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Mar 15th 2020
1️⃣ Follow the thread #Qanons and connect the dots! #POTUS says Italy took their medicine!
2️⃣ Pope lifts lid on colossal property empire in London $15 B
3️⃣ Pope wears white hat during Mass 🐸 Top Kek 🐸
Read 22 tweets
Mar 13th 2020
“The Italians, any old excuse to, you know, shut down everything and stop work for a bit and have a long siesta.” Dr Christian Jessen says Italians are using coronavirus as an excuse for a ‘long siesta’…
@Katierosseinsky #COVID #coronavirus shocking remarks made about a people, a culture, a nation. Appalling that #pandemic is used to ridicule other nations and somewhat boast on British superiority. 2/
An entire nation in lockdown, people relegated at home, army and police patrolling the streets, people of all ages dying, and such utterly sick comments are allowed on public platforms. Many are choosing to not fully acknowledge the tragedy of Italy. 3/
Read 4 tweets
Mar 13th 2020
We are connected and we must take care of each other:

A planeload of medical supplies, including masks and respirators, has arrived in #Italy from #China to help it deal with its growing #coronavirus crisis.… #Covid_19 #CoronaOutbreak
A team of nine #Chinese medical staff arrived late on Thursday with some 30 tonnes of equipment on a flight organized by the Chinese Red Cross.

“In this moment of great stress, of great difficulty, we are relieved to have this arrival of supplies.“ #Covid_19 #ItalyCoronavirus
“In contrast to #China, #Italy's partners in the European Union earlier this month refused #Rome's requests for help with medical supplies as they looked to stockpile face masks and other equipment to help their own citizens.”

#Covid_19 #ItalyCoronavirus
Read 3 tweets
Mar 5th 2020
Coronavirus and India - A thread about the distribution and impact of Coronavirus -

Coronavirus, started in China, is now spreading around the world. India is not decoupled with other nations with regards to the spread of Coronavirus.
Let’s see the distribution & impact of this deadly disease -

#CoronaOutbreak #Coronvirus #ItalyCoronavirus #irancoronavirus #indiacoronavirus
Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected. Check out the Virus & Human death rates -

#COVID2019 #swineflu #SARSCoV2
Read 13 tweets
Feb 27th 2020
"Restrictions imposed to control the virus — & public panic — have transformed #Italy’s commercial & financial capital in a way some Milanese fear will result in a deep & lasting economic blow."… #Milan #ItalyCoronavirus
1/ "Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte this week said the economic blow to Italy could be 'very strong.'”
2/ “'If the virus spreads, and it will spread, I think any local or national politician would have to take very drastic action, and that will virtually halt the economy,' said Roberto Perotti, an economist at #Milan’s Bocconi University, who was #workingfromhome this week."
Read 8 tweets

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