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Mar 14th 2023
Thread for ‘but is this happening in schools’ #Edutwitter. Yes it is. Firstly personal testimony: “the school nurse had referred her to the school counsellor [who] informed [her] that a hatred of one’s breasts could be an indicator of a non-binary”…
More testimony: “I am utterly horrified at what was taught at a PSHE lesson at my school recently. It was to a group of children, most are 11-12 years old. It is so, so much worse than I thought.” #Edutwitter #DiverseEd #LGBT…
More personal testimony: “We did request to see their transgender policy and it was kafkaesque – it repeatedly conflated sex & gender… & downplayed the effects of binders, blockers and hormones” #Edutwitter #WomeEd #PSHEPeeps…
Read 105 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
THREAD We are absolutely appalled at this latest ineptitude from @educationgovuk. This is not a ‘political flashpoint’ or a ‘culture war’ this is (once again) a serious, national failing of #safeguarding. @kitmalthouse as education secretary you need……
to take a #safeguardingfirst approach. Not use highly vulnerable children as a political football using soundbites such as ‘common sense’. The @Conservatives have overseen the worst medical, child safeguarding & lobbying scandal, all rolled into one, this country has ever seen.
While this has unfolded before our eyes & members of the public have tirelessly done the job of @NSPCC, who have been in complete dereliction of duty, @UKLabour have also been missing in action & with notable exceptions such as @RosieDuffield1 & @ToniaAntoniazzi they have…
Read 6 tweets
Aug 10th 2022
Informative speech from @SuellaBraverman to @Policy_Exchange. Stella’s stated aim was to provide ‘legal clarity’ Here are some highlights from her speech where she talks of her concern at laws being ‘misinterpreted’.

#edutwitter #WomenEd
@SuellaBraverman has seen many concerning examples of inclusion being used to trump fairness & incorrect interpretations of Equality Act 2010
@SuellaBraverman is clear that in England & Wales we do not have a system of ‘self ID’ for obtaining a gender recognition certificate.
Read 17 tweets
Jul 1st 2022
THREAD Yesterday Miriam Cates MP alongside @RosieDuffield1 @JackieDP secured an #RSEDebate. Opening speech here “The internet presents children with a vast array of false & damaging information about sex” #SafeguardingDisaster
Many of the #SafeguardingFail s we have hi-lighted over the past few years were included, alongside concerns raised by groups @Transgendertrd @BayswaterSG @ParentsForED @FamEdTrust. If you are new to these shocking failures we have links to further info on the cases mentioned.
BISH & School of Sexuality were mentioned, they both feature in our parents guide to #RSE & #PSHE (school of sexuality was previously sexplain) #edutwitter…
Read 24 tweets
Apr 25th 2022
THREAD Once again we are deeply disappointed with @NEUnion's understanding of #safeguarding. The NEU is once again putting politics ahead of what is in the best interests of children. Their latest statement on conversion therapy demonstrates this acutely.…
The @NEUnion statement is full of generalisations & ignores all evidence & considered responses to the consultation that have been put forward by groups concerned about children's welfare. #conversiontherapy #edutwitter #womenEd #teachertwitter #UKEdChat #safeguarding #SLTChat
We would urge @MaryBoustedNEU to read our statement where we explain very clearly why including gender identity in this bill would harm children #safeguarding #edutwitter #WomenED #conversiontherapy…
Read 6 tweets
Feb 2nd 2022
THREAD It’s #LGBTHM22 & the complaints are coming in thick & fast about school materials. First up we have this from @TheProudTrust Spoiler: It’s homophobic, a breach of the 1996 Education Act & @educationgovuk guidance #edutwitter #WomenEd #UKEdChat #RSE…
. @theproudtrust are being funded by @thetudortrust @EsmeeFairbairn & @SchoolsOUTUK. What research did they do before deciding to fund this controversial group? Do they approve of the dice game being used with 13 year olds? #LGBTHM #edutwitter #PSHE #RSE…
It admits on page 3 that it is a political document. @KemiBadenoch has been unequivocal that the government are against Black Lives Matter (the political group, not the sentiment) in schools. (See speech here This is against the 1996 Education Act. #PSHE
Read 10 tweets
Dec 13th 2021
THREAD Welcome to our new followers. Thank you for joining us on our mission to uphold #safeguarding & ensure all children grow up safe from maltreatment in the best possible circumstances so they may have a successful outcome in life. This is who we are:
If you have any questions, look here. We receive no public money, all work & research is completed by volunteers. The only money we have is donations from the public which we are grateful for, these are spent on the website, resources & attending events.…
You can read some personal stories on how we all came to be involved here. If you have a story you’d like us to share please email us on #edutwitter #womenEd #parenting #parents #UKgovchat #Teachers #teachertwitter
Read 12 tweets
Dec 3rd 2021
A new NFER study, funded by @EducEndowFoundn, highlights the impact of partial #school closures on pupils' attainment in reading and maths at #KS1. #UKEdChat
The study, which explored any changes in attainment during the 20/21 academic year, found that pupils were behind their pre-pandemic peers in reading and maths attainment each term, except for year 2 pupils in mathematics in summer 2021.
The areas that children in both year groups found difficult included making inferences from complex texts and multiplication and division questions. To support recovery, schools were using small group work in reading and maths, and had a notable focus on wellbeing and PSHE.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 10th 2021
Integrated instructions for the #AQA Required Practicals.

