Daniel Keenan Savage
(b. October 7, 1964)
Dan Savage (@fakedansavage) is an American author, media pundit, journalist, newspaper editor, national sex advice columnist(Savage Love), and activist for the #LGBTQ community.

Savage made a comment that every newspaper should have an advice column— he was hired to write one: Savage Love

Savage became editor in chief of The Stranger in 2001 & editorial director in 2007.

Savage created the idea& was executive producer on a TV series, The Real O’Neals



It encourages adults, both LGBT and otherwise, to submit videos assuring gay teenagers that life can improve after bullying in early life. Their mission is to uplift, empower and connect LGBTQ+ youth around the globe.

As a fan & reader of his column, it’s one of my personal favorites because Dan’s response was exceptionally brilliant.
🏳️🌈 thestranger.com/slog/2018/05/0…
#GGG 😉

His column at @TheStranger can be found here:
His It Gets Better campaign is global.
Website: itgetsbetter.org
Social Media: Twitter(@ItGetsBetter), FB, Instagram & YouTube

Please reach out to me or someone. I was gutted reading about the loss of Max. This happened to a friend of mine. It’s why I’m a lifetime #LGBTQ Ally
Happy #PrideMonth
🏳️🌈 #LGBTVoices
🌈 #LoveIsLove
🏳️🌈 #PrideMonth2018