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Aug 18th 2020
1/4 Well, look at that. Wikileaks worked for Russia. Roger Stone worked with Russia. Paul Manafort worked with Russia.

#TrumpColluded. Period.ā€¦
2/4 G.O.P.-Led Senate Panel Details Ties Between 2016 Trump Campaign and Russian Interference

A nearly 1,000-page report confirmed the special counselā€™s findings at a moment when President Trumpā€™s allies have sought to undermine that inquiry.ā€¦
3/4 Senate Intelligence Committee Releases Final Report From Russia Investigation

Committee made DOJ referrals about some witnesses it says may have misled Congress; Manafort was ā€˜grave counterintelligence threatā€™ā€¦
Read 90 tweets
Jan 17th 2019
"Unfortunately, Trump didn't reach the level of Abraham Lincoln & didn't drive the US to civil war. That's sad. Hopefully, he'll become Herbert Hoover and at least drive them into a Great Depression."

- Andrey Sidorov
Head of Dept of World Politics
Moscow State University
I think #Putin was holding out hope that his Divider In Chief puppet could lead us into a Civil War. They're a bit disappointed, but now hope that the #TrumpShutdown will destroy the American economy. #Mitch seems to be giving Putin a hand.

As #Putin & #Trump stuff his treason down our throats so that no amount of cognitive dissonance will allow us to pretend that we're still a free country ...

Eventually, we must ...
Read 4 tweets
Aug 22nd 2018

THREAD: Michael Cohen made a previously unreported $50,000 payment to an unknown tech company to help Trump's 2016 campaign.šŸ¤Ø

Was this $50,000 used to make "deniable cash payments" to hackers, as reported in the #SteeleDossierā‰ļø 1/ā€¦
Buried in Cohen's legal documents, prosecutors say Cohen paid $50,000 for work "solicited from a technology company during and in connection with the campaign."šŸ”„

The campaign *never reported* the $50,000 expense, and Cohen was reimbursed by Trump Org.šŸ¤Ø

Both = ILLEGALā€¼ļø2/
WHO the tech company is & WHAT they did are not provided.šŸ¤”

Cohen had bank records for other expenses, but only provided a HANDWRITTEN sum for the $50,000, suggesting that the money may not have been paid out via "traditional" financial channels (meaning: CASH pay-offs).šŸ™„ 3/
Read 9 tweets
Jun 11th 2018
The three people in this picture with Donald Trump have now confessed to colluding with Russia to rig the #Brexit vote.
#FF @carolecadwalla
Latest from @jonathanchait: Britain Has a Russia Collusion Scandal Now. It Looks Exactly Like Trumpā€™s.ā€¦ #TrumpRussia #TrumpColluded #Brexit
Read 4 tweets
Mar 20th 2018
Steve Bannon and the Mercers "invested millions" into a company that "specialized in military intelligence and psychological warfare." Bannon became a Vice President.
"In June 2016, the Trump campaign was flailing... the Mercers... offered Trump a huge cash injection, but they insisted he hire Steve Bannon and their company #CambridgeAnalytica"
.@Channel4News reveals how Trump, Bannon and the Mercers conspired to abuse the post-#CitizensUnited "dark money" electoral system: "Positive messages went through the candidate's official campaign, but the nasty stuff was pushed through outside organizations"
Read 8 tweets
Mar 16th 2018
#TrumpRussia got you down? We get it. How can anyone keep up with ALL that mess?

(cue bad music)

INTRODUCING #TRAITOR CARDS! Now you can traitor with your friends! At home, on the go, never again will you forget whatā€™s his face who betrayed your country.

Collect them all! šŸ‡·šŸ‡ŗ
1) Multiple ties to the mob & Russia. 4+ intelligence agencies confirmed election meddling. Congress passed sanctions. Government has the power to stop cyber attacks. Poison, hacking attempts, & still, Trump does nothing.

#Traitor #TrumpColluded
2) Trump Jr is best known for being an idiot. He once noted at a real estate summit that his family sees a lot of money from Russia. He also set up the infamous meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. He then tweeted out the evidence.

#Traitor #TrumpCrimeFamily
Read 15 tweets
Feb 20th 2018
THREAD: Timeline proves #TrumpColluded
April 26, 2016: George Papadopoulos, whom Trump named as one of his ā€œtop fiveā€ foreign policy advisers, learns that the Russians had possession of the DNC emails. He passes word of this to others in the campaign. No one calls the FBI.
Mid-May: PapaD tells an Australian diplomat in London that the Russians have compromising emails on Clinton. The diplomat properly informs his superiors, who--unlike Trump campaign officials--recognizes his legal responsibilities under American law to notify U.S. authorities.
June 9: At a meeting at Trump Tower previewed for the campaign as ā€œpart of Russia and its governmentā€™s support for Mr. Trump,ā€ Donald Trump Jr. listens as well-connected Russians offer damaging information about Clinton.
Read 26 tweets
Feb 19th 2018
He did. His administration expelled 35 Russians in retaliation; sanctions your incoming national security adviser Mike Flynn apparently tipped off the Russian ambassador not to worry about because a friendly regime was coming to Washington...ā€¦
.@realDonaldTrump and since you raise the question, can we discuss why your party leaders, particularly @SenateMajLdr McConnell, essentially threatened the Obama administration to prevent them revealing the full extent of Russian meddlinf to the public?ā€¦
Why would he do that? And since youā€™ve brought it up, @realDonaldTrump why did @GOPLeader and @SpeakerRyan admit privately they thought Russia was paying you?ā€¦
Read 7 tweets

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