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Comparison of the cost of destroying a target with different weapons 1/7
#RussiaUkraineWar #OSINT #javelin #UAV @sambendett @SpencerGuard @shashj @FeWoessner @RALee85 @ragnarbjartur
Target - infantry: Image
2/7 Target - armor: Image
3/7 I recently did some research on the cost of destroying different targets with different means here. Now I have detailed and clarified it.…
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Pojawiły się pogłoski - acz ze źródła dobrze poinformowanego i powszechnie szanowanego - że w Sztabie Generalnym pojawiła się koncepcja zakończenia programu #Pustelnik lub zakupienia w jego ramach wyłącznie ppk #Javelin. Pomysł jest co najmniej dyskusyjny moim zdaniem 1/X ImageImageImage
z powodów wiadomych. Na szczęście inne zaangażowane instytucje, np. MON i AU, prezentują pomysły zdrowsze, tj. zakup krajowych ppk #Pirat i "polskiego spajkopodobnego" (dopracowany #Moskit) z dodatkiem Javelinów (zło konieczne/PPO?). To jest IMO zdecydowanie bliższe polskiej 2/X ImageImageImageImage
racji stanu. Można powiedzieć, wzorem proroka Lebiody, że z dobrobytu można popaść w szaleństwo, a przecież jeżdżenie z walizką gotówki na zakupy, gdy wcześniej miało się na zakupy 2,50, może zmienić perspektywę aż zanadto. Źle by się stało, gdyby #Pirat i #Moskit padły. 3/3
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"Per l'amor di Dio, trova un modo per prenderti cura di te stesso".

Per comprendere la portata della TERZA ed ULTIMA puntata del documentario "#Putin Vs the West" bisogna partire dalla fine. E da questa frase, pronunciata da #BorisJohnson nel corso di una drammatica Image
telefonata con Volodymyr #Zelensky nei minuti in cui la #Russia dà inizio all'invasione dell'#Ucraina.
È un BoJo evidentemente turbato dai ricordi, quello che svela di aver offerto al presidente ucraino il supporto del Regno Unito per mettersi in salvo. Offerta rifiutata dal
leader di #Kyiv rimasto, per dirla con le parole di Johnson, "eroicamente dov'era".
Eppure nessuno, nessuno dotato di onestà intellettuale, dopo aver preso visione delle incredibili testimonianze messe insieme dalla BBC potrà accusare l'Occidente di non aver tentato tutto il
Read 37 tweets
#Javelin #ATGM is undergoing two separate, complementary upgrades. The Light Weight Command Launch Unit (LW CLU) is on track to
undergo Operational Testing (OT) in FY23. The G-model missile will begin government-led flight testing in FY23.
9/ Image
The FGM-148G missile effort is
developing a new LTA, electronic
battery unit, guidance electronics
unit, and missile uncooled seeker.
The LW CLU effort
incorporates modern daylight and
IR camera technology in a
smaller and lighter form factor.
10/ Image
The LW CLU will be backward compatible with prior missile
models and the "G" missile
will be backward compatible with
the current (Block 1) CLU.The new technology makes the LW CLU detecting, recognizing and identifying threat vehicles quicker and possible at longer ranges
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Key points from @RUSI_org report regarding Russian invasion of Ukraine, period Feb - Jul 2022.
1/x. Russia planned to invade Ukraine over a 10-day period and thereafter occupy the country to enable annexation by August 2022.…
3/x The plan was to murder #Ukraine executive branch (president Zelenskyi and the government) and imprison the parliament. Pro-#Russia parliamentarians would form a "Movement for #Peace".
4/x #Nuclear power plants were planned to function as secure bases, depots and command centres, to control #energy in #Ukraine and to threaten #Europe countries with pollution.
Read 104 tweets
How to launch Stinger form the Javelin's LWCLU (Lightweight Command Launch Unit)?
Raytheon Share Details on New #Stinger/#Javelin LWCLU Integration.
Raytheon successfully completed the first-ever demonstration of a Stinger missile fired from a Javelin LWCU for the #USArmy
The missile defeated an UAV, validating the capability of the combined systems to defeat emerging threats on land and in the air.
The LWCLU's primary mission is as the launcher for the Javelin missile, however its superior optics also allow for stand-alone Intelligence,
Surveillance and Reconnaissance missions. The system weighs 30% less than its predecessor and offers twice the sight range at night and three times the site range during the day, regardless of weather conditions.
Read 5 tweets
"Une défaite russe amoindrirait les efforts nécessaires à la préparation d'un retour à la haute intensité."

