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This day 3 years ago I gave a talk on the global decay and renewal of #democracy @VicParliament. Wow, it feels like a decade has happened since then, and we see major positive and negative trends:

An impressionistic (non-comprehensive) thread 🧵
In 2019 the dominant narrative was of alarming regression in democratic commitments, with a growing crop of neo-authoritarians, incl #Trump #Orban #Kascynski #Erdogan #Bolsonaro #Modi, and seeming ascendance of #Putin #Xi, spurring explosion of research…
Obviously one of the biggest things to happen since 2019 is #COVID19
- The research tells us that functioning democracies showed resilience, while those already in trouble, and 'hybrid' systems and 'harder' authoritarian states, were hit hardest
Read 26 tweets
How Orban and the Fidesz party members systematically violate the children's rights

Thread 1/14

Most don't know that #Orban was citing from “Mein Kampf” in 2006 already, on a closed party congress.…
Which is a proof that he read it.

Read ⬇️
Children of Hitlerjugend were viewed as ensuring the future of Nazi Germany and they were indoctrinated in Nazi ideology, including racism

OV wants same for the Children of Hungary. To indoctrinate them in Fidesz narrative, strip them of the ability for critical thinking
Most public schools in Hungary suffer from serious under-funding.
But, instead aiding thousands of schools, or investing in improvement of education system in general, OV stuffed the government's elite school MCC with almost 1billion€ of public funds in 2020. 1Billion€.
Read 15 tweets

No. 1 - NATO-Panzer
Bullshit-Rating: 5/10

#ukraine #russland #krim #kherson Image

No. 2 - Atomkrieg 25%
Bullshit-Rating: 7.5/10

#ukraine #russland #krim #kherson Image

No. 3 - US-Putsch 2014
Bullshit-Rating: 8/10

#ukraine #russland #krim #kherson Image
Read 99 tweets
🧵Rare for me publish in Hungarian media but 60th anniversary of 1st of Grandpa’s HAPPY DAYS IN HELL / Pokolbéli víg napjaim = good reason for piece in @MagyarHang this week. Please do purchase if you are in #Hungary. Contains super cute picture of me aged 2 btw.😉
@MagyarHang Hard to appreciate seismic impact the book (a bestseller) had in UK that year. It was = first full length gulag memoir published in English years before Solzhenitsyn‘s work (by which it was later overshadowed) became available. Picture of 1st edition in dust jacket here (Ebay).
The work‘s success was due not only to narrative force / symbolic artistry but outstanding quality of the translation by Kati Szász/ Szász Katalin who rendered the text into beautiful literary English. Sadly I lack a picture of Kati to illustrate this thread (can anyone help?).
Read 16 tweets
🇭🇺 Details leaked from #Orban's closed door speech in front of his #Fidesz audience last week:
- #UkraineRussiaWar could last till 2030, 🇺🇦 may lose half of its territory.
- He will try to veto the prolonging of the sanctions on 🇷🇺
- He hopes to have new 🇮🇹 gov support im this
- #Europe is to blame for this 'local' war becoming 'global'
- by 2030 the EU 🇪🇺 could fall apart
- by 2040 muslims will be the majority in 🇫🇷 cities
- by 2030 🇭🇺 and #V4 🇨🇿🇵🇱🇸🇰 could be net contributors in which case it shall be asked if the membership worth it at all
- #Fidesz new generation shall be fit and prepared to govern #Hungary until 2060 (!)

