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Dec 1st 2019
ATL🇺🇸 in #HongKong: THREAD 1/n

Today SO MUCH in one short video:

* Melee of press, #police, protesters & tourists
* #HongKongProtester being arrested
* UK tourist watching atop the silver sculpture
* Sound of pepper spray being sprayed (fountain-style)
* Tear gas being shot
#HongKong THREAD 2/n

I'm not here to be at the front lines (this guy👇👇👇 is), but to visit with some #HongKongers & their supporters involved.

Think of it as American Thought Leaders🇺🇸, #HongKong Edition, & why not ATL🇺🇸—it's been said that this resembles, in some ways, 1776.
#HongKongProtests THREAD 3/n

Meet conflict reporter @Michael_Yon (with gas mask & orange vest) & #HongKong videographer Eric Fok @RazvenHK (donning mask).

Ok, before you meet them, meet the rather assertive #HongKongPolice. Big blue sign means "this protest is unauthorized."
Read 29 tweets
Nov 19th 2019
#BREAKING | Court forbids My Europe Trip

1/ High court banned me from traveling to European Parliaments today, claiming a risk of absconding. By depriving of my right to freedom of movement, the court has imposed an extra punishment before I was proven guilty. Image
2/ I'm disappointed with the decision. Court thought parliamentary hearings & meetings ain't necessary to be present in person (VC/skype can do). Judge also commented that as HK's 'circumstances changed', advising me to stay in town, instead of putting efforts abroad to help HK. Image
3/ The court is now under immense pressure following NPCSC's criticism on court's rejecting the #AntiMaskLaw yesterday. It is crystal clear that One Country, Two systems on the brink of collapse now, concerted efforts are necessary to help #HongKong ImageImageImageImage
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Nov 3rd 2019
#LIVE: The relative harmony has been disturbed by police as they suddenly stormed the New Town Plaza in Sha Tin without any warning. Police pointed rubber bullets and deployed pepper spray at the atrium. They also entered same mall to beat up #antiELAB protesters in late June. ImageImageImage
#LIVE: Riot police abruptly stormed into New Town Plaza. They chasd shoppers and #antiELAB protesters inside the mall, waved their batons and pointed rubber bullets at them. At least three people have been arrested. Police said they had received reports of vandalism inside.
#LIVE: Another scene where riot police point rubber bullets at protesters at the shopping centre. #antiELAB #HongKongProtests
Read 7 tweets
Nov 2nd 2019
#LIVE: In a corridor next to Southorn Playground in Wan Chai, police have subdued some 50 protesters. Threatening them with pepper spray and pointing rubber bullet guns at them, they force them to kneel down and raise their hands at the same time. No way can they leave. #antiELAB
#LIVE: Protesters are completely sandwiched by riot police from both sides. Being threatened by pepper spray and rubber bullets, those 50 #antiELAB protesters have become sitting ducks. #HongKongProtests #AntiMaskLaw
At least 50 #antiELAB protesters have been arrested in that corridor. Image
Read 4 tweets
Oct 31st 2019
so-called “special traffic arrangements” at famous Lan Kwai Fong is just another example of #HKGov’s OPPRESSION on civilians’ #freedom of assembly, freedom of celebrating #Halloween

Tons of water-filled BARRIERS are offloading in LKF - #AntiMaskLaw.

#HKPoliceState #HongKong ImageImageImage
Back in 1993, a tragedy #LanKwaiFong Stampede happened on New Year day, killing 20 & injuried 100+ on the SLOPING street.

See wht #HKPolice doing NOW make us wonder if they’re planning another one.

Photos: @galileocheng
#hongkong #hongkongprotest… ImageImageImage
Happy #Halloween !

