Is much worse than an emergency
👉Rapists rshielded
👉Mobs allowed to lynch minorities, dalits in d name of religion
👉People are looted by high taxes and anti ppl policies
👉Freedom Of Expression and speech is suppressed
Journalists are murdered
👉Ppl showing mirror to govt are called anti nationals
👉Youth are being mocked at by being told to sell pakodas and paan
👉Foreign relations with neighbours are at all time low
Money is being used to buy Legislators of opposition parties
👉Peoples mandate is badly insulted
👉Vendetta politics against opposition leaders is at its peak
👉Fake cases are being made to slience opposition
👉Social media has been stuffed with govt sponsored filth mongers
👉Women are openly harassed, threatened online
👉Crime against women and children is at its highest for want of law n order #ModiEmergency
👉History is been deliberately modified with lies
👉Constitution is being changed in an unfortunate way to save criminals and torment innocents
Education system is being hammered by changing textbook contents
👉Soldiers are being tormened with lack of budget allocation.
👉Banks are being emptied with huge NPA s to save corporates
👉Demonetization and GST have broken the back of d economy
👉Reduction of buget in Social welfare schemes and MNREGA has made life hell for d poor and needy
👉Privacy of Citizens is under threat as govt wants full surveillance on everyone through mandatory #Aadhaar and data stealing Apps
👉Corporate Bank defauters are allowed easy passage to abscond
👉Cashless Economy is being forced on d people
👉Incompetent ministers and bureaucrats are ruling the roost and lynching the system
👉Govt PSU s are weakened both financially as well as structurally
👉Voice of opposition is been curbed heavily on key issues

👉Qualified bureaucrats are being forced to leave to make way for RSS favoured cadre on top posts

👉Autonomy of top institutions is seriously threatened as power of money and muscle is used extensively to overhaul the system
👉There is a serious trust deficit in d governance
👉High inflation and high prices have made life horrible for middle classes
👉Govt spending on self advertising from Ex chequers money is alarming
👉Corporate earnings have been plummeting heavily bcoz Govt wants only select 10 12 corporates to make all merry
👉Farmers are shot at for demanding their rights
👉 Govt buys sugar from pakistan while indian farmers die without payments
👉PM and ministers don't answer key questions and speak blatant lies in Parliament shamelessly
👉Fake propaganda is used and key issues diluted using the fake stories