, 2018 ImageImageImageImage
Ryan recalling the day he met Freema for the first time. #StruckByHer

🗓️ Interview from September 2018 Image
Read 315 tweets
Google uncovered a sophisticated attack that leveraged both iOS & macOS exploits (n-/0-days) to infect Apple users! 👀

Interested in a triage of the macOS implant (named OSX.CDDS), including:
▫️ Installation
▫️ Persistence
▫️ Capabilities

📝 Have a read:…
Of course, we're sharing a sample (as always) + the binaries/modules dropped by the implant 😇 #SharingIsCaring

👾 Download:… (pw: infect3d)
Also be sure to also read:

1️⃣ Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG) authoritative analysis on the attack/exploits:…

2️⃣ @lorenzofb's excellent writeup…

Read 5 tweets
Wer erzählt SuS bitte, dass eine mündliche Note sich ausschließlich durch die Quantität der Wortmeldungen herleitet?!

Ein Thread über Rückmeldung zu Unterrichtsbeiträgen & Co fürs #twlz 1/19
Da die mündliche Mitarbeit und Unterrichtsbeiträge ein höheres Gewicht haben als schriftliche Leistungen, ist es zwingend erforderlich genau über diese Kriterien aufzuklären. Wie o.g. müssen verschiedene Formen differenziert werden. 2/19
In #shedu / #edush ist nicht nur Pflicht, über die Kriterien zur Bewertung von Unterrichtsbeiträgen (Mündl. MA; Hausaufgaben; Arbeitsverhalten etc) aufzuklären und 2xpro HaJa Rückmeldung zu geben. (Wird in anderen BL ähnlich sein, kann aber nur von mir aus sprechen) 3/19
Read 20 tweets


🚨🚨🛑 💥 URGENT!! 72 HOURS NOTICE !💥🛑🚨🚨

✳️ SPOT ✳️ID: #A5436246 ↩️ Click

Subject: 72 Hour rescue notice W/Indemnity waiver Spot A5436246
8m Male blk/wht Border collie 32 lbs. @Downey care center**

Spot A5436246 8m Male blk/wht Border collie 32 lbs.
Owner surrendered 8/16/21 due to land lord

Spot will be made available for Rescue Only with an Indemnity Waiver due to his discomfort with handling and
inability to be safely handled. It is recommended he receive further socialization and confidence building.

QUESTIONS CAN BE ANSWERED 24/7 AT (562) 940-6898

Contact email for urgent rescue inquiries only:
Read 4 tweets
Kalau teman-teman mempertanyakan, apakah makanan bisa menularkan Covid19? Jawabannya makanan sendiri tidak bisa menularkan Covid19 karena makanan masuk ke dalam tubuh melalui mulut, bukan saluran nafas. ~Thread~
BPOM dan WHO sendiri sudah menegaskan bahwa virus corona penyebab Covid19 tidak menular melalui makanan.
Panik? Parno? Takut membeli makanan secara daring? Jangan khawatir. Penularan Covid19 melalui pembungkus makanan sangat mungkin dicegah dengan memperhatikan protokol kesehatan saat proses pembelian dan pengantaran makanan.
Read 10 tweets
Had a moment at shopper’s drug mart last night, a 22 year old child didn’t have the funds for his medication, he was so embarrassed and was almost in tears, went to leave, a woman and I at the same time said we got you, I chased him back, said I have a son your
Age, and we understand, we got you... he came back, was so incredibly embarrassed, it broke my heart, the youth are just not taken care of, the pharmacist could have released the med under his name, price of 2 Starbucks, they wouldn’t, so we did. I said to the
Boy... my son is your age, I know this is hard, we just care, come back, you are worth it. We did not expect a parade, we did not want a hero cookie, we did not want the young man to feel indebted, I just wanted him to have what he needed. He hung his head,
Read 6 tweets
Wow. Das ist mein 10.000. Tweet. 💯x💯

Das hätte ich mir nicht träumen lassen, als ich mich damals bei der #Knowtech dazu habe überreden lassen, diese neue @Twitter-Plattform auch mal auszuprobieren - dabei fing alles so gut an!

Eine #Lernreise in mehreren Akten... (1/n)
Mein 1. Follower war nämlich Dave @snowded Snowden, der in seiner #Knowtech-Keynote einlud, ihm zu folgen. Nach so einem Start wird's schwer, das Niveau kontinuierlich zu steigern. Damals habe ich auch nicht kapiert, wieso ich Beiträge auf 140! Zeichen einschränken sollte 🤔(2/n)
Level 1: So habe ich die nächsten Jahre eher passiv / mitlesend verbracht. Ab & zu vorbei geschaut, selten mal was retweetet (wer erinnert sich noch an "RT" oder "MT"?) und noch seltener was gepostet. Also mittendrin in der 90%-Schublade der 90:9:1-Regel. (3/n)
Read 16 tweets
Thank you to Dr. @RobAnders1 for inviting me to present to Dr. Sarita Verma (@ddsv3) and @TheNOSM at one of their faculty retreats. They asked me to speak about a few things, but I will be tweeting my keynote which focuses on:

The Future of #MedEd*

*As seen by @TChanMD
As many of you know, I am here on Twitter. So I started my talk by inviting the @TheNOSM crew to engage with me online to talk more after my talk. The convo doesn't have to stop when I log off of WebEx...@Twitter is the ultimate #DigitalCorridor for those in #MedEd & #MedTwitter.
My intellectual & financial conflicts of interest pertaining to this talk are:
@PSIFoundation who gave me $ to study #SoMe for Education and Knowledge Translation.

@ALiEMteam honorarium to teach/administer for @ALiEMfac

@McMasterU for their patronge of @MacPFD

Read 45 tweets
Today has been fantastic!
Celebrating black history with @jasleonce @CelinaMfuko and the honour of receiving an EoE regional midwife @WENDYMATTHEWS8 award for improvement and innovation work we have led on to improve outcomes for Black Asian and Minority ethnic women and staff💃🏽
A second generation “paddy immigrant” racial issues have been part of my family culture. I am aware I receive the award as a white ally in a privileged position and of the importance of elevating the black and brown voices of those around me.
I am dedicated to using my leadership position to reduce healthcare inequalities, raise awareness and promote anti-racism. It is also important for me to say I do not get it right all the time I am learning, educating myself and seeking to create space. #doingthework #antiracism
Read 6 tweets

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