Part of his investigation is into the FBI Vault dump that occurred on October 30th, through November 1st 2016. A little over a week before the election.…

Part one 129 pages…
Part two 509 pages……

Note the lead tweet that starts the sequence...

RED = Releases related to the election (3)
Purple = Those that people found interesting. (2)
Freddie Gray riots (2)
FBI Policies and Procedures (14)
Link to full sequence:…

Note: 2011 and 2018 omitted from chart for not being a full years
Year and number of tweets in parenthesis:
2011 (6)
2012 (53)
2013 (14)
2014 (14)
2015 (23)
2016 (23)
2017 (88)
2018 (1)

Here are the 5 highest days:
6/3/12 (17)
8/18/12 (20)
6/12/15 (20)
OCTOBER 30th, 2016 (20)
8/10/17 (17)
Note: June and August both appear twice.
"According to an FBI official, the flood of tweets occurred because of a backlog of updates dating to JUNE. The logjam finally broke when a content management system software patch was installed last week."…

What or who caused the "glitch"?
Was it human "error" or computer error??
Was it on accident or on purpose?
Why did the "glitch" take so long to be noticed??
Who fixed the "glitch" and why not until after the election??
What about the sequence??

(Tweet 18)

A decorated general that got ruined for mishandling classified material.
What an odd "coincidence".