THE STORY OF BRUCE MAYROCK (1947- 1969) - A Jewish Student who Set himself Ablaze because of Biafran Genocide during the Civil War.
During the Nigeria/Biafran Civil War, So much Genocide was Carried Out against the Biafrans.

While the war raged on in Biafraland, the whole world watched in awe as the combined forces of British, USSR, Egypt and Nigeria bombard and place an economic blockade over Biafraland, while the USA supervise them.
So he sacrifice himself by taking his own life, so that the Biafrans maybe saved.
“I want to see no Red Cross, no Caritas, no World Council of Churches, no Pope, no missionary, no UN delegation...

Nigerian Commissioner for Information at a press conference in New York, July 1968)

In Ikeja Barracks (Western Nigeria) Biafrans were forcibly fed on mixture of human urine and faeces.
In Northern Nigeria numerous housewives and nursing mothers were violated before their husbands..

This is really to expand the Igbos and not to wipe them out - Obasanjo.

In 1969, Bruce Mayrock set himself on fire in front of the United Nations building, New York City,USA.
Bruce Mayrock was born May 6, 1949 and he took his own life for the people (Biafrans) whom he had never met before in May 30, 1969.

Who reside at Westbury, L.1.
he enrolled in GS and the Jewish Theological Seminary in September, 1967, but dropped out after one year
Afterwards,He then studied briefly at Hofstra University.
During the Biafran Civil War, Bruce Mayrock worked’ actively to protest the war in Biafra,by writing letters about the war to the President and leading government figures of that time.
“He was an idealistic young man deeply upset by the events in Biafra,”
On May 1969, two United Nations Guards saw Bruce Mayrock On fire,after settings himself Ablaze. They chased Mayrock across the lawn with fire extinguishers.

Bruce Mayrock was then rushed to Bellevue Hospital where ...
Meanwhile,At the U.N, Guards found a large cardboard sign on the front lawn which said, “You must stop the Genocide–Please save 9million Biafrans.”
Bruce Mayrock died from his fire burn-wounds.
He carried out this protest after seeing videos of millions of Biafran children dying from starvation in Biafraland.
"I am still in shock as to how blacks will carry out such atrocities against fellow blacks and move-on like nothing happened. The annoying part is that the Nigerian government continues to kill Biafrans. And you wonder why Nigeria is a failed state?"
According to the Wife of Odumegwu Ojukwu, Chief Mrs Bianca Ojukwu, She said Ojukwu made three dying wishes before his death.
These are:
That his body must be taken to Aba, Abia state before burial,

Mrs Bianca Ojukwu said, the Monument would soon be built.
Her words: “There are three things Dim Chukwuemeka Ojukwu asked me to do for him when he is dead. I have done one; the first is that he demanded that when he is dead,..

“After this, we should bury him whenever we wish to. By the grace of God, I was able to do that.

Bruce Mayrock's Burial Place:
Mount Ararat Cemetery,
East Farmingdale,
1165 Route 109 (NY-109)
Lindenhurst, NY 11757,
New York, USA.
It is a Jewish Cemetery.

But why have the Western media suppress this tragedy?
Not many Nigerians nor Biafrans know about Bruce Mayrock..

#Nzekwe Gerald Uchenna (NGU)