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Dec 24th 2020
#Hydronomastics is the study of #hydronyms, the proper names of bodies of water.

It's a branch of #toponomastics, the study of #toponyms (the proper names of places), which in turn is a branch of #onomastics, the study of #orthonyms (proper names).

French / Luxembourghish sign: The River Sauer in Martelan...
#Hydronym and #hydronomastics both derive from Ancient #Greek ὕδωρ / húdōr (water) + ὄνομα / ónoma (name). The Greek island of Skiatho...
#Hydronyms tend to outlast other #toponyms, even when new #languages and cultures displace earlier ones.

#England, #EastAnglia, #Essex, and #Sussex are named for the #Angles and #Saxons; but #Trent, #Ouse, #Thames, #Severn, and #Avon are older #Celtic and #RomanoBritish names. A map showing the main rive...
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May 29th 2020
Michael Moore Presents Planet of the Humans (2020) via @YouTube
#Allah Ta’aala created this world and the entire system in which this tiny planet exists – the entire universe.
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Apr 12th 2020
(1/3) Li provincie de #Alberta in #Canada anunciat que it possede un surplus de mascas e altri equipament quel it va donar al altri provincies #Ontario, #Quebec e #BC por auxiliar les in li lucte contra li #coronavirus. In tot it va donar quam seque:

#Occidental #Interlingue Image
(2/3) Ad #Ontario: 250,000 mascas #N95, 2.5 million mascas procedural, 15 million gantes, 87,000 garda-ocules, 50 ventilatores; a #Quebec: 250,000 mascas N95, 2 million mascas procedural, 15 million gantes; a #BC: 250,000 mascas N95. Un tal demonstration de solidaritá es bonvenit
(3/3) in un land quel suffre sub diferenties de valores e mem lingues (li du lingues oficial es #anglés e #francés). In recent témpores li relationes inter #Alberta e #Quebec ha esset damageat per aferes quam #oleoductes e li formula de egalisation financiari por li provincies.
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Mar 31st 2020
(1/3) Hodie in li historie: ante 41 annus, #Malta devenit un totmen índependent state pos que li forties #britannic lassat it in 1979. Recentmen it devenit un membre del #EU. Un land composit ex micri insules, it hat esset sub li dominion de mult altri

#Occidental #Interlingue Image
(2/3) landes, quel vide se clarmen in li lingue #maltés quel es un branche del lingues #semitic (#arabic) ma con mult paroles foren ex #italian e recentmen #anglés. It es videt anc in li religion, quel es por li pluparte #catolic malgré li radicas del lingue. E mem plu curiosi Image
(3/3) es que hay un 'land' ligat con Malta quel simultanmen existe ma ne existe: li Soveran Órden Militari de #Malta, expulset del insul de #Francia in 1798, it possede null terres, ma have alquant international reconossentie, sede se in Roma e have mem su propri passaportas. Image
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Feb 1st 2020
(1/3) Pos que #Brexit ha evenit, on comensa pensar pri li rol del lingue #anglés in li #EU pro que nu solmen 5 million de inhabitantes usa it oficialmen in un union de 445 milliones de persones. Alcunes espera un plu grand rol por li lingues #german e

#Occidental #Interlingue Image
(2/3) #francés, durant que altris vole un nov rol por #latin o lingues constructet quam #Esperanto e #Occidental. Li país quel usa anglés max fluentmen es #Irland, in quel li conossentie del lingue #irlandés ne es sempre comun, durant que in #Malta on parla anglés plu quam un Image
(3/3) duesim lingue quam un lingue matrin. In #India li usation de anglés persiste e it ha devenit un sorte neutral lingue in un land in quel altri lingues pullula. Ma secun li dite: unvez li lingue latin devenit li duesim lingue de omnes, it devenit li lingue matrin de nequi. Image
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Dec 29th 2019
(1/4) Sempre plu e plu franceses vive in li cité de #Montreal in #Quebec in #Canada. Inter li annus 2006 e 2016 in li districte #Plateau li númere crescet de 50% a 6,730, e in #Rosemont crescet de 2,650 a 5,015. Támen in tot ili es ne plu quam 6% del

#Occidental #Interlingue Image
(2/4) population, fante les visibil ma nullmen un majorité. In tot ili es inter 60,000 e 120,000, e veni a Montreal pro li "apertesse del spíritu" del loc in contraste al "sufocant" atmosfere de #Francia. Benque ili parla la sam lingue, #francés, quam in Quebec, li accentu e
(3/4) quelc customes quam trinc-moné es diferent (franceses da mult minu quam canadeses). Ili trova Montreal li ideal loc de departe por Nord-#America sin dever habituar se al lingue #anglés desde li prim die, e mem pur curiositá atracte les. Ili trinca e manja por li pluparte
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Aug 7th 2018
#Venus has strong associations with bubbles, because they bring joy, pleasure, and excitement, and are frequently used to mark happy occasions.
They are a literal representation of #effervescence, which is a #Venusian feature, and are often paired with #sugar (ruled by Venus), as in #soda, or used in #alcoholic beverages, which reduce social inhibitions and can stir the libidinal instincts.
For those reasons, #Venus is associated with #champagne, mineral water, and #bubbly drinks of all variety. They, along with #greentea, make great Venus #offerings.
Read 26 tweets

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