Biology, Chemistry and Physics (and many more) available as Powerpoint files at:…

#ukedchat #scied #chemed #bioed #physicsed
Read 13 tweets
Apr 30th 2021

Inclusion & inclusive language: Balancing the rights of all.
This morning we have seen a lot of confusion in the education community regarding sex & gender, when children should & shouldn’t be separated by sex & ‘inclusive’ language.

#edutwitter #WomenEd #UKedchat
‘People who menstruate’ is not ‘inclusive’ language. It is offensive & dehumanising. When used in public health campaigns it excludes many women. Women with LD’s, women with EAL, women with poor literacy skills. The @educationgovuk is clear that it is girls who menstruate.
As well as being offensive (it is akin to the old fashioned misogynistic slur ‘bleeders’) ‘people who menstrate’, ‘cervix havers’, ‘uterus owners’ & all the other appalling euphemisms used for women & girls. It is politically motivated language & as such has no place in school.
Read 12 tweets
Apr 23rd 2021
Once again we have problems in Warwickshire. @EquipEquality1 are misrepresenting the Equality Act to schools. Are you endorsing this @Warwickshire_CC? Have you not learnt from previous debacles?

@ChtyCommission is it acceptable to misrepresent the law?… Image
You can read about previous issues in Warwickshire on our website. These include @Warwickshire_CC promoting a resource called ‘respect yourself’ that among other #safeguarding concerns told children that bukkake was empowering.

#edutwitter #WomenEd…
For anybody who would like to know what ‘bukkake’ is without googling, this is how @Warwickshire_CC described it - to children. They also graphically described ‘fisting’, ‘felching’, ‘sunflowering’ & how normal it was for 12 year olds to be addicted to porn - to children. Image
Read 7 tweets
Mar 19th 2021
Stonewall are relaunching “School & College Champions Awards”.

Schools must must refer to latest @educationgovuk guidance & their #safeguarding knowledge & not sign up.

@jo_bartosch for @LesbianGayNews

#edutwitter #LGBT #LGB #RSE #PSHE #ukedchat #teacher5oclockclub #SLTchat
“The awards cut across every aspect of the operation of the school...advising teachers to “introduce yourself at the start of the year using your pronouns and encourage students to do the same.”

This is compelled speech. #Teachers contact your unions.

‘in her evidence to @Commonswomequ
earlier this week Stonewall CEO @Nancy_M_K claimed: “one of the things that’s really important to say is that we don’t advocate for the removal of the single sex exemptions.” ‘

This is untrue.

#WomenEd #edutwitter…
Read 11 tweets
Mar 18th 2021
Yet more ‘historic’ child #safeguarding failures. But are these historic? Or are the same failings still happening today? Does everybody who has concerns always raise them? Or in another 20 yrs time will we be listening to excuses from people who..…
have concerns RIGHT NOW but are failing to raise them? Are we learning our lessons? Are we listening? Or do we continue to vilify those who raise concerns? Do we as adults accept our responsibility to safeguard all children? Do we really understand the mantra ‘You never...
know anyone well enough to say they couldn’t, wouldn’t or didn’t’? Or do we continue to ignore our instincts, excuse friends, family, colleagues, pillars of the community, to the detriment of children? Do we fulfil our duty to #SpeakOut? Or do we continue to allow ourselves...
Read 12 tweets
Feb 12th 2021
For #internationalwomensday2021 @WENWales have produced this toolkit which they are recommending to teachers for use in schools. It recommends material that breaches #safeguarding. Who signed this off? @wgmin_education @WG_Education
@fmwales? #edutwitter…
The recommended reading list for secondary children is on page 11. It includes a link to One of the first videos on the website opens with the actress saying ‘How do you want to fuck tonight, Daddy?’

#safeguarding #WomenEd #SLTchat #RSE #PSHE #ukedchat Image
This is some of the worst material we have ever seen recommended to children (and we’ve seen a lot). Who is paying for this? Where is the accountability? @JackieDP @DavidTCDavies @Baroness_Nichol #edutwitter #WomenEd #SLTchat #RSE #UKedchat #safeguarding

Read 3 tweets
Feb 11th 2021
We are today attending the virtual hearing for #AllisonBailey’s claim against Stonewall & Garden Court Chambers.
Discussions on redactions in papers.

Ben Cooper QC for @BluskyeAllison arguing against redactions.


