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Nov 28th 2022
Taking the situation on the ground in #bakmut as a case study for #fogofwar the following conclusions can be drawn, after 30h of Twitter observation:

#Thread 🧵

- real #facts accounts and accounts inside #ukraine going silent until more information become available in difficult situation: see #voicesfromukraine and @AndrewPerpetua


2/6 This situation in Bakmut is deteriorating in the south. That
- 99% account active last 24h retweet very limited information, regardless of it's quality for propaganda purpose. French and Italian accounts stand out in terms of troll factor along with omnipresent German peace trolls.3/6 Copepidemic describes Russian troll activity clĂ­max around
Read 7 tweets
Oct 24th 2022
A hail of bullets is not precision shooting.

The shooter(s) hit a tyre and the rear window. It suggests the SUV went through the road block.

Hopefully an investigation will bring more information. There are lots of conspiracy theories. Axes to grind.


Pakistan is upset about the killing of #ArshadSharif.

@PTIofficial are using it to bludgeon the Pakistan army.

There was a witness to the whole event sitting next to Arshad. Let's wait to see what he says before jumping to conclusions.
Read 5 tweets
May 14th 2022
#ChicagoScanner #Chicago

Battery in progress

Just east of The Bean

Millennium Park

“You’ve got about 100 police over there”

Fight already breaking up

#ChicagoScanner #Chicago

Tweeted too soon

Now south of The Bean
Near Madison and Michigan
#ChicagoScanner #Chicago

Car 100 requesting CD1 transport wagon to
Madison and Michigan

And also requesting the 4461 arrest team to respond to the south stairs of The Bean
Read 98 tweets
May 12th 2022
Seeing new #JASDJ #BokoHaram videos doing the rounds… Different groups of fighters in different settings, talking in different languages (Arabic, Buduma, Kanuri, Kanembu and Arabic). Clearly, we are near the Lake. A thread. Image
In these videos (complete with antics Ă  la Shekau), they affirm their loyalty to their imam, Abu Umaymah (mentioned in a prior video as replacement for Sahalaba, recently executed by JASDJ). It's not a pledge, though. It's about rejecting unambiguously any agreement with #ISWAP. Image
JASDJ does not name ISWAP. They call them apostates and “murjiah”, a term that refers to an old interpretation of Islam according to which one has to delay (irja) passing judgment on people, God being the only judge. In modern Salafi-jihadi parlance, this means “softies”.
Read 8 tweets
May 1st 2022
The Surge of “Little Green Men,” and Metal is Poised to Strike – Part 5 - The world is closer to witnessing the use of some type of #NuclearWeapons due to war in the Ukraine than during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 - by @TraderStef #TacticalNukes #WW3… Image
#LittleGreenMen #Russia #Ukraine #NATO #War - #TacticalNukes - a bunch of high-ranking Russian military suits were taken out by a Ukrainian hit in #Izium
Read 120 tweets
Jan 9th 2022
#Pd disperato per tenersi Mattarella

E vogliono pure che Draghi stia a Chigi : domani il #Duce risponde #stocazzo…
Mattarella o la sua controfigura Amato
Read 280 tweets

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