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Nov 25th 2020
Screening patients has made me realize how few actually know anything about #COVID19. They know cover coughs, wash hands, but rarely anything of how it's actually spread, which events or places are risky... A simple & effective response is to #educate #SouthDakota. @govkristinoem
@SDDOH @RCJournal @argusleader need to do massive campaign on outlets outside of & on local news (because not all watch it) & let people know simple facts and stats that aren't being emphasized. Such as:
1. A Negative test is NOT a ticket to freely socialize without precautions.
2. Estimates by CDC suggest:
*60% of #COVID19 spread is done by those absent of any symptoms!
*35% are pre-symptomatic
*25% asymptomatic

JUST because someone seems OK, doesn't mean they are! #StayHome #MaskUp #SocialDistancing #EveryMaskUp #MasksSaveLives
Read 14 tweets
Nov 5th 2020
1/4 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: disease activity continues to trend upward, with a 7-day avg. of over 3,200 new cases being reported daily now. Today’s largest 7-day % increases were reported by Manitoba, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan.…
2/4 Severe illness is also trending upwards nationally, with an average of 1,175 people with #COVID19 being treated in Canadian hospitals each day (incl. 223 in ICU) and 43 COVID-19-related deaths daily over the past 7 days.
3/4 #COVID19 protection practices are basic, doing them (always, consistently) is difficult/unrelenting, but the reasons WE MUST ALL DO THIS are more compelling with each passing day: to #SlowtheSpread, prevent ↑ severe illness...
Read 4 tweets
Sep 24th 2020
Today, I want to highlight the @HoustonHealth's wastewater monitoring project, an initiative currently proving itself as a potentially faster method of containing this dreadful disease. #COVID19
The City of Houston and our partners have taken innovative steps to monitor the spread of the coronavirus, so that we are better prepared to provide resources to communities that are vulnerable and high-risk.
This innovative project is a collaboration between @HoustonHealth and leading wastewater and data scientists from @RiceUniversity and Baylor College of Medicine.
Read 9 tweets
Sep 17th 2020
1/4 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: Today, in lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, I have issued a Thursday statement on the concerning ongoing increase in new cases being reported daily. See the full statement here:…
2/4 In the spring, Canadians acted decisively and together to help the country slow the spread of the virus. By following #publichealth advice, cases of #COVID19 steadily declined through the late spring and early summer.
3/4 Now increasing case counts, including 944 new cases reported across Canada yesterday have put the 7-day average up to 779 new cases daily, telling us it’s time for everyone to redouble our efforts to #SlowtheSpread of #COVID19.
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Sep 4th 2020
1/8 🇨🇦 faces a different #COVID19 situation in September, than that of February/March. Governments, businesses and Canadians have adapted to put measures in place that will help keep us on the #SlowBurn path. #SlowtheSpread
2/8 With Fall & Winter approaching, families and friends want to know if it’s safe to gather together indoors. No individual or family faces the same set of circumstances so we will need to make some choices for ourselves. #COVID19
3/8 We can’t eliminate all risk of #COVID19, and the situation may change, but asking a few “quick check” questions can help you think about the risks: 2 questions on your personal risk factors & 2 questions on settings/activities. See:…
Read 8 tweets
Sep 4th 2020
1/5 Over the summer Canadians have continued efforts #TogetherApart to slow the spread of the virus with #PhysicalDistancing, #handwashing, #MaskOn, all helping #SlowTheSpread. Read today’s remarks:…
2/5 As a result, nationally Canada’s #COVID19 infection rate has remained at a low and manageable level, allowing many public spaces to re-open. #TestandTrace #SlowBurn
3/5 For many, #LabourDay #LongWeekend marks the unofficial start of Fall in #Canada. Fall brings colder weather but also important holidays where we traditionally gather with our loved ones, so lets ↑ #COVIDKnowHow to keep #COVID19 ↓.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 15th 2020
1/5 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦 : Today, in lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, I have issued a Saturday statement you can read in full here:…
2/5 As we continue to lift restrictive #publichealth measures to minimize other health, social and economic consequences, we expect to see some resurgence in #COVID19 cases, similar to what we have observed in recent weeks.
3/5 Canada has had resurgences with reopening, incl. areas with previously very low transmission. With #COVID19 actively circulating in 🇨🇦 and 🌎, new cases or outbreaks can spark anywhere, anytime. The key is to #SlowTheSpread #Slowburn…
Read 5 tweets
Aug 14th 2020
Just saw a report on one of the local D.C. TV market affiliates touting the upcoming March on Washington and I was reminded that the media will see noooo problem with hundreds of thousands of people packed together on 8/28, but have said anyone wanting to open is a murderer.
Want college football to happen? You only care about the money and are probably racist.

Want schools open? You're dangerously irresponsible.

