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Aug 19th 2022
How’s your #mentalhealth today?

Ask yourself and ask a friend. #askthequestion

#disability #mentalhealth #identity

What do you see? 101/1924 790/1924 624/1924 579/1924 ImageImageImageImage
#askthequestion I’ll go first

I’m feeling frustrated to realise that #Twitter shortened a url and I didn’t notice, shared a dead link to my #nftart a few times. Proof: not a #bot!

Feeling anxious about some things next week. Trying not to lose myself.

How about you?
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Offline #answer, shared with permission: #askthequestion

‘I’m #struggling a bit in all honesty. I’m just so #tired all the time and having trouble bouncing back from the whole #heatwave after #heatwave situation’
#disability #identity


101/1924 Image
Read 5 tweets
Mar 30th 2022
My Grandfather Fought for this Country, for his HOME & FAMILY … He knew all of the secrets & all of the truths [they] didn’t want anyone knowing ..
Because he couldn’t speak about those truths to anyone, he left answers within Some of the things he left behind …
Those truths
Haunted him when he was alive, haunted him to the point he drank himself to death. .
He passed away before I was ever born but what he left behind, he knew it would be seen with the eyes it was all meant to be seen with ..

A Fathers Love For His Children KNOWS no Bounds.

Or #FamilyIsEverything ONLY for those ones within this movement who have been “chosen” by the movement & everyone else is the equivalent too the GUM on the bottom of your shoes?

Have A Nice Day, the truth sets the world free.

Yellow, The Y.
Read 10 tweets
Dec 28th 2021
I'm treated as non-disabled until I can't cope any more and then I'm considered to be making a problem, over reacting, being dramatic, then there's misogynistic 'hormonal' 'must be on their period' etc (which hurts in a different way when you're non-binary). 1/
My struggles are usually considered my 'fault' too - I should be taking more rest, doing less around the house, doing fewer things I enjoy (that's a good one!?) but noone is ever there to actually *take* the pressure off. 2/
Even when people are well meaning it always boil down to how much time and effort I'm going to *cost* someone.

That's an awful way to go about in life. Awful and bloody exhausting.

#ActuallyAutistic #ADHD #OCD #Tired #Disabled #DisabilityTwitter
Read 3 tweets
Aug 28th 2021
Didn’t expect this tweet to garner such attention so let’s clear a few things up:

1.) This didn’t occur at UCLA. But no matter where it occurred that doesn’t make it okay, and suggesting the punishment of a single institution for a systemic issue is shortsighted.

2.) I am a large Black man with a Mohawk, earrings, and darker skin than the average Black American. I’m not about to play 21 questions with the police. Suggesting that I do so, or that if I did it would change my predicament…or make it better, is deeply harmful.

3.) I grew up in Georgia, went to college in Alabama, went to med school in Missouri, and now live in LA.

This is not the first time I’ve been pulled over (not even this month) yet somehow I’ve only had two incidences in which I could be cited for a cause.

Read 10 tweets
Aug 28th 2021
Nothing puts the icing on the cake of a long week like getting pulled over in the hospital parking lot, wearing scrubs and your ID badge with your school of medicine plate tag on your car, being asked why you’re driving around the hospital parking lot on a Saturday.

And while you’re all here. If you wanna make my day, donate to this great cause. Because I’m going to continue choosing joy today:
Read 3 tweets
Mar 19th 2021
Flutterwave is now like a big tech in the Nigerian tech space.

Hopefully, you guys will be able to have multiple (even differentiated) products running concurrently, effortlessly.

I repeat, "Give @getBarterApp more Rocketfuel" already!
That app is tooo #Swanky to still be unknown by people yet. It's excessively underrated!

Don't know if it's the marketing aspect or something, but action needs and must be taken!

#whoneedsussd #tech
Read 20 tweets
May 31st 2020
My mother had the “talk” with me when I became a teenager and I unfortunately had to have the talk with my son and daughters as well. Had to explain that they should not do “stupid” things anyway but make no mistake, unlike their white friends, they would not be given a “chance”
To just make a teenage mistake if they were stopped..and worse, they would likely confront a situation where they have done nothing wrong except being the “wrong” color of skin and need to make sure they did their very best to follow rules, commands, no sudden movements, hands
Visible at all times, be extra polite, speak slowly and deliberately, annunciate and even then it might not be enough..they have to know their rights and also know in many situations it won’t do them any good...that they, despite what our Constitution claims,
Read 11 tweets
Apr 20th 2020
Because the MSM knows that much like Hillary and Barack, Kamala has the recipe for sending Trump and the entire @GOP back to the swamp and turning the Dirty “red” South blue for @JoeBiden with #VoteByMail2020. They don’t wanna give us the chance to #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare 🤡
Read 88 tweets

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