P.S. Do not call cartels that hang people off of Highways " Scum" or you will be put in Twitter Jail for 7 days !
#Patriotsunited #MAGA #KAG #WalkAway #DemocratsAreCommunist

I've been very active on periscope. Follow me on there @hrtablaze. I plan on doing about 3 to 4 scopes per week. #MAGA #KAG #PatriotsUnited #WalkAway
The time has come to call these people what they really are. They are NOT democrats, they have become communists ! #MAGA #WalkAway #KAG #DemocratsAreCommunist
Not to worry, he will fix it
👉 @realDonaldTrump
#PatriotsUnited #WalkAway