Want fans in the stands at sporting events? Irresponsible, selfish, and also focused on money.

But possibly over 100k on the Mall? YES!!
TL;DR -- too many in our national, political media are leftist hacks who don't actually care about you. CNN and MSNBC are the biggest examples. I guarantee you they'll have glowing, almost universally uncritical coverage of the march, but tell us to accept new lockdowns.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 12th 2020
Today, @HoustonHealth reports 431 new cases of #COVID19 bringing Houston's total to 55, 940.

12 people have died due to COVID-19, bringing the total to 585.
It is important to protect yourself and others by wearing a mask and getting tested.

Delmar and Butler stadiums are offering nasal swab tests. Minute Maid Park is offering saliva tests. No appointments are necessary at any of the testing sites.
The positivity rate needs to be below 5%. It is critically important that we work together to #slowthespread as our children get ready to go back to school.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 30th 2020
1/5 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: Today, in lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, I have issued a Thursday statement you can read in full here:…
2/5 This week marks 6 months since @WHO declared #COVID19 a public health emergency of international concern and 🇨🇦 announced its 1st case of the novel coronavirus. In this short time, the virus has spread to countries worldwide.
3/5 Although 🇨🇦 has managed to #FlattenTheCurve and bring #COVID19 under some semblance of control, we cannot relax our efforts. Countries that were very effective in controlling their epidemic early on have since seen a resurgence.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 28th 2020
1/3 Canadians can do their best to keep daily #COVID19 case counts ↓ by limiting their number of social contacts, maintaining #PhysicalDistancing and #GoodHygiene practices that reduce the likelihood for exposure and spreading the virus.…
2/3 Keeping our contacts low, ensures that if a #COVID19 exposure occurs, #publichealth authorities will be able to manage the intensive work of testing and tracing to keep spread under control. #TestandTrace
3/3 If we overload #publichealth resources and lose the ability to effectively #TestandTrace... well, let’s not go there!! #DoYourPart #SlowtheSpread
Read 3 tweets
Jul 25th 2020
1/5 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: Today, in lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, I have issued a Saturday statement you can read in full here:…
2/5 The recent uptick in #COVID19 cases across 🇨🇦 is cause for concern. After months of staying home, we may be experiencing #COVIDfatigue, leading us to backslide on some important personal public health practices, like #PhysicalDistancing.
3/5 Our initial efforts worked to #FlattenTheCurve. But, if we let our guard down or fail to understand the risks, we could compromise the gains we’ve made. Let’s work together, know the risks and take precautions to keep #COVID19
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Jul 24th 2020
1/4 In this all-Canadian #COVID19 #TugOfWar, the virus is attempting to pull us back, but we can’t let it win, we can’t lose our ground. #DoYourPart - Don’t be the one that let go of the rope on #TeamCanada.
2/4 To keep #COVID19 ↓ we need all Canadians working together with #publichealth, especially young adults aged 20-39 years who account for the HIGHEST INCIDENCE RATES ACROSS ALL AGES during the past 2 weeks.
3/4 Young adults MUST get in the game; of cases reported to #PHAC (Jul 15-21), incidence rates in 20-29 year olds were 14.4 (males) and 13.8 (females) cases/100K population, followed by 9.4 and 7.0 cases/100K in 30-39 year olds.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 23rd 2020
THREAD: As the economic fallout of the #COVID19 pandemic deepens, only 10 states and D.C. currently have moratoriums on utility disconnections to ensure residents are protected from disconnection of gas, electric, and water utilities service.
New Hampshire
New York
North Carolina

These are the only states fully protecting residents and ensuring #NoUtilityShutoffs.

Millions of Americans elsewhere are at risk of water, gas and electricity shutoffs.
22 states have taken steps that partially restrict or discourage utility disconnections. These measures offer residents some degree of protection from gas, electric and water service disconnections, but do not guarantee #NoUtilityShutoffs for all residents.
Read 44 tweets
Jul 13th 2020
Today @HoustonHealth reports 1,544 new cases of #COVID19, bringing Houston's risk to 30,965.

The number of deaths increased by 8, bringing the city's total to 277. Of that total, 73 deaths are associated with nursing homes and 3 with the Harris County Jail.
We learned today that @HoustonRockets star @russwest44 tested positive for #COVID19. I want to thank him for sharing a message on social media encouraging people to #maskup.
I want the economy to be open, but we need tti get this virus under control. If we do not want another lockdown, then each of us needs to take more aggressive measures NOW to #slowthespread.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 3rd 2020
This mosaic represents all the healthcare workers who lost their lives from #Covid19 - We are now launched into the midst of another wave of this deadly virus.

I ask you, will we have a second photo of the fallen?

