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Thread by @Marianne_M_B: "“prog-guru” = programming guru Rest in power Andrew. Who’s your Daddy now? Fuck you John (Skippy) Podesta we will own your ass […]" #mindcontrol #pizzagate #childsextrafficking #SRA

5 tweets, 3 min read
“prog-guru” = #mindcontrol programming guru

Rest in power Andrew.
Who’s your Daddy now?
Fuck you John (Skippy) Podesta we will own your ass in Gitmo!
When #pizzagate broke late in 2016, thanks to Julian Assange and Wikileaks, I was relieved people were able to handle the #childsextrafficking and #SRA revelations.
I didn’t think they could wrap their heads around what was really happening in the video of John (Skippy) Podesta, that what was captured on video was him doing trauma based #mindcontrol on a child.
Vid is an example of type of abuse/torture inflicted to split a child’s mind and create alters.
Sorry to say this - it’s not that extreme of an example.
When you’ve survived countless incidents worse than this, like I have, nothing phases you.
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