Link to court document👉🏼courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco…

For details on the CRIMES that convicted felon v.d.Swamp committed, see👇🏼this thread👇🏼on Mueller’s sentencing memo.😎 2/
Well, yeah. That’s what happens when you LIE to the Feds and DESTROY EVIDENCE‼️3/

Unfortunate timing, given his impending prison sentence, she is pregnant. 5/

Person A is Konstantin Kilimnik, a “former” #Russian🇷🇺intelligence officer w/the GRU, who (of course) has ongoing ties w/Russian intel services.🙄 7/

v.d. Zwaan communicated *w/a Russian agent in Russian using ENCRYPTED apps*
His lawyers say there’s “nothing unusual.”🙄 8/

Due to the “unusual & unnerving” discussions, v.d. Zwaan started RECORDING his calls w/Gates & Kilimnik (understandably) — but also w/the PARTNER‼️🤨 10/
So he secretly recorded *his own partner*‼️ 11/
#GOP Vin Weber (Mercury Group) & Democrat Tony Podesta used the report to lobby US lawmakers to justify the unjust IMPRISONMENT of Tymoshenko by the Ukraine govt‼️13/
Both claimed to work for a shady “nonprofit” (really, Ukraine) & paid via Manafort’s OFFSHORE account.🤨14/
Is Craig the “senior #Skadden partner” whom v.d. Zwaan recorded providing assurances that Skadden was handling the Ukraine matter⁉️15/
