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Jul 23rd 2020
Wednesday’s @ProgNewsDaily contains over 100 articles & videos you NEED to see to stay current on the latest developments in: the federal judge assassination attempt,

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another dead soldier at #FtHood, more @_michaelbrooks video tributes, lots of coverage of the #Constitutionalviolations happening in #Portland, #RealityWinner diagnosed with #COVID19, #defundpolice, so many stories!

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Wednesday’s Top Articles:

* #FortHood IDs Another Soldier Found Dead Off Post - @Militarydotcom

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Jun 4th 2020
STATEMENT: PEARL strongly condemns this week’s establishment of two presidential task forces in #SriLanka, which sets the country on a firm course to autocratic governance. Both new task forces appear to be exclusively Sinhala and include suspected war criminals. (1/7) Image
“Rajapaksa’s new presidential task forces will exacerbate the existing militarization and state-sponsored colonization of the Tamil-dominated North-East, breeding further tension and instability in the region,” said PEARL’s Executive Director @tdmanoranjan. (2/7)
The goals of the “PTF to build a Secure Country, Disciplined, Virtuous and Lawful Society” are written ambiguously - to “curb illegal activities of social groups” and “take legal action against persons responsible for...anti-social activities”. (3/7)
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