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Jul 16th 2022
Tips for dealing w/ bereavement No.1.
Saying "I'm having a sh*t time at the moment" elicits genuine kindness without you having to dump full story on a stranger. Whether I've needed waterproof mascara, help with finding a black dress or a quieter table for coffee, it's perfect.
All you need is for the person who's gone to have paid their NI contributions. It pays out very quickly and may be the only money coming in for months.
Tips for dealing w/bereavement No. 72
Sometimes you're desperate for time to yourself to process things. Then you get some, but feel the thoughts are going to break you. Change the scene and the mood as soon as possible. I've moved somewhere busy & had an ice cream. It helped.
Read 99 tweets
Apr 29th 2022
The comfort of a funeral in saying goodbye.
A personal #ActuallyAutistic perspective.
It has been a few weeks since my oldest friend Pat died.
Yesterday, at her funeral, I found out things about her that I had not known before.
This is so often the case.
In the final chapter of her life all the threads of her story were woven together by people who knew her as family, or friends, through her work as therapist, or her connection with the church.
And the readings and music she had chosen herself were an important part of that.
During her final days when Pat was dying my sister was with her, and a carer who had lived with her for 4 years.
Getting her home from hospital was a logistical challenge they pulled off against the odds because they knew Pat wanted to die at home with the people she loved.
Read 25 tweets
Dec 14th 2021
Whew this hits home- @JoShapiro3 talks about how we are "asked to metaphorically debrief on a toxic system" on an individual level.
This is why #organizationalcompassion in #healthcare is necessary!
Ooh there it is! "The best results are organizationally driven...there are factors that are organizational driven that are harming our wellbeing. Often organizations don't know what those factors are."
I really appreciate @JoShapiro3 invoking #shame in medical errors & touching on how systems issues can set us up for medical errors.
We all know the impact of #safety interventions at the system level. The same goes for caring for clinicians.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 6th 2020
I see a lot of commentary about the @NHSEngland paper on the future of integrated systems. Here is a perspective based on what is happening NOW rather than on some conceptual future - a hugely exciting agenda and one that is right in front of you @WYHpartnership
The paper recognises the role of LAs and the #NHS on the BROADER DETERMINANTS of health, including the economy, the environment, housing. Between @LeedsCityRegion @WYHpartnership we have made substantial progress on aligning health, housing, economy e.g.…
Tackling HEALTH INEQUALITIES is a role of ICS' and @WYHpartnership has a focused programme on this which builds on public health leadership of @Sarah5656 @robintuddenham @DrJamesThomas1 and our recent commission on #BAME populations is an ambitious example…
Read 18 tweets
Aug 27th 2020
Tonight was a night when the 7yo really wanted to get out the memory box and look through some of Sam's old things. #bereavement Image
The computer game he used to play with the 7yo.
His favourite marmite to sniff.
His holiday hat.
The shirt he married me in.
His aftershave.
The mug he made with the 7yo.
His good-luck Chinese turtle dragon.
Some handwritten notes.
And the Starship Enterprise... to boldly go!
One of my favourite photos. Sam, wearing his holiday hat, and the (then) 5yo on holiday in Devon. Image
Read 3 tweets

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