More on this in #HUN:…
Read 4 tweets
We now know what we could only have guessed: several EU governments have built surveillance states with the #Pegasus cyberweapon. /1 Image
Today, at an international press conference in the European Parliament, we showed how allegedly the #Spanish state, along with the #Polish and #Hungarian governments, are massively monitoring their own citizens without any court order or understandable reason. /2
It’s important for #Europe to be aware that #Pegasus wasn’t used in #Hungary to fight terrorism, but to monitor the political opponents of #Fidesz. It was also used to monitor government officials who were defending Hungarian national interests against the Russian government. /3
Read 7 tweets
🧵 So my take on #hungaryelections + surprise devastating defeat of United Opposition. NB defeat not surprising but extent was (to them, pollsters, journalists + even #Fidesz). Important to reflect on how this should change our view of situ here. Some of this is painful to write.
x2 caveats.
1) This isn’t about polling technicalities/quantitive data. Others have provided good technical explanations of poll + projection errors. This is qualitative reflection on how I (+others) have misread realities in #Hungary.
2) Nothing here denies electoral system + context = v. unfair to #Hungary’s opposition.Multiple reports show no level playing field. BUT, while things were slanted against oppo. election was definitely *not* ‘rigged’ -see @OSCE report. Oppo vote down cf 2018 for other reasons.
Read 11 tweets
Viktor #Orban und seine #Fidesz-Partei haben in den gestrigen Parlamentswahlen einen „Sieg“ davongetragen. @markizaypeter & die vereinte Opposition @DobrevKlara haben alles gegeben - am Ende konnten sie gegen den geballten Machtmissbrauch Orbans nicht gewinnen. Ein Thread🧵
Diese #Wahlen waren - wie schon beim letzten Mal von der OSZE bemängelt - „frei, aber nicht fair“. #Orban hat seine Macht so umfassend wie noch nie missbraucht. Nur so konnte er die zum ersten Mal gemeinsam antretende Opposition „besiegen“.…
#Orban hat schon lange vor diesem Tag Vorsorge getroffen & das Wahlrecht zu seinen Gunsten verändert. Neuer Zuschnitt der Wahlkreise, Briefwahl nur für pro-Fidesz WählerInnen, Direktmandate mit relativer Mehrheit, beliebiges Ummelden, Extrasitze etc.…
Read 10 tweets
Maybe John Milbank the godfather of #RadicalOrthodoxy + #BlueLabour is still be angry about this article from 2020? #PostLiberal #Hungary…
Latest turnout figure for 30 mins before polls 67.80% - closing in on 2018’s 69.73%. There are no exit polls in #Hungary so turnout figure will be most exciting stat until results start coming in round 10pm CET.
Preliminary results favour #Fidesz but we are at some distance Still from full picture. Press pen for Fidesz Election night event dull: no spokes people. No across to main event and no free buffet (Humph!). I am off to some where jollier.
Read 5 tweets
Bin gerade in Budapest. Regierungstreues TV sendet weiterhin russ. Propaganda der aggressiven #Ukraine . Fidesz-Abg. haben im EP für Resolution gestimmt, die Russland verurteilt, behaupten aber öfftl das Gegenteil
#Orban spielt ein doppeltes Spiel.
In einem Monat sind Wahlen. Die komplette Opposition, 6 Parteien, treten mit nur einem Kandidaten an. Nur so haben sie überhaupt eine Chance, #Orban zu besiegen.
Über 700 Wahlrechtsänderungen hat er vorgenommen. Die Medien sind fest in seiner Hand.
Schon bei den letzten Wahlen hat sich #Fidesz so mit unter 50 % der Stimmen eine 2/3-Mehrheit verschafft.
Seitdem hat #Orban das Recht so umgebaut, dass er selbst im Fall einer Wahlniederlage die staatliche Macht in #Ungarn in seinen Händen behält. Wie das?
Read 10 tweets
European #RadicalRight jamboree soon resumes in #Warsaw, without @matteosalvinimi & his #Lega. Maybe I am wrong, but considering the recent fallout between the host #PiS & #Lega, it is rather unlikely that today's meeting will result in anything else than #PR pure.
The union of European #RadicalRight doesn't appear to be an actual political reality and showcasing close coordination and joint plans for the future is perhaps more difficult for #Lega, #RN, #PiS, #Fidesz & #FratellidItalia than ever since 2019.
IMHO we won't see similar multilateral gatherings of leading #RadicalRight parties for a while. The main reason that #LePen & #Orbán are present is face saving to avoid the public perception of a total collapse of cooperation.
Read 7 tweets
History unfolded today in #Hungary: #Orbán got a #conservative #catholic political newcomer to fight in 2022. @markizaypeter now faces an unprecedented uphill battle since the regime undermined #democracy w/ #informalpower and created a grossly uneven playing field. Thread 🧵1/6 Image
Orban built a hybrid #autocratic state governance in which #cronies/relatives are monopolizing state/EU funds for his benefit. He established additional sources through which he could cement political/economic power even if Fidesz will be replaced by the opposition.2/6
The integrity of the 2022 #elections is in danger as the regime developed new ways to co-opt the process. Besides putting financial pressure on the opposition, it used a network of agents like citizen’s Police for coercive vote-buying, targeting the most deprived electorate 3/6
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1/ Ahogy arról tegnap beszámoltam, az @EU_Commission bejelentette, elindítja a jogállamisági mechanizmust a #magyar kormánnyal szemben.
2/ Sőt megerősítette, hogy a helyreállítási forrásokat sem kapja meg egyelőre a kormány, mert #Magyarország nem hajtja végre azokat a korrupció-ellenes intézkedéseket, amelyeket az #EU elvár.
3/ Erdélyi Katalin cikkében az @Atlatszo -n tökéletesen bemutatja, hogy miért elégedetlen a Bizottság, miért nem beszélhetünk többé igazságos jogállamról Magyarországon.…
Read 6 tweets
Deutsch Tamás claims that there's been no unlawful wire-tapping since 2010 in 🇭🇺. This is only true because the Minister of Justice has the discretion to authorize any wire-tapping & that no MoJ under Orbán has refrained themselves from extensively using this discretionary power.
Therefore to prevent further spying until the change of government, @momentumhu initiated a referendum. 👇#PegasusProject #Hungary #Democracy
1⃣ Wire-tapping may only be carried out with the permission of a judge.
2⃣ Confidentiality, sacramental seal and human dignity shall not be impaired.
3⃣ If the wire-tapping was unlawful, the person shall be notified subsequently.
Read 4 tweets
Viele haben schon von meiner #Einzelfallkarte gehört.

