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Today an influential but sadly flawed 'consensus' pours water on adverse #BrainHealth risk and #neurodegenerative disease/ #dementia in former contact sport athletes.

Meanwhile ⬇️
"But it's a consensus of experts!"

Nobody can be an expert on everything, not even #CISG

Recognising this, Statement authors commissioned reviews by selected specialist 'expert' authors to review literature*, led by small subgroups of #CISG panel

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These sub-groups then fed back outcomes from the review processes, which wider Statement authors voted on, so producing 'consensus' positions.

What does this mean?

It means that for late effects, by example, only 7/31 Statement authors actually reviewed the literature
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Read 5 tweets
Dear @Scienceofsport: Thanks for posting⬇️
Rudy was so much worse than @AndyBullatGNM reported. You're being misled (or misleading) so badly that @WorldRugby needs to call an EMERGENCY full-day #CTE conference & listen to the world's experts. A thread:…
I'm shocked @WorldRugby gave (& continues to give) their platform to a neuropath to claim in the video below that @annmckeemd is mistaking Alzheimer's for #CTE. That's not even sophisticated gaslighting - it'd be laughable it wasn't so unbelievably sad (for Rudy & @WorldRugby)
Dr. McKee was 1st an expert in AD before she was the lead author of the NINDS consensus diagnostic criteria for CTE. The @nytimes article was based on a peer-reviewed publication in the prestigious @JAMA_current.
You're letting this guy try to undercut her credibility like that?
Read 8 tweets
7 votes block confirming @NIH rTBI/CTE causation statement. 6 voters are seriously conflicted as CMO's & or paid consultants to NHL, NCAA, MLS, AFL & World Rugby. All facing active/potential CTE lawsuits from former players. How's the CISG CTE vote considered anything but a joke?
A separate 7 or so of the 29 receive 6 or 7 figure funding from those & other groups (NFL) for research on long-term effects. Most if not all are wonderful people who you'd like if you met, but COI's impact even the nicest, most ethical people.
Consider that the NCAA is literally in court in California battling the Matt Gee CTE lawsuit. If it got out their CMO backed causation, what happens next? Is he fired? Do they lose the lawsuit? Anyone know if he was recused from the vote?…
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Paul McCrory, former CISG head propped up by the sports industry as a #CTE & #concussion expert, has 9 more papers RETRACTED, including 1 for lying about critical historical concussion guidelines. He's led efforts to say sports aren't the cause of #CTE.🤬…
The #NFL proudly gave McCrory and his #CTE denier buddies $$$$$ to study jockeys under the laughably ridiculous premise that jockey head impact exposure is similar to NFL players, so if jockeys don't have CTE, NFL CTE is not from playing football.…
Here is a direct quote from McCrory worth reading. Imagine why this study is being funded by sports leagues... so Big Tobacco. Image
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➡️ En este hilo 🧵voy a intentar explicar la evolución de la #normativa 📝 contra #incendios 🔥 en España 🇪🇦. Si quieres saber algo más, acompáñame a lo largo de los años. 👇👇
📌 La Norma Tecnológica sobre Instalaciones de Protección contra #Incendios NTE-IPF, apareció en el año 1974 con carácter nacional suponiendo un gran avance debido a la ausencia de normativa hasta el momento.En esta primera norma apareció el conocido #racor Barcelona.
📌El 1 de septiembre de 1978 se promulgó el RD 2177/78, de Protección contra Incendios en #Hospitales 🏥, debido a un incendio que se produjo en el hospital materno infantil de Virgen del Rocío, en Sevilla. El 🔥se localizó en el sótano y al carecer de unas mínimas...
Read 12 tweets
Today I am sad. And I am angry. Let me tell you why. A thread (it turns out this was not the last thread I will do, nor, unfortunately, was it the last thread on this issue). 1/15
This week, another ex-professional rugby player made public the sad news that he has been diagnosed with #CTE – a type of dementia that seems to have a link to those who played certain types of sport (#Rugby #Football #AmericanFootball) 2/15
and who have had repeated concussions or a significant #TraumaticBrainInjury (#TBI).… He is 41 years old, the same age as me. 3/15
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The death of Vincent Jackson last February should have sparked further discussion about the ongoing issue of CTE in the NFL.

