The first ~38 pages or so are background. Action starts on Chapter 3.
March 3, 2015: NYT reveals existence of Clinton's personal email

16 Jun 2015: Trump announces run
19 Jun 2015: State & IC IG make recommendations on how to handle Clinton FOIAs
21 Jun 2015: IC IG contacts FBI for help on classification review of five emails
29 Jun 2015: Patrick Kennedy says State will help FBI place more agents in countries where they are currently forbidden if FBI will agree to mark the SECRET//NOFORN email down
27 July - 27 Aug: FBI sends preservation orders for all @clintonemail.com emails and emails sent to/from Clinton at State
27 Aug: Grand Jury opens into the MYE case
Why did FBI disclose the fact that Clinton was being investigated?
According to OIG, FBI sent preservation orders for about 1000 email accounts at State Dept, as well as at CIA, DIA, DOD, and WH(EOP) for everything to/from *@clintonemail.com
* classification markings
* statements that any participant knew the info was classified
* intent to circumvent FOIA or other laws
* any other improper purpose

A quick break-down:
1) FBI had already determined before the HRC interview that unless she confessed or lied, the investigation was essentially unprosecutable.
3) GJ subponeas are not a common practice for mishandling investigations, because it requires giving the GJ into classified information, which is complicated.
5) Nevertheless, if HRC *did* implicate herself in a crime in her interview, Mills would be a witness to that crime, and thus shouldn't attend the interview.
And six hours.
And just under a third of this enormous document.
So I'll leave it there for today.