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May 7th 2020
Was 7 Wochen Quarantäne plus der Konsum von Verschwörungstheorien anrichten können? Ich arbeite mich gerade durch das Instagram-Profil von Til Schweiger. Hier sein Post von vor 6 Wochen:
Vor fünf Wochen auch noch okay - bisschen pathetisch und schwülstig, aber mei.
Dann kam am 02. April das hier:
Read 9 tweets
Apr 23rd 2020
1/ Jahrhundert- Pandemie oder Jahrhundert-Evidenz-Fiasko?

Wir erleben drakonische Maßnahmen die in ihrer Reichweite einzigartig in der Geschichte sind.

In diesem Thread fasse ich Meinungen und Studien zusammen, die ein differenziertes Bild zeichnen sollen

2/ Disclaimer:
Ich bin weder Mediziner, Virologe noch Epidemiologe.
Ich übernehme keinerlei Garantie für die Richtigkeit der hier vorgestellten Meinungen und Einschätzungen.

Ich stelle lediglich Fragen, die zu selten gestellt werden.
3/ Die in diesem Thread zusammengefassten Meinungen stehen extrem konträr zu den Meinungen unserer Politiker.
Gegenstimme: @TiloJung Interview mit @Karl_Lauterbach

Beides anhören und eigene Meinung bilden! 😊

Read 80 tweets
Apr 15th 2020
Q: Okay the curve seems to be flattening in my area... so now what's the plan?

A: Great job! All your hard work #SocialDistancing is paying off! In many areas the new case counts are starting to flatten or even fall. So you might be wondering--can we all go back to normal?
Short answer: several things need to fall into place before we can go back to normal. Those things are #TESTING, more testing, and a major scale-up in contact tracing and safe #quarantine options for those who test positive.
Read 3 tweets
Apr 3rd 2020
Thread: I’ve been pretty quiet the last few weeks. It’s because I had #COVID19. I’ve been off social media focusing on getting healthy. But I wanted to write something now that I’m feeling better…
I got infected through community transmission on Friday
March 13 (yes I’m aware), before it was even announced that was happening in Toronto. It was a dinner with six ppl. No one had any symptoms or had travelled recently.
I was never able to be tested, which is interesting in itself. I’m one of 170 “probable cases” of #COVID19 in Toronto that I was happy to see are now being counted in the official local total.
Read 7 tweets
Apr 2nd 2020
I appreciate your time reading this thread. Not many of my followers interact w/my posts, but I feel if I reach just 1 person & it helps, or keeps even just a few people complying with the #StayHome orders issued around the world - I must write this.
I'm a healthcare worker. I work at a hospital in the epicenter of the #CoronavirusOutbreak in the #NewYorkCity area. Today I have symptoms of having contracted #COVIDー19. It was inevitable. My hospital has dozens of patients & staff that are positive & that I've been exposed to.
I am terrified. I am immunocompromised. I have no ability to fight this. I am an #EssentialWorker - a state employee - and was advised by my doctors very early on to stay home because of the severe impact this virus could have on me. I did not heed the advice. Here is why:
Read 12 tweets
Mar 28th 2020
I know you have a lot of questions about going to work. I am asking businesses to make responsible decisions for their employees and the general public. I didn’t define “essential” businesses in my proclamation, 🧵👇🏼
but any business that cannot maintain appropriate physical distancing between customers, other employees, and the general public should only be functioning if they provide critical services OR can continue to operate with appropriate physical distancing and intentional
safety measures in place. Guidelines on critical services can be found here:…

We want you to voluntarily comply with the Governor’s directive and my Proclamation. It’s not just about whether you think you are going to get sick
Read 6 tweets
Mar 23rd 2020
Read 13 tweets
Mar 22nd 2020
A short story [featuring you!] on the importance #SocialDistancingNow, why you must #StayHomeSaveLives, & why official ‘cases’ are a delayed version of the true numbers. (1/10)

#FlattenTheCuve #PlankTheCurve #COVIDー19 #COVID19 #COVID19outbreak #COVID19Ontario
[Day 0] You go to the video game store today & the person ahead of you coughs (mildly symptomatic #COVID19) & touches the pinpad on the credit card machine. You touch it too, maybe rub your nose later on the way to your car. Congratulations, you are now infected. (2/10)
[Day 1-4] The incubation period of #COVID19 is up to 14 days, average 5 days. No symptoms - means you go to work, then have coffee with your neighbour & babysit your niece. Everyone is healthy, so it’s fine, right? (3/10)
Read 12 tweets
Mar 22nd 2020
For the #OBGYN community please watch the free AAGL #COVIDー19 webinar w/ global gyn surgeons from Seattle to Italy & S.Korea. Sobering glimpse for what’s to come nationwide. I have summarized international takeaways below:
S.Korea has implemented many strategies that’s helping to effectively #FlattenTheCurve:

1. National coordinated/organized response:
-“United we stand, divided we fall”
2. Testing:
-Relatively cheap (<$200)
-Results available in 4-6 hours, -Convenience-drive thru testing launched quickly
-Fast Isolation and Treatment

3. Tracking (controversial)
-All confirmed cases using surveillance cameras, car license plates & credit cards
Read 19 tweets
Mar 21st 2020
I've been thinking about how social distancing is about to put a huge distance between the more privileged and the at-risk/marginalized kids in the school system.
For example, my kid will be okay because I have more privilege. Middle class, educated white lady with a secure job, benefits, and a salary that doesn't depend on metrics like sales or hours worked.
If my kid's teacher is instructed to roll out some online learning, no big problem. She can do it from the comfort of any room in the house, using one of the many devices that are lying around the house.
Read 20 tweets

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