Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #galagames

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Nov 4th 2022
1/ A short thread about $GALA.

An attacker minted 55.6B $GALA ($2.17B) on BSC.
#Gala #GALAcoin #GalaGames #pNetwork…

Then he immediately dumped the minted GALA to #PancakeSwap.

He dumped a total of 10.72B $GALA, and earned a total of 12,977 $BNB ($4.4M).

He drained a #PancakeSwap pool to zero.

Some arbitrageurs found and started buying $GALA from #PancakeSwap, then moved to #Huobi to sell.

Which caused the price of $GALA on #Huobi to drop from $0.04 to $0.0003, a drop of more than 99%.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 12th 2022
In 2021 i made big gains by getting in early on projects like #galagames #Polygon & #solana.

I have just invested into @DefiKingdoms which i think could have huge potential πŸš€

If you like the thread please Retweet & share this 1st post in this long thread πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡
-This is a complex game but i will try & simplify what it does to the best of my ability on twitter πŸ™ˆ

-It has big potential upside, but it is also risky. This only accounts for a small % of my portfolio.

-This is not a paid sponsorship & i have invested (see below)
@defikingdom is:

One of the 1st #playtoearn games that also combines Defi & NFTs

In fact it is the biggest #dex on #harmony $ONE

In short imagine a 16bit RPG where you can earn money (APY) and own NFTs
Read 19 tweets
Dec 15th 2021
Done a lot of #threads recently explaining how i got in early & made gains on #solana #polygon & #GalaGames

They seemed to be popular.
What should my next thread be?
Comment below and i'll choose one.

All threads attached below πŸ‘‡
+tag a friend who might find it useful

How do research #hiddengems and find them before other people.


Understanding #tokeconomics is THE most important factor in evaluating a project. More info here:

Read 5 tweets
Dec 14th 2021
My biggest gains this year where on $sol #solana $matic #polygon $Gala #galagames

But many people this year will have got #REKT'd on projects like #dogecoin #shiba

Starting out in #crypto is hard.
Here is a simple thread top stop you getting wrecked πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡

RT if you like ☺️
You hear stories of people making millions overnight like @ProTheDoge , who bet everything on $DOGE. But 99% of the time its pure luck.
New investors are seduced by the #moon potential of smaller projects & invest more than they can afford to lose.

Remember to always only invest what you can lose & take profits when you can!
Read 13 tweets
Dec 12th 2021
My biggest gains this year where by getting in early on $matic #Polygon , $gala #GalaGames and $SOL #Solana

But overtime i alway try to put profits into #btc #Bitcoin
Here are some of the best tools i use to analyse Bitcoin price action. πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡

RT/Share if you found it useful

The CBBI index is awesome, it compiles some of the best leading indicators out there into one metric. Its almost always spot on too. If the score is over 85 sell, below 20 buy.

The best single indicators for me which is the Mayers multiple. It has been scarily accurate too overtime. It compares the current price against the 200 day moving average
Read 14 tweets
Dec 7th 2021
This year i have been lucky to get in early & take huge profits on #solana $SOL, #polygon $MATIC & #GalaGames $GALA.

Its hard when you start out in crypto.
But here is a collection of useful threads which might help you to find the next hidden gem. 🧡
1/ Thread one:

First here is a simple & useful thread on how to find hidden gems & what kind of research you should be doing.

2/ Thread two:

In my opinion looking at tokeconomics is the most important thing when looking at new #cryptocurrency projects. Really important read below.

Read 6 tweets

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