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Feb 10th 2021
Nehammer sagt in der PK zum Expertenbericht zu #ViennaAttack genau nichts Neues. Schutzmauer neu bauen. Wo Menschen arbeiten passieren Fehler. X-mal gehört.
Vernichtende Kritik der Experten an Antiterror-Plänen: Nehammer hält Fußfessel und Straftatbestand neu für unverzichtbar. #ViennaAttack
„Es laufen gerade ca 500 polizeiliche Operationen. Es wäre gar nicht sinnvoll wenn der Innenminister über alle genau Bescheid wüsste.“ Nehammers Framing zum Thema seiner politischen Verantwortung für #ViennaAttack
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Feb 10th 2021
"Insgesamt konnte der Informationsfluss vom BVT zum vorgesetzten Generaldirektor so nicht vollständig nachvollzogen werden. Das, was der Kommission darüber preisgegeben wurde, erscheint verbesserungswürdig." Hochnebel im BMI. #ViennaAttack #Expertenbericht…
"Die Nachfrage der Kommission, ob andere Einzelinformationen zu terroristischen Gefahren ebenso direkt nach oben gemeldet wurden, wurde nicht abschließend beantwortet."
"...und daher bedauerlicherweise keine operativen Lagebilder zum islamistischen Extremismus und Terrorismus für die Monate Juli, August, September und Oktober 2020 übermittelt werden könnten."
Read 4 tweets
Nov 3rd 2020
1. Auf mehrfache Nachfrage, meine heutigen Tweets zum Anschlag in #Wien zusammengefasst. Ich erachte das Folgende in diesem Moment für besonders wichtig, damit man in #Österreich nicht in die IS-Falle tappt. #wienterror #ViennaAttack
2. In einem Manifest 2015 im IS-Online-Magazin Dabiq, wurde eine Strategie beschrieben, die die militanten Islamisten für sich nutzen wollen. Die Idee ihrer Strategie war relativ einfach. Mit jedem islamistischen Anschlag in Europa wächst dort die antiislamische Stimmung
3. Die Folge , so heißt es im IS-Manifest, wäre eine Polarisierung und wie es damals hieß, „die Eliminierung der grauen Zone“, wie die Koexistenz zwischen Muslimen und Nichtmuslimen dort umschrieben wurde.
Read 7 tweets
Nov 3rd 2020
Vienna's dead terrorist identified as 20 yr old Kurtin S., born and raised in Vienna, with Albanian roots in North Macedonia. He was one of the 90 Austrians who were prevented from traveling to Syria, was on the radar of intel service
apparently being reported that weapons seized after Vienna attack came through Slovakia. Police working on a dozen of suspects, understandably very reserved
Kurtin S. would have traveled in July to Slovakia with a friend to get ammunitions for his assault rifle. The car belonged to the mother of one of the numerous suspicious contacts (a Kosovar), all of whom are known in the radical scene…
Read 8 tweets
Nov 3rd 2020

1 Confimred Islamist terror attack
his explosiv belt was fake and member of ISIS
Order 1 stay at home f you dont need to work.

2.Avoid the downtown of Vienna

3. no school companies in vienna today
Read 26 tweets
Nov 3rd 2020
Watching the video of the terrorist shooting a civilian while walking, it reminds me of the same style used in Paris when the attacker did exactly the same, shooting a policeman.

In #austriaAttack, the man carried a gun & a machine gun with abundant ammo
#austriaAttack doesn't look an attack on the Synagogue but a terrorist - It doesn't look he had a specific target- attack shooting passerby. 1 of the terrorists (it is definitely a Paris-style attack to me) shot a civilian from a short distance 3 times to be able to reach him.
It is early to jump to conclusions but, the first idea I have is that of #ISIS using its propaganda machine to announce its return and start recruiting.
These are the consequences of the war on #Syria when #Europe allowed jihadists to travel to turn the country into a fail-state.
Read 17 tweets
Nov 3rd 2020
Short info to the terror attack in #Vienna #Austria.

A shooting to place infront the main Synagoge 2 civilians died, 1 after emergebcy medical treatment, a police office who got shot surrived. According to reports there is a manhunt ongoing for one person still.
The terrorists had automatic weapones and after raids at there homes the police announced it was a well planned terror attack. Czechia will in parts make controlls at the border The suicide west the tratiotor did wear was fake. He was equipt with a machete,pistol, long range.
The attack begun at 8PM local, at least 15 injured.
Read 66 tweets
Nov 2nd 2020
Several gunmen with shotguns in #Vienna as a wide security operation is underway.

At least 1 person killed and several seriously injured, including a police officer. At least six crime scenes and one attacker shot dead by police
Austrian interior minister Karl Nehammer calls it a terror attack in #Vienna.

The incident took place near the central Schwedenplatz square.

Police have cordoned off many streets and urging people to avoid the area and not to take public transport.

EU foreign affairs rep @JosepBorrellF says "shocked and moved by the terrible news about tonight’s attacks in #Vienna. A cowardly act of violence and hate...We stand by your side "

CCTV video via @BittonRosen
Read 7 tweets
Nov 2nd 2020
🔴🇦🇹[ALERT] - A hostage-taking is also in progress in the Japanese restaurant "Akakiko" in #Vienne in #Autriche . According to @StopAntisemites , there would be at least seven dead and THREE attackers who would have struck a #synagogue and kosher restaurants.#Terror#Austria
🔴🇦🇹[ALERT] - Another #fusillade just burst at #Vienne , according to several sources, at the hotel level #Hilton . Terrorists have also reportedly taken people hostage in a Japanese restaurant, the #Akakiko .
🔴🇦🇹[ALERT] - The Minister of the Interior therefore speaks of a "terrorist attack". Police are said to be surrounding the store #Gerngross at #Vienne . Rumors report a hostage-taking in the 7th arrondissement, in the restaurant #Akakiko , not far from the store.#Vienna
Read 14 tweets
Nov 2nd 2020
Noite de terror em Viena: há pouco ocorreram atentados numa sinagoga e em alguns outros lugares de cultura judaica na cidade. A polícia ainda está nas ruas procurando os suspeitos
2020: enquanto a polícia procura terroristas, a população filma com os telefones #Vienna
Aqui trazem a informação que pelo menos uma pessoa morreu e várias outras ficaram feridas #Vienna…
Read 14 tweets

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