Is it too much to ask you to stay away from large crowds? Image
As our hospitals in Florida are left with less than 22% ICU capacity, will you give up your ventilator for a healthcare worker?

What was that....


#WearAMask #StopKillingHealthcareWorkers Image
Then don’t ask us to give up our lives because you want to party on the 4th of July, or go to a bar, or go to a protest, or even go to the beach...

Make the sacrifice .... because we are making the sacrifice every single day.

#SlowTheSpread #FlattenTheCurve #SocialDistancing Image
Read 3 tweets
Jul 1st 2020
Today, @HoustonHealth is reporting 832 new #COVID19 cases and four more deaths.
There is a severe and uncontrolled spread of #COVID19 and we all need to do our part to #slowthespread as to not overwhelm our healthcare system. I, once again, encourage everyone to wear a mask. #MaskUpHOU
The best way you can show your love and care for someone is to maintain a six foot distance.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 26th 2020
Today @HoustonHealth Department reports 879 new cases of #COVID19 today, bringing Houston’s total to 18,056.

We report eight new deaths, bringing our total to 216.
Out of these 216 total deaths, 63 are associated with nursing homes and three with the Harris County Jail.
Our community’s infection rate is three times higher today than it was three months ago.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 25th 2020
1/ Q. How does #ContactTracing work again? How is that component of #TestTraceIsolate going so far?

A. Contact tracing is a tried and true #publichealth measure that’s been successfully used to contain other infectious diseases (see graphic). But there are challenges. Image
2/ When adapting this strategy for #COVID19:

First, because people are #contagious even BEFORE developing symptoms, tracing (identifying and notifying contacts) needs to happen quickly. But tracing takes time.
3/ There is also currently no #treatment to offer to individuals who test positive, so there is less personal incentive to cooperate. Instead, contacts are asked to #quarantine, not for their own benefit, but to reduce exposure to others.
Read 10 tweets
Jun 24th 2020
Today, @HoustonHealth is reporting 987 new cases of #COVID19 bringing Houston’s total to 16,253. Sadly, deaths increased by seven to 204.

Of the newly-reported cases, 91% of the tests were conducted June 14-22.
The City of Houston asks @fema to continue supporting #COVID19 testing sites beyond June 30th.

Houstonians are taking advantage of the free testing. For several days, Delmar and Butler stadiums have reached capacity by noon.

Each stadium can test 500 people a day.
We are going in the wrong direction and I am asking you to take the proper precautions. It is important now that we take things very seriously.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 22nd 2020
Today is the first day of the face mask/covering requirement at businesses. It is very important to #MaskUpHOU. It'll help #slowthespread of #COVID19 and is also a sign of respect for others.
🚨.@HoustonHealth is reporting 1,789 new #COVID19 cases today. 🚨
I've never reported these kinds of numbers before. We all worked so hard in March and April to #flattenthecurve.
Read 8 tweets
Jun 5th 2020
1/ Any activity in large groups can increase your chance of spreading or catching #coronavirus. I want to emphasize that you can both make your voice heard AND keep yourself & others safe from #COVID19. Tips on how to #SlowTheSpread while protesting 👇
2/ If going out in public for any reason – especially to protest in large groups – wear a face covering. Pay attention to hand hygiene (carry hand sanitizer & avoid touching your face), and practice social distancing as much as possible.
3/ If sick or experiencing #COVID19 symptoms, immunocompromised, or living with someone else at high risk of getting sick, PLEASE consider staying home. That doesn’t mean you can’t express yourself – there are other ways to fight for social justice while social distancing!
Read 8 tweets
May 16th 2020
1/5 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: In lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, I have issued a statement you can read in full here:…
2/5 #COVID19 & #publichealth measures to #SlowtheSpread have brought significant challenges to Canadians. This Victoria Day #LongWeekend, many are venturing out to enjoy the warmer weather & amenities that are now opening up.
3/5 Careful reopening is thanks to the great progress Canadians have made to #PlanktheCurve. As we continue to descend the tricky path down the curve w\ #COVID19 still circulating in areas of 🇨🇦, keep on planking it with #goodhygiene. #OutSmartEpidemics
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Apr 28th 2020
1/10 Today I presented an update on #GOC modelling that includes two types of approaches: 1. forecasting for short-term predictions & 2. dynamic modelling for hypothetical “if, then” planning scenarios. #COVID19
2/10 In forecasting models, #GOC uses real data from #COVID19 cases in 🇨🇦 to make short-term predictions of the number of cases & deaths we might expect if #epidemiology drivers & #publichealth measures stay relatively stable.
3/10 Today’s #GOC forecast model gives a short-term prediction out to May 5th of between 53,000-67,000 #COVID19 cases & 3,300-3,900 deaths, but ↑ cases in high-risk individuals can ↑ case fatality rate, leading to underprediction.
Read 11 tweets

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