Dans le dernier HS @DSI_Magazine, @Leo_PeriaPeigne évoque les conséquences de la guerre en #Ukraine sur la préparation des armées 🇫🇷 à la haute intensité.

🇺🇦🇷🇺 "Tandis que la lutte entre #Kiev et #Moscou remet au centre de l'attention la réalité d'un tel conflit, un certain nombre de conséquences se dessinent déjà pour les forces occidentales si elles devaient préparer, mener et endurer un affrontement de #hauteintensité."
"Désorganisation des forces 🇷🇺, différences dans la conception et la qualité des véhicules et équipements, manque de coop. interarmes incarnent [les limites établies], tandis que la probabilité pour la France de subir une invasion à grande échelle de son territoire reste mince."
Read 27 tweets
NEW/BREAKING: Day 177 of #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine - US prepping another $775 million security pkg for #Kyiv in the tradition of w/"what they need, when they need it" per a senior US defense official
NEW US $775 million pkg for #Ukraine will include:

- more ammo for #HIMARS, which have "really changed the dynamic on the battlefield"
- 16 105mm #Howitzers & 36,000 artillery rounds

per a senior US defense official
US pkg will also boost #Ukraine's surveillance capabilities with 15 #ScanEagle drones, per a senior US defense official
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Zapowiedziana krótka 🧶 o tym, dlaczego szeroko pojęty Zachód rozmawia i moim zdaniem nadal będzie rozmawiać z 🇷🇺 mimo RU inwazji na #Ukraina #WarInUkraine. W dużym skrócie: nikt nie zdecyduje się na dobicie RU, bo nikogo na to nie stać. Powiedzmy jednak ciut więcej. 1/X
Od początku: RU napadli na UA w lutym br. Od tamtej pory zajęli spory % 🇺🇦 teryt., odpowiadają za śmierć tys. (dziesiątek tys.?) Ukraińców (w tym za jednoznaczne zbrodnie wojenne #Bucza), rany wielu innych, utratę majątku i exodus milionów UA. Odpowiadają też pośrednio za 2/X
kryzys żywieniowy #Afryka wskutek rabunki/blokady/utrudnienia zbiorów milionów t #kukurydza #soja #pszenica (…). RU wraz z prezydentem #Putin ponoszą też winę za szereg innych mniejszych czy większych komplikacji związanych z wojną na Ukrainie. 3/X
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Evidence of western weapons being smuggled from #Ukraine into #Syria surfaced online.
The US-made #Javelin ATGMs used by the Ukrainian army against Russian tanks have already reached #Idlib and are sold for $15,000 apiece, according to the Telegram ad.
A Syrian militant calls his friend and says he's safely returned from #Ukraine after buying Western weapons from Ukrainian military. He shows the first batch of the purchased materiel: several ATGMS, including a US-made #Javelin are visible.
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Recently I was writing about the strategic military situation in #Ukraine in context to the analysis of #ScottRitter. Today I want to add some more information. Scott is pointing out some "difficulties" that he sees in the #Russia|n military campaign. I want to name them
and try to explain, why I do not share his concerns. Not because I want to "debunk" something, but I think, Scott is thinking mainly from a military perspective, and that's why it is always not wrong, to add political and economical elements to it.
#Russia #Ukraine #Donbass
Scott sees the following issues:
1) There is a army being forged out in central/western #Ukraine and in the #EU states as well. Therefore the #Donbass formations buying time for them to be trained and equipped.
2) #Ukraine will get high amounts of money and be flooded by
Read 21 tweets
Second attempt at starting a new Russia - Ukraine thread....fingers crossed !

The original Mega thread ends here
There is talk that the Ukr CinC Zaluzhny & Zelensky had a meeting during which the withdrawal from #Lisichansk agglomeration was discussed.
The only feasible way is going by the road to Seversk which is not physically cut but can be shelled from Rus held territory
Situation at #Kamishevakha which is NE of Popasna & part of the Gorskoe (Hirske) - Zolotoe "bag"
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(1/6) In the new RDG organisation, The Black Horse Squadron will be the #AntiTank squadron.

