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Jan 3, 2023, 28 tweets

[1/🧡] #XRPLedger's Green ♻️ Agenda 2030 β€” Part 2/2

#XRPL, the leading and first prominent #DLT to achieve πŸ’š carbon neutrality πŸ’š

Part 2 of this series will teach you all you need to know about the #eco-friendliness of #XRP, the digital asset. πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡


This is typically a heated topic. That is why I will do my best to be neutral, clear, and factual. Expect no guesstimates or personal opinions on this subject.

Everything is stated exactly as it is!

[3/26] If you haven't already, I highly recommend reading part 1 of this lengthy series to get a feeling of the magnitude of the undertaking that @Ripple is leading in this domain with the help of the #XRPL. πŸ‘‡

[4/26] πŸ“— To cover everything, we shall go through the following:

β€’ Why #Blockchain? (introduction)
β€’ Who is utilizing the #XRPL, why, and how?
β€’ Why will all #carbon markets be based on #NFTs?
β€’ #Eco-impact assessment (comparison)
β€’ Summary & Viewpoints of thought leaders

[5/26] πŸ‘‰ Introductionβ€”Why does it have to be #Blockchain?

[6/26] πŸ‘‰ Who is utilizing the #XRPL, why, and how?

β€’ @thallo_io (carbon credit marketplace)
β€’ @Carbon_Title (real estate industry)
β€’ @CarbonCure Technologies (concrete manufacturing process)
β€’ @Xange_com (market infrastructure)

[7/26] 1⃣ β€” @thallo_io β€”

❓ Why?
#Thallo addresses today's carbon market's #liquidity and opaque pricing #data issues, making it simpler for buyers and sellers of high-quality #carbon #credits to connect.…
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[8/26] . . .

❓ How?
#Thallo uses #Ripple's business readiness and carbon neutral #XRPL's resiliency to democratize access to verified #carbon credits for both institutional and individual investors by building a marketplace for this sector.

[9/26] 2⃣ β€” @Carbon_Title β€”

❓ Why?
Building construction accounts for ~10% of all worldwide #greenhouse gas #emissions. Lighting, heating & cooling buildings provide an extra 28% of #emissions.…
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[10/26] . . .

❓ How?
#CarbonTitle is a transparent, and cost-effective solution to offset the #climate impact of buildings by leveraging #XRPL to validate #carbon neutrality claims and enforce #traceability.

[11/26] 3⃣ β€” @CarbonCure β€”

❓ Why?
Reduce expenses and enhance company operations with a proven technique that decreases cement content and makes it more #sustainable by lowering its #carbon footprint.…
. . .

[12/26] . . .

❓ How?
Recycled #CO2 is mixed into new concrete. Once injected, the #CO2 undergoes #mineralization and becomes permanently embedded, while #carbon #credits are issued as #tokens on the #XRPL in exchange for this #sustainable concrete.

[13/26] 4⃣ β€” @Xange_com β€”

❓ Why?
To meet #climate demands, the sector must evolve its current infrastructure and verification techniques.…
. . .

[14/26] . . .

❓ How?
#Xange can reduce fraud and offer a clear #framework and audit trail for other #carbon trading enterprises to emulate by leveraging the #XRPL.

[15/26] 🀨 @invert_wrld (app) and @Newlight are close partners of @Ripple, although they don't appear to be using the #XRPL yet.

@Newlight is actively leveraging #IBM #blockchain technology, though, as they constructed "Eagle 3," the world's first system to produce #AirCarbon.

[16/26] πŸ‘‰ Why will all #carbon #credit markets be based on #NFTs?

❗️ In contrast to #fungible #tokens, which are non-unique and divisible and are used to store value, #NFTs are non-replicable and are usually used to store #data.
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[17/26] . . .

#CO2-credit #NFTs must be unique, have an individual value depending on #carbon reduction, and verify that #credits have not (or have)Β been sold to numerous customers, allowing the credits to be traced back to the source and thus increasing #transparency.
. . .

[18/26] . . .

In the process of "#MRV", the objective is to eliminate "double counting" and trace the whole lifespan of a tonne of #carbon.

❗️ It is all about effectively gathering #data, storing it in an #immutable manner, and making it available to the buyer.
. . .

[19/26] . . .

🧐 To achieve all of the requirements, the tool of choice must be able to store #metadata such as project origin, region, and methodology used.

Furthermore, not all #NFT #credits are created equal and should thus be valued differently based on "quality."
. . .

[20/26] . . .

😎 #Carbon credits can thus only be implemented as #NFTs since they must display each & every #credit that was created (#mint), the properties of that #credit (#metadata), who sold it (#trace), & when it was retired (#burn).

[21/26] πŸ‘‰ #Eco-impact assessment (comparison)

* pre-#ETH 2.0-merge paper outlining the math underpinning all data displayed


[22/26] πŸ‘‰ Summary & Viewpoints of thought leaders

Wherever you look, the future of #blockchain appears to be ♻️, not just for #XRPL but for practically all #DLTs.

Knowing that the objective is to be #CO2-neutral by 2040/50 keeps it exciting.

. . .

[23/26] . . .

@MonicaLongSF explains why #tokenizing #carbon #credits is the only path forward. πŸ‘‡

🧐 She also acknowledges @invert_wrld and @CarbonlandDAO for using the #XRPL

. . .

[24/26] . . .

I came upon this #tweet from @JoelKatz and wanted to respond because he had been waiting for it for over a year.πŸ˜‰

[25/26] πŸ‘‰ Last but not least

βœ… #NFTs will be around for a long time
βœ… They will have a significant influence on how the #carbon #credit #market operates in the future
βœ… #Transparency is essential, and it is not the adversary

[26/26] Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this lengthy topic ❀️

If you enjoyed the thread, please follow me:

Please feel free to contribute by sharing here πŸ‘‡

@WKahneman @digitalassetbuy @Fame21Moore @sentosumosaba @BCBacker @XRPcryptowolf @X__Anderson @stedas @Kevin_Cage_ @AlexCobb_ @BiasGoose πŸ‘‹
β€” My most recent article [Part 2/2 🧡] on #XRPLedger's green technology, insights, and use cases centered on carbon credit #NFTs β€”

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