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May 17th 2023
We can only hope #VaxxJunkies continue shooting toxins into themselves and their offspring which will lower IQs and shorten lifespans. #SurvivalOfTheFittest

For everyone else, here's the truth on Aluminum in the brain, amyloidosis and its link to autism and Alzheimer's. 🧵
Amyloid or misfolded proteins in the brain are found in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and Alzheimer's disease (AD).…
"Amyloid-β protein precursor (βAPP) and its metabolites, more commonly associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD), are also dysregulated in autism plasma and brain tissue sample."…
Read 15 tweets
Sep 2nd 2021
The thread from April👇🏼 is especially relevant as 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿schools reopen w/ almost ZERO MITIGATIONs to ⬇️#coronavirus transmission/protect people.

Sept 1st 21 -“numbers” many English ppl have become immune to, a stark reminder of a @Conservatives brutal #LivingWithCovid “policy”.
Almost 36,000 new cases.
842 hospital admissions.
207 deaths.

That is roughly 37,000 individuals/families affected by #COVID, yesterday alone!
And potentially 3,600 more cases of #LongCovid to boot!

This is what #LivingWithCovid looks like folks!

@sajidjavid @JonAshworth
And by pure coincidence this is what a lazy, ignorant, selfish, cruel & greedy “strategy” against a global pandemic looks like too.


This is the purest form of #SurvivalOfTheFittest, a plan so grotesque I didn’t think it possible in modern Britain.
Read 17 tweets
Aug 28th 2021
Good afternoon @RishiSunak & @BorisJohnson

Claims that “we can’t control the spread of the virus.The virus is doing what’s doing….”, that we must learn to “live w/ #COVID” & exert “personal responsibility” are incorrect, disingenuous & dangerous!
@BBCNewsnight @simakotecha
What you actually mean is that YOU (& your government) have deliberately CHOSEN to prioritise the ECONOMY over the HEALTH & WELLBEING of the British ppl…..but are dishonestly & patronisingly pretending there is no other option?

@10DowningStreet @sajidjavid @Conservatives

W/ easy access to scientists & public health experts, anyone used to researching, looking for & assessing evidence, can find plentiful, accessible information on how to reduce #coronavirus transmission!

For highly educated ppl like yourselves, it would be an absolute doddle!
Read 14 tweets
Aug 27th 2021
I’m right behind you @Sandyboots2020👏

Just imagine what school improvements £37bn would’ve bought @BorisJohnson ?

Maybe there isn’t a #Tory MP or donor w/ an interest in #ventilation systems, #HEPA filters, CO2 monitors etc?

Is it just not lucrative enough @Conservatives?
I’m surprised none of the VIP #PPE contract beneficiaries didn’t spot an opportunity to make some extra cash supplying schools with FRSM😷s knowing #COVIDisAirborne ?

For those foolishly continuing to block out the truth of #COVID19UK, this👇🏼isn’t what “recovery” looks like.
The ONLY CONCLUSION one can draw from #DfE advice is that UNMITIGATED #coronavirus TRANSMISSION in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿/🇬🇧schools IS THE PLAN for the 21/22 academic year!

The HUMAN collateral damage’s been “baked in”- lives lost, chronic debilitating illness, orphaned children…ALL AVOIDABLE.
Read 9 tweets
Aug 19th 2021
So, proof that @10DowningStreet & @educationgovuk are….

NOT trying to ⬇️transmission in schools

NOT trying to prevent children, staff, families getting acute or #LongCovid

NOT planning to do ANYTHING to physically protect CV/CEV children or those w/ CV/CEV family members.
The plan is to “MAXIMISE NUMBERS in f2f education” & “MINIMISE CONTROL MEASURES that disrupt education”.

In the absence of #COVIDVaccination for the overwhelming majority of <16s, ZERO PHYSICAL MITIGATIONS will result in a very large amount of infection.

The use of #LateralFlowTests is advisory.

And w/ Prof Dingwall throwing his “let’s not bother improving ventilation” oar into the ring, there’s diminishing hope that 🇬🇧children & staff will be offered anything other than an OPEN WINDOW to protect them from #coronavirus.
Read 8 tweets
Aug 15th 2021
I’m not sure which bit of the #Covid_19 picture you’re missing #PrimeMinister but maybe listening to @mvankerkhove @WHO will help👇🏼?

YOUR CHOICES have made 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 #COVID MITIGATION-FREE! An international pariah pursuing an unconscionable, unnecessary, unethical experiment!
Your idea of #LivingWithCovid will, WITHOUT QUESTION, result in MANY MORE AVOIDABLE DEATHS & countless cases of #LongCovid.
Young adults, pregnant women, CHILDREN….

Non-#COVID healthcare disrupted & delayed further.

Is that the aim?
@10DowningStreet @sajidjavid @Jeremy_Hunt
Please look at these charts/figures.
When schools/universities reopen in coming weeks, the situation will get far worse. Many students have had only 1💉, the majority of children will have had none.
Children & young ppl here have been thrown to the #COVID wolves @BorisJohnson
Read 10 tweets

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