The clue is in the name, but how will they be equipped, trained and employed? Read on…

@TheIronFist @3rdUKDivision @BritishArmy @RoyalArmdCorps
#Future #Soldier
(2/6) The Black Horse Squadron's main weapon will be the FGM 148 #Javelin - you've probably heard of it.

With optical and #thermal sights, It can lock onto and destroy #tanks up to 4km away, either in direct or ‘Top Attack’ mode.

(Read on)

@armySWS1 @LockheedMartin
(3/6) They will also have the NLAW and LASM for closer quarters or in complex terrain.

With a range of 20-800m, NLAW can also #target the sides or top of enemy #tanks.

LASM is an unguided rocket, effective against lightly armoured vehicles or structures up to 200m.

(Read on)
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Voci incontrollate si diffondono a Mosca e dintorni: vertici dei servizi segreti russi sarebbero intenzionati a destituire Vladimir #Putin con un colpo di stato e a porre fine alla
guerra in #Ucraina, giudicandola un tragico errore strategico.
"Molto preoccupato": così viene descritto #Putin dalle fonti occidentali che corroborano questo scenario; impegnato a rafforzare le misure di sicurezza dentro e fuori il Cremlino.
Quanto vi sia di vero è impossibile dire. La storia recente dice che è più facile si tratti di wishful thinking occidentale.
Ben più concreto è quanto accade sul campo di battaglia, dove una significativa controffensiva 🇺🇦 ha spinto le forze 🇷🇺circa 40 km a est di #Kharkiv.
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152mm Giatsint-B Howitzers in #Lugansk
Chechen Special Ministry of the Interior Regiment soldiers in #Popasnaya, Donbas region, a city where a battle is currently ongoing ImageImageImageImage
#RussiaUkraine #Mi8
Reportedly remains of one (of the two) UKR Mi-8 helicopters that took part in the attack on a village in #Bryansk Region (Russia) on April 14, was shot down by a S-400 SAM system on it's way back
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Report from the #Azovmash factory in #Mariupol, which was one of the UKR strongholds in the city
#RussiaUkraine #Denazification #AzovRegiment
Senior Lieutenant Vitaly Gritsaenko, the deputy commander of "Azov" in Mariupol with call sign "Gogol" was killed Image
Near #Nikolaev as a result of shelling a factory and warehouses caught fire
The name of the company is not disclosed by the Ukrainian media.. The area effected by fire is 900 sq.m ImageImageImageImage
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The previously mentioned Mikhail Podolyak was quick to use the #Bucha "massacre" to ask for more weapons
It's worth noting that the Rus Army left the town on Mar 30,,,,4 days ago but footage appeared only today
#UAV footage of a strike on a Ukr target during the battle for #Izum at the end of March
#LPR Artillery....some awards given to distinguished crews
Read 450 tweets
It's a bit unfair to compare MANPADS (#Javelin) to a squad-level weapon (#Stugna) -
- but yeah there seems to be a *gap* in the known & observed effectiveness.

#RedEffect delivers:

The Stugna (aka #Skif) #ATGM system is pretty neat, especially for defenses, static warfare & prepared ambushes. Also has a vehicular derivative for mobile warfare - a remotely controlled station courtesy of yet another #Ukraine-#Turkey cooperation.…
Good track in the video, btw

