Dizzy Gillespie was one of the artists at the forefront of music. The musicians had to make mainstream sellable music and they were not being fulfilled by it.
The created bebop that they played between recording sessions.
Then in the 1960's at a protest against the SA police opened fire on protesters killing women and children
He took a scholarship in London to escape the persecution but he wasn't in love, he gets told to come to NYC because this is where Jazz was evolving.
They're more to UST and adapt to change faster.
True excellence requires true diversity in our teams
Here are the 5 dysfunctions of a team from Patrick (someone)

If you have trust and vulnerability you encourage healthy conflicts where everyone can be heard.
When everyone is heard we commit to the decisions we make.
Then we focus on the results.
When he was working on his first products he could see scope creep and not meeting targets and the whole project falling over.
The company lost the project, lost client and Farai lost his job because 'he didn't do enough to save the client'
In the time after being fired he read a book that explored High Power Indexes.
What is the seniority of the person your connecting with?
He found it was coming up at work, and this culture was affecting his ability to perform and build trust.
Here's the research findings.

Sweden and Japan there is more focus on hearing opinions and coming to consensus.
Start with the theory or concept. Then present the facts to back it up
Application first
Start with the facts. Then share the theory that leads to the facts
What's the best way to LISTEN to arguments.
Good communication is precise, some and clear. Repetition is used to clarify
High context
Good communication is nuanced and layered. Speak and read between the lines.
Some cultures overlap, some give room for other to speak.
It's important to be aware of the cultural communication norms of your diverse teams.
Others will look at disagreeing as creating disharmony in a group.
The thing about the thing
We can debate the rhing without debating the person.
Being objective is critical
Feedback is frank, blunt, and honest at all times, even in front of the team
Indirect feedback
Feedback is soft, subtle, and diplomatic and only given in private
We need to agree on scheduling so everyone on the team is in alignment.