Ben Cooper trying to establish communications between individuals at Stonewall & individuals at Garden Court Chambers. Arguing names of individuals is relevant and they put in public domain.
Read 83 tweets
Dec 1st 2020
From today’s judgement in the #KeiraBell case: “The third Intervener is @Transgendertrd, an organisation that provides evidence- based information & resources for parents & schools concerning children with GD. @cwknews is the director of that organisation...
she has filed a witness statement in these proceedings.
She set out concerns about the lack of evidence as to the impacts & effectiveness of PBs & in relation to which patients it is most likely to help. Much of her evidence focused on the increase of referrals to GIDS of...
teenage natal girls & the cultural factors, including material on the internet & social media, which may play a part in this. She said that GIDS does not offer young people with GD a range of ways to interpret their experience, & the GIDS pathway offers a minimal challenge to...
Read 4 tweets
Nov 5th 2020
A short picture thread around preparing for an assessment in English and the follow up activities post marking #ukedchat #teamenglish ...
We started by going through the exam details (timings, marks, key skills). After this we talked through a question together, annotating and picking apart what it was asking us to do and mistakes to avoid/things to include in an answer.
Next, we wrote an answer as a class under the visualiser which students did in their books at the same time. We wrote in every other line. In a second colour, we annotated what made it a good answer. I purposefully made mistakes and crossed things out to highlight common errors.
Read 11 tweets
Oct 25th 2020
It is heartening how many individuals & businesses have responded to @MarcusRashford’s appeal to help children needing #FSM over half term. It is really encouraging that many people care about keeping children safe & healthy so they can grow up in the best possible circumstances
#safeguarding must always come first though. We are alarmed at some of the offers of help we have seen. We must not normalise unsafe practises such as encouraging online contact from kids, going to meet adults they don’t know & taking gifts from strangers. Safeguards must be used
We know people want to help but this must be done safely or the consequences could be severe. Sadly children have frequently been groomed with food. The guardian has reported here. Boys are more usually groomed into the drug trade. #ENDCHILDFOODPOVERTY
Read 6 tweets
Oct 25th 2020
.@Stephen__Adams writes about @bbcbitesize Pronouns article

We have made a formal complaint to the BBC.…
Tanya Carter says : “The BBC is promoting a damaging ideology to children. In so doing, they are breaching their own guidelines on editorial impartiality and the 1996 Education Act, which stipulates that an education provider cannot promote a political ideology to children”.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 22nd 2020
@bbcbitesize deleting your tweet & then retweeting with replies disabled is not a solution to you promoting political ideology to children. This is against new @educationgovuk guidelines. We will be writing to @GavinWilliamson & @BBC to complain. @Baroness_Nichol @Tanni_GT #LGBT
The image chosen to illustrate the article on twitter & Facebook appears to show a mixed sex changing room. Mixed sex changing undermines #safeguarding.Here is the full article from @bbcbitesize. There are a number of concerns with the article itself.
Read 15 tweets
Sep 25th 2020
#Mermaids are trending following new guidance from @educationgovuk making clear that mermaids are not suitable to train #teachers & #schools. All policies that they or organisations partnered with them have consulted on must now be reviewed.
Thread of threads on @MERMAlDS_GENDER
Read 14 tweets
Sep 24th 2020
We welcome @educationgovuk releasing this new guidance. We are pleased to see that our concerns have been taken on board and are beginning to be addressed.
#RSE #PSHE #edutwitter #SLTchat #pastoralchat #UKedchat #pastoralthings #teamenglish #LGBT…
We are pleased to see that this @educationgovuk guidance is largely in line with our own resources. We have a selection of factsheets & template letters on our website to assist teachers & parents assessing materials.…
This guidance stresses the importance of consulting with parents. It is in the best interests of children when schools & parents work together and there is transparency about what is being taught & how. #Safeguarding children is the responsibility of every adult in the community.
Read 9 tweets
Sep 23rd 2020
Safe Schools Alliance Spokeswomen Victoria Edwards & Tanya Carter quoted in today’s @dailytelegraph article in response to @trussliz announcement on reforms to the Gender Recognition Act and self ID being ruled out.
#edutwitter #WomenED #LGBT #ukedchat
Full Quote:

‘We welcome the news that the government has decided not to use ‘self ID’ as a basis for being issued with a Gender Recognition certificate. It is heartening that this government have chosen to listen to the concerns of women’s groups & advocates for children.‘
‘When the original #GRA2004 was introduced, women’s opinions were not sought, nor was it assessed against our current child safeguarding frameworks.
There is still further work to do, to undo all the regulatory capture of organisations that have been working outside of the law.’
Read 8 tweets
May 26th 2020

Official #NCW2020 Report thread 🧵

Full digital download available here:…

Officially our biggest year ever.

A huge thank you to every that engaged and supported via our CEO @NCWNewman

Check out all of our launch videos from key partners here:
Our Twitter statistics via @TweetBinder

Check out our social media snapshot.

Thanks to all organisations for their superb support and #makingadifference
Read 9 tweets

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