Einige haben auch schon ihre Hilfe angeboten und sind schon fleißig bei der Recherche und Zusammenfassung.

Es gibt allerdings noch einiges zu verteilen und deswegen möchte ich euch um eure Mithilfe bitten. /TN #CDU #CSU
Wie ich mir den Textaufbau vorstelle, könnt ihr in den Screens nachlesen.

Solltet ihr in eurem Stil davon abweichen, ist das nicht tragisch, so weit ihr seriöse Quellen verwendet und diese mit angebt. /TN
Ich brauche eure Hilfe besonders bei umfassenden Ereignissen oder Personen, da diese Zeit binden.

Besonders diese Themen liegen mir am Herzen:
- Verbindungen zwischen #EIKE und Union
- Hans-Jürgen #Irmer
- Jörg #Schlechte
- Vera #Lengsfeld
- Max #Otte
- Erika #Steinbach /TN
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Da es momentan so viele #CDU / #CSU Politiker*innen bedauern, daß es kein #Regenbogenstadion geben wird:

Die #Union hat #Orban über Jahre hofiert. Wollte ihn nicht aus der #EVP werfen. #Seehofer + #Söder haben es geliebt ihn zu treffen und heute noch schützt ihn #vonderLeyen
Selbst kurz vor dem Austritt der #Fidesz aus der #EVP wollten #CDU und #CSU nichts von Rauswurf wissen.
Read 5 tweets
Lust auf eine Reise durch unser Archiv zum Thema Verflechtungen ins rechtsradikale und international faschistische Milieu, Unterstützung der neuen Rechte und Einbringung rassistischer Phrasen in den Mainstream bei #CDU/#CSU/#JungeUnion?