Yet, CTE is still a term that is often brushed under the carpet by NFL officials and even fans.

This is a thread Image
The first case of CTE in a NFL player was discovered by Dr. Bennet Omalu in 2002. He discovered it during an autopsy of Mike Webster who was an extraordinary player who died unexpectedly. It is noted that Webster began to act strange and unlike himself before his sudden death. Image
In 2005, Dr. Omalu shared his research in a popular magazine called "Neurosurgery". He did this to raise awareness for CTE in the NFL. However, the NFL did not hold a concussion summit until 2007 and couldn't even conclude that head trauma or CTE is connected to tackle football! Image
Read 13 tweets

The #Qcollar jugular compression device is "FDA CLEARED" to "protect athletes' brains during head impacts." @US_FDA

Does this mean that it is safe, effective, and based on sound science?

Not quite! Before you believe the company's big claims, read this full thread!
Below is an index to my fully-referenced thread:

2/ A bit about what FDA cleared really means
3/ Critique of the study that got Qcollar FDA cleared
4/ Summary of problems w/ their other studies
5/ Qcollar's continued pattern of false claims
6/ Their plan to profit from taxpayers

Some semantics, note this isn't "FDA APPROVED" but rather "AUTHORIZED".

QCollar isn't claiming "approval," but many confuse these terms and assume this more stringent standard.

APPROVAL is more appropriate for Class III devices, which undergo more rigorous review.
Read 37 tweets
In 2019 @AsmJimCooper & @cayfalliance teamed up to pass America’s first ever youth football safety law.

The California Youth Football Act - #AB1 sets the strongest safety requirements ever created for youth tackle football.

The bill passed unanimously in Sacramento. (1)
And, was easily signed by @GavinNewsom thus putting California in a leadership role once again, along with allowing the sport of youth tackle football to continue to be played here.

Now, @AsmKevinMcCarty is attempting to override #AB1 with #AB1348.(2)
This new bill would task the @CA_OSG with setting a minimum age at which kids may play youth tackle football in California based on a newly created commission & their recommendation. (3)
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@US_FDA approved the #Qcollar jugular compression device to "protect athletes' brains during head impacts."

This decision was based on VERY FLAWED DATA and does NOT demonstrate the safety or effectiveness of the Q-collar.

Read detailed thread⬇️

Here is the text from the @FDADeviceInfo press release.

If you don't understand the highly nuanced #MRI technique known as DTI, these results sound straightforward and convincing.

THEY ARE NOT. Don't be fooled by these numbers!🤔

I will dissect these in the thread below. Image

"No significant changes" is based AVERAGE response, not individual.

First, an easy-to-understand analogy below.

If half the sample experiences an increase and half experiences a decrease, they can cancel each other out to falsely suggest "no change" when one does exists! Image
Read 24 tweets
Aquí podemos apreciar la calidad en la interpretación legal que hace el Sr. @JohnMAckerman. Queda claro entonces que no es abogado y mucho menos experto en procesos legislativos.
¿Desde cuándo la #JUCOPO no es un órgano colegiado de la Cámara de Diputados, que invita al consenso
y a los acuerdos?, si fuera como señala el Sr. Ackerman que tienen más "peso" aquellos representantes de mayorías, entonces carece de todo sentido, lógica elemental pura.
El Congreso de la Unión, es y debe ser el Poder colegiado que represente a TODOS los mexicanos, esa es su
Ahora bien, las maromas discursivas en este tuit, hacen ver que el Sr. Ackerman tampoco entendió que la constitución del Comité Técnico de Evaluación, también se erigió como un órgano colegiado y que como en cualquier proceso democrático, la mayoría prevalece.
Read 11 tweets
.@POTUS’s FY 2021 Budget Request is a transformative, student-first budget that dramatically reduces the Federal role in education & returns control over education decisions to whom it belongs—State leaders, local educators, teachers, and parents. THREAD 1/8 ⬇️
@POTUS This budget proposal for @usedgov is about one thing—putting students and their needs above all else. It would restore the proper role of states, communities, and families in education—so those closest to students and students themselves are in control. Here’s how: 2/8
.@POTUS is calling on Congress to pass the #EducationFreedom Scholarships proposal. EFS creates a $5 billion annual tax credit for donations to state-based, locally-controlled scholarships and will help more than 1 million students across the country find their fit. 3/8
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Thread: #coleg's Joint Budget Committee is seeing the consequences of the sad withering of #Colorado's once dynamic economic model. #copolitics @coloradobrt @DenChamber @ColoradoChamber @TeacherPension @biggsag
Many causes are now interacting in a non-linear way, including poor/stagnant #edcolo performance and uncoordinated, competing #CTE programs that leave frustrated employers with many unfilled middle skilled jobs...
As fewer people are equipped to compete in the 21st century economy, social safety net spending is skyrocketing. And with PERA only 41% funded (per the Fed), more pension crises are on the way when the economy and markets inevitably turn down...
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A thread about Gary Bettman, the NHL & how the league of denial used Todd Ewen’s case to cast doubt on a link between repeated brain injuries and CTE

