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May 22nd 2023
1/9) Humans are naturally social beings, with a tendency to follow the crowd, also known as 'herd mentality'. This psychological phenomenon can unfortunately extend to health practices, such as mask-wearing during the COVID-19 pandemic. #COVID19 #MaskUp
2/9) Following the crowd provides a sense of security and belonging. When a significant number of people neglect mask-wearing, others may feel compelled to do the same, despite the risks, to maintain social cohesion. #COVID19 #HerdMentality
3/9) Misinformation about masks often circulates on social media and can spread quickly, influencing public opinion. This misinformation can discourage people from wearing masks. Always check facts with reliable sources. #FakeNews #COVID19
Read 9 tweets
Mar 11th 2021
1/17 Taking forward the theme of #WorldKidneyDay let’s discuss what it means for “#WOMEN to live well with #kidney disease” 💃
🧵ahead is for anyone who cares about 💃!
@womeninnephro #womenempowerment #WomensDay #WomensHistoryMonth
Q-Do kidney diseases affect women differently?
Women have
⬆️Autoimmune diseases (SLE, RA, Systemic Scleroderma)
In #Women of Color that's 2- 3X commoner, early-onset with⬆️ complications

⬆️UTI due to short urethra
In #Pregnancy ⬆️risk of pyelonephritis and sepsis…
3/17 Pregnancy poses a high risk of #kidney injury due to various etiologies (see pic) which can progress to CKD in the future.
#Preeclampsia is a definite risk factor for #CKD and #ESKD in mother and also for #cardiovascular disease
Read 17 tweets
Jun 14th 2020
A personal story which I would like to share at this time.

I was working as a post doctoral fellow in neurology in a reputed hospital at Trivandrum.
One particular patient came to us from my mother's native place. Very close to our ancestral home, in a village at the outskirts.
Upon finishing the disease related queries, examination and issuing of prescription, I revealed them my native home details.

First question she asked was "ആ തലയ്ക്കു സുഖമില്ലാത്ത സ്ത്രീ താമസിക്കുന്ന വീടല്ലേ" (isnt the same home where a mad lady is staying).
My relative staying their had a mood disorder, with depressive episodes.

It was shocking to realise the insight of society towards a person with mental illness.
Read 6 tweets

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