Dann schnallt euch mal an. /TN #Thread
Fangen wir mit dem sächsischen Bundestagsabgeordneten Arnold #Vaatz an, der nicht nur für Tichys Einblick und der Klimawandelleugnerorganisation #EIKE schreibt, sondern auch Kontakte ins Milieu um Götz #Kubitschek unterhält.
Unsere Reise führt uns weiter zu H.J. #Irmer.
Irmer ist Herausgeber des #WetzlarKurier und Mitglied von #ProPolizei Wetzlar e.V., die gerne mit der NPD gegen "Linksradikalismus" demonstrieren.…
Read 131 tweets
Run-up to the #EUCO
#RoL THREAD 1/12

According to information leaked from #Polish diplomatic circles, there is an agreement between the 🇭🇺&🇵🇱 governments & @EU2020DE on the modalities of ending the #BudgetBlockade.
@jancienski @VALERIEin140 @MarkusBecker…
According to the plan, an #EUCO declaration will explain/limit the scope of the #RuleofLaw conditionality regulation as well as the timeframe of its application. The deal was allegedly sealed by #Orban & #Morawiecki Tuesday evening. @RULEOFLAWpl…
Apparently #EUCO is ready to declare that member states will refrain from the application of the regulation in the Council as long as #CJEU is not ruling about the action for annulment case which will be brought forward against the regulation by 🇵🇱& 🇭🇺.
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Why ending the #Article7 procedures against #Hungary & #Poland as part of the #BudgetDeal grand bargain is an utterly bad idea.

The #Article7 procedure is widely perceived as a completely failed, dysfunctional legal tool to enforce compliance with #EUvalues.
Therefore many see the closure of the ongoing procedures against #Hungary & #Poland as potential bargaining chips that may convince the EU's two autocratizing member states to withdraw from the blockade of the EUR 1800 bn budget deal
@EU2020DE @MKarnitschnig @meyer_resende
@ManfredWeber hinted on that option last week and rumours from @EU2020DE confirm the intention of the German Council presidency to please Warsaw and Budapest that way.…
Read 12 tweets
1/4: A deal we will NOT accept: @eucopresident graciously offers not to cut €€€ for #democracy programs in exchange for destroying effectiveness of conditionality in EU budget ‘22! Thank you, but #NO thank you!…
2/4: On the same day #Orban and #Fidesz demonstrate how blackmailing goes, if they have voting power: „No“ to post-Covid recovery for everyone, if the EU insists on „Yes“ to democracy in #Hungary #NextGenerationEU…
3/4: My answer is the other way around: no €€€ for #Hungary et al unless: 1) commitment to EU values; 2) participation in anticorruption-System of EU Prosecutor office; 3) indiscriminate funding with part of € for #NGOs, #freemedia, municipalities. @GreensEFA @PeterMueller9
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Die #Orban Debatte in der EVP-Fraktion wird hitziger: hier fordern 13 Chefs von nationalen Delegationen Fraktionsboss ⁦@ManfredWeber⁩ auf, Fidesz wie in der Partei auch in der Fraktion „zumindest“ zu suspendieren ⁦@derspiegel#RuleOfLaw Image
Zur Einordnung: diese Delegationen repräsentieren 63 der derzeit 187 EVP-Europaparlamentarier und spiegeln die Parteien wieder, die zuletzt einen Ausschluss von Fidesz aus der EVP als Partei verlangt haben @derspiegel #orban
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*** Jeg og @KonservativeDK ønsker i dag #Fidesz og Viktor Orbán ud af den konservative gruppe @EPPGroup i Europa-Parlamentet ***

Vi har længe været vidner til den demokratiske deroute, der er foregået fra Budapest. Men nu går den ikke længere.

#eudk #RuleOfLaw
2) DERFOR skriver jeg og @SorenPape i dag et brev til vores EPP-formand Donald Tusk og EPP-gruppeformand Manfred Weber, hvor vi - sort på hvidt - ikke længere ønsker #Fidesz i vores europæiske familie længere.

Det er trist men naturligvis nødvendigt.

#RuleOfLaw #eudk
3) Og NU rækker jeg ud til mine kollegaer i EPP-gruppen og opfordrer dem, at stille samme krav. Vi er 27 nationaliteter i EP's største politiske gruppe. Som Danmarks repræsentant og stemme hér, kan jeg ikke klare det alene men kan gå forrest og opfordre andre at støtte op.
Read