Read 4 tweets
#Rusya, #Kiev taarruzundan vazgeçip çekiliyor mu? '1. Rus - Çeçen Savaşı' kendini tekrar mı etti? THREAD, Dr. Can Kasapoglu;
1)#Ukrayna'nın hızla düşeceğini öngören hatalı değerlendirmeler gibi, Rusya'nın tamamen kaybettiğini vurgulayan yorumlara da ihtiyatla yaklaşılmalı.+
2) Şurası kesin, #Rusya'nın, kuzey sektöründe verdiği kayıplara karşın ilerlemesi son derece sınırlı oldu. Başkent #Kiev, bir ay geçmesine karşın hala tam olarak kuşatılamadı. #Ukrayna'ya silah sevkıyatının önüne geçilemedi. Ukrayna Silahlı Kuvvetleri ve halkı direndi.+
3) Gelinen durumun birkaç nedeni var. a) Güdümlü anti-tank sistemlerinin (#Javelin & #NLAW) taktik birliklerle oynak savunma yapan ve rezervleri seferber eden #Ukrayna için, Rus manevra birlikleri karşısında sağladığı asimetrik avantaj önemli idi+
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@vovka3232 #RussiaUkraine
The deputy commander of the Ukr 503rd Independent Marine Infantry Btn has been captured in #Mariupol. He say the remnants of the unit have broken up in small groups to try to make it through the blockade
@vovka3232 #RussiaUkraine
Georgian Dato Gobedzhishvili & Belorussian Dmitry Apanasovich from the "Georgian Legion" have reportedly been killed at #Irpen near #Kiev ImageImage
@vovka3232 #RussiaUkraine
First footage of combat use of the new #ISDM Remote Mining System in the #Kharkov area
More info in link…
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Tytułem strat na #Ukraina w #WarInUkraine, SZU tracą spore ilości broni ciężkiej. Na ogół tego nie widzimy (poza może @oryxspioenkop który śledzi materiały foto i wideo), ale te straty są. Nie tak ciężkie zapewne, jak chce 🇷🇺 agresor, ale mimo wszystko SZU nie mają bezdennych 1/X
zapasów. Czym je uzupełnić? W innych warunkach mogliby pewnie kontynuować remonty własnych czołgów, pewne zapasy mieli. Ile tych zapasów ewakuowano na Zachód i ilu nie zniszczyli 🇷🇺? Nie wiadomo. Nie ma natomiast za bardzo gdzie ich remontować: Charków zrównany z ziemią, 2/X
Żytomierz ostrzelany, jak Lwów-nie wiem, ale ryzyko zniszczenia jest duże. Poza #Ukraina nie ma komu obsługiwać lokalnie podstawowych T-64, więc za granicą najwyżej T-72. Trochę pomaga zapewne zdobycz wojenna, bo Ukraińcy zdobywają sporo (lecz nie setki) T-72B3, T-80BWM 3/X
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#UkraineWar #US #UK


'Meanwhile, Western countries continue to pump Ukraine with weapons.
The head of the British Ministry of Defence said today that arms supplies to #Ukraine will continue.
2/4 However, whatever is being supplied to the Ukrainian neo-Nazis by their Western handlers will sooner or later be confiscated by the Russian Armed Forces.
3/4 The Russian Ministry of Defence today showed how western trophy arms are being handed over to the troops of the #Donetsk and #Luhansk Republics (#DPR #LPR). The arsenal of #DPR and #LPR units is being replenished with #Javelin and #NLAW anti-tank systems.
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Update #Ukraine .
Im Überblick:
- heftige Kämpfe nördlich von #Donezk ;
- #Odessa rüstet sich für die Verteidigung;
- neue Videos von Kämpfern aus #Jaworiw ;
- Moskau baut Verwaltungsstrukturen in besetzten Gebieten auf;
- Russen erbeuten die deutsche Panzerfaust.
Seit gestern Nacht gibt es nördlich von #Donezk schwere Gefechte und Luftangriffe.
Alles weist daraufhin, dass die russ. Truppen einen Durchbruch der Verteidigungslinien bei #Horliwka Richtung Pokrowsk versuchen, um einen Keil in die ukr. Armeegruppierung hineinzutreiben.
Gleichzeitig dazu fliegt die russische Luftwaffe umfangreiche Luftangriffe nahe #Kramatorsk .
Dort liegen nicht nur die Befehlsstäbe der ost-ukr.Einheiten, sondern es liegt auch im Rücken der Armeegruppierungen.
Hier einige Screenshots.
Alle Videos sind wie gehabt auf Telegram
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Local media reports that the UAF troops from the territory of Ukraine launched a rocket at #Belgorod, which is a Russian city near the border with Ukr. It was reportedly shot down
Captured UAF Manpad and #NLAW in the #Kiev area ImageImageImageImage
The Rus Army captured a large UAF field camp in the #Kherson region with large quantities of supplies and equipment
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