Thank you to @rwesthead for covering the concussion hearing in depth

#NHL #FridayReads #CTE…
2/ The widow of Todd Ewen sued the National Hockey League on Tuesday, claiming the #NHL cynically exploited a botched analysis of her husband’s brain, which later tested positive for #CTE

Even in death, former players are not safe

#FridayFeeIing #TBI…
3/ “Unbeknownst to Kelli Ewen, Dr Lili-Naz Hazrati served as an expert witness for the #NHL in multidistrict litigation...”

"Had [Dr. Hazrati] disclosed her conflicts of interest, Kelli would never have sent Todd's brain to her” Ewen said

Read 9 tweets
Last night the Senate unanimously passed a resolution recognizing the importance of career and technical education to the future success of our nation. #CTEmonth Image
I have been a longtime supporter of #CTE education because it prepares our students for rewarding careers in critical sectors of our economy, including science, technology, engineering, energy, health care, manufacturing, and construction. #CTEmonth
I will continue working with the Trump administration to advance career and technical education and other workforce development initiatives. #CTE #CTEMonth Image
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This is thoughtful thread from @SteveFainaru and underscores many of the issues raised in our @TheLancetNeuro Correspondence

In essence, the discussion on #CTE has been polarised as:
- #CTE is fully defined disease, its recognition at autopsy is a simple 'yes' or 'no' decision and prevalence is know to be high
- any other view = #CTE denier = in league with sport

No middle ground
So, when >60 international experts note that the answer to many of the most important questions in #CTE is 'we don't know', and that this uncertainty should be acknowledged in reporting, the assumption is the authors must represent Option 2 and this is #CTE denial

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1/Bettman was consistent in answering the many questions in his deposition: Because there is no medical or scientific certainty, he said, there is no reason to warn @NHL players about the risks of #CTE Nor is there reason, even after the premature…
2/in recent years of several #NHL “enforcers” such as Bob Probert , Wade Belak, Rick Rypien, Derek Boogaard & Steve Montador to look for a link between fighting in hockey & brain injuries. “I think the sample has been too small,” Bettman said... #tbi…
3/when asked about the players who died “I would respectfully suggest that, as tragic and as unfortunate as it is, there isn’t even enough circumstantial evidence to draw any conclusions.” Asked whether he had ever spoken to family members of these players…
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Thread: Follow along with us as @BetsyDeVosED testifies before House @edworkforcedems. @virginiafoxx starts off by mentioning the school shooting at Santa Fe High School, says she hopes DeVos will address it since parents are scared.
Foxx notes that the Constitution does not mention "education" once or any synonym for it.
.@virginiafoxx says many of their constituents believe: "The less from Washington, the better."
Read 111 tweets
1/ If u have played the game the way I have, this clip is not that difficult to break down. Notice Wilson’s right skate before or at the initial point of contact. It is leaving the ice intentionally, which means he thrusts his body into an upward direction, which is towards the
2/ head of Reese. If we look at the left skate during the point of contact, Wilson is rising up onto his toe, as if he is trying to jump, hence the reason he ended up sitting on the dasher of his own bench after the hit. It is clear that Reese sees Wilson coming but that has very
3/ little to do with the fact that Wilson clearly makes contact with the head/jaw of Reese, in direct result of jumping and thrusting his body in an upward motion. Bc of this, we have a human being who may get the right diagnosis of a #concussion yet will he receive the treatment
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