17 properties were searched.
Possible imprisonments will be decided by Tuesday. uusisuomi.fi/kotimaa/259534…
Police can not stop company continuing operations, properties not confiscated (for now, "will not go anywhere")
All 2 detained work for the company.
Finnish Security Intelligence Service director's statement to Parliament's Administration Committee on suspicious purchases in 2016 was referring to AH, despite not naming it.
Interior Minister Mykkänen: #AiristonHelmi investigation "exceptional", discussions were held beforehand. "Financial crimes suspicions enough for warrant"
Aggravated money laundering happened already in 2007 (the year #AiristonHelmi was created).
Investigation to take months, likely to next spring. hs.fi/kotimaa/art-20…
Largest peacetime law-enforcing joint operation of Finnish security authorities?
Quite a chain of command here, all the way to the President.
... become COB in 2016 after Russian buddy businessman asked him to help clean up the financial mess his predecessor left and stop losing more money. >> iltalehti.fi/kotimaa/4e68d4…
Company's bookkeeper resigned today effective immediately.
Financial stats from asiakastieto.fi/yritykset/fi/a…

Finnish National Bureau of Investigation investigator Taskila: Vessels and harbor area searched (we knew that already) but now the weird part: "no divings done" >>
"#Supo's core functions are counterintelligence, counterterrorism, and security work" (from official webpage) so there are other than financial crimes under investigation too.