I understand that this thread will likely get me into hot water.
It may even cause me to quit Twitter altogether.
But it needs to be said. (THREAD)
It’s us. Well, some of us.
The following are exchanges I’ve had. With Academics. I’ve never been prouder of the Academy. Kidding.
This isn’t just a Twitter issue.
ME: People shouldn’t tailgate.
LEFT TWITTER: So you’re trying to tell everyone what speed to drive? Fascist!
ME: No, I just think….
RIGHT TWITTER: Define Tailgating.
RIGHT TWITTER DM: Maybe you’re driving too slow. Coase said….
ME: Okay, but it’s dangerous…..
LEFT TWITTER: You’re not doing anyone any favors by calling it tailgating. It’s male aggression.
LEFT TWITTER: I’ve been tailgated a lot by people who drive the same car as you. I don’t think you’re really against tailgating. Go home, LPB. You’re drunk.
LEFT TWITTER: That wasn’t from tailgating.
LEFT TWITTER: This is the dumbest idea ever. (Account no longer exists).
ME: Why is….oh, you disappeared.
LEFT TWITTER: You probably should not be trying to speak for all people who have been tailgated.
RIGHT TWITTER: This is just a knee-jerk reaction to relative velocities.
ME: But I have data that….
LEFT TWITTER: I find it hard to believe that someone driving your kind of car would ever be against tailgating.
ME: Well, wait….
FRIEND: Look, LPB is just trying to….
LEFT TWITTER: No one asked you.
FRIEND: Okay, bye.
LEFT TWITTER DM: I don’t need a CIS White Male telling me about tailgating….
LEFT TWITTER DM: You’re trying to take our voice probably to help those who tailgate. Seen it before
LEFT TWITTER DM: And you get to mansplain because you’re privileged.
ME: I get I have privilege. I have a full accounting of my privileges and barriers.
ME: I’m anonymous. How the TF do you know anything about me? You know nothing about me, my history, nothing.
LEFT TWITTER DM: Your writing speaks for itself. Your necessitated anonymity hides that. Ergo, yer whitey mcwhiterson.
ME: Sigh.
ME: I’m going back to puns.
* the 1,000 plus people who have favorited my tweet
* people who have privately discussed some issues
* people who have asked me for clarification and suggested better drafting of my tweet
* people who agreed with me
* people who disagreed civilly