We wish him plenty of time & success asking questions later.

(Remember, Remember, the 8th of November?)

B) A new $15Bn RfP for 110 planes, a repeat of the 2007 RfP is started in 2018
We are back to square one
No Sir, many others, including some of your own ex-colleagues, anti-corruption crusaders have been asking the same questions.
But at least, at last, he is finally going to answer them.🍿🍿

Done. Case Dismissed by Justice Jaitley. Go Home guys.

Yes, the Government wouldn't answer in Parliament, & now Minister is demanding answers from the Opposition via a Facebook Post!
(The first 3 are on delays during UPA again)

(thanks to your able stewardship of the Finance(?) and Blogging ministries, if we may add)

btw, So how is this better than the original deal that had a Transfer of Tech to HAL, & what was the whole tamasha of your government over "#MakeInIndia ", Mr Jaitley?

Are we to believe that millions of dollars are being invested by wise businessmen without any clarity on whether these will be approved?

What India achieved at the end of it, due to PM's unilateral decision, is the issue.

Who approved Mr Modi's Paris declaration, of reducing the plane numbers, going for IGA?