#halloween2019, #HongKong style! Best #halloweencostume 👮🏻‍♂️👮🏻‍♂️👮🏻‍♂️

Photo: @StandNewsHK Image
Read 3 tweets
Oct 22nd 2019
#BREAKING: An interim injunction has just been granted by the High Court to interdict returning officers from revealing the elector register to the public and election candidates in order to protect personal information about police officers from doxxing. #antiELAB #AntiMaskLaw
This decision has come after an appeal as the court rejected an urgent application from the Junior Police Officers’ Association on October 16 regarding the ban on public access to the elector registers. #antiELAB #AntiMaskLaw
In the judgement released today, Mr Justice Jeremy Poon believes that the doxxing practice targeting the police force “seriously endangers” the Hong Kong society as a whole and “should not and cannot be tolerated”.
Read 3 tweets
Oct 17th 2019
#LIVE: Hong Kong embattled leader, Carrie Lam, is having a Facebook live now. It is her second time so far, after she took office. She also held a forum on Sept 26 especially due to the #antiELAB movement and a Facebook live after the delivery of her policy address last year. Image
Even the host officiating at the Facebook live admits most of the comments that netizens have left are “Five demands, not one less” and “Disband the police force”. Though, Mrs Lam says she doesn’t understand why netizens would suggest disbanding the police. #antiELAB #AntiMaskLaw
Side note: Carrie Lam sighs on camera immediately when the host raises that netizens keep nagging her on the police’s abuse of powers. #antiELAB #AntiMaskLaw
Read 4 tweets
Oct 16th 2019
This is our Hong Kong #PolicyAddress2019 thread.
#CarrieLam will begin to deliver the policy address in less than 30 minutes. She’s stated she will focus on housing and land issue, and wants the storm in #HongKong to end.
#CarrieLam plans to announce a HK$2bn subsidy to install electric car parking facilities in private estates. Happy to hear for the environment, but the public is much keener to hear what she has to say about other topics...…
“Five Demands, Not One Less!” Chant pro-democracy members in LegCo hall. After the chanting stops, the camera zooms in on legislators. Some keep to themselves, otbers chat with their neighbours. #PolicyAddress2019 #HongKong
Read 30 tweets
Oct 12th 2019
In response to this comments by POTUS @realDonaldTrump & others

1. 🇭🇰 Protestors may shrink in numbers but this doesn't mean the movement is losing momentum / public support.

(Polls show that discontent towards HK Gov continues to grow by the day)…
2. 🇭🇰 Gov & #HKPF has been making efforts to disperse crowd (e.g. deployment of teargas & excessive force) at BEGINNINGS of protests

This means it is no longer possible to hold another peaceful 2M march without serious casualties.
3. Protests are no longer safe and recommended for elderly & children.

While not necessarily preferring use of violence, everyone out in the streets must be prepared to take the risk in case situation get ugly.

All protesters must be ready to run / put on a fight if need be.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 5th 2019
Just in: Pro-democracy lawmakers has filed a judicial review upon Carrie Lam’s adoption of the colonial-era Emergency Regulations Ordinance and requested her to withdraw the face mask ban she and her cabinet put in place on Friday afternoon. #antiELAB #AntiMaskLaw (1/3) Image
“The Court should also note that under Article 48 of the Basic Law, the Chief Executive has no power to enact regulations in the manner she has, let alone to legislate for criminal offences,” the pro-democracy lawmakers say in the submission. #antiELAB #AntiMaskLaw (2/3)
The hearing is scheduled for 10 am on Sunday at the High Court. #antiELAB #AntiMaskLaw (3/3)
Read 3 tweets
Oct 4th 2019
#CarrieLam's explanation for #AntiMaskLaw: a lot of people in the society support it. Other countries have similar legislation. It's not an easy decision, but it's a necessary one.
Doesn't imply the city has declared state of emergency. Purpose of the law is to restore order. #AntiMaskLaw makes exemptions for others who need to wear masks for necessary reasons. "This is a regulation and a subsidiary legislation." Law to be tabled at LegCo on 16th Oct.
Masks are banned in three situations:
1. March of >5 ppl or rally of >3 ppl approved under Public Order Ordinance
2. Unapproved rallies, illegal assemblies
3. Riots
Masks refer to anything that fully or partially cover the face and prevents identification, including paint.
Read 19 tweets
Oct 4th 2019
HAPPENING NOW: People wearing masks are protesting against a potential ban on face masks that Hong Kong's government is expected to announce Friday afternoon

For more @business:

#HongKongProtests #香港
@business "If Hong Kong falls, the whole world falls."

This man explains why he's out protesting in central Hong Kong. Carrie Lam plans to hold a special Legislative Council meeting to discuss a mask ban that could be imposed under emergency laws

#HongKongProtests #香港
@business "To ban this will just make Hong Kong people even more angry."

This protester explains why he thinks a potential mask ban won't help quell months of #HongKongProtests
Read 32 tweets
Sep 22nd 2019
As someone with a lot of ties to the West, I've known of Pepe as a character who became associated with the alt-right. However, he has become a famous face of the Hong Kong protests. Here I will thread the Pepe's I come across in the wild and any discussion articles I find.
This SCMP article has great insight into why Pepe is a protest mascot. He was once popular around the world as a meme, and whilst he was co-opted by the alt-right in the West, this never happened to Pepe in Hong Kong, so he continues to be a popular icon.…
This photo by Kero Ming (Facebook) on 6/9 inspired these future works. Derivatives persist in artwork weeks later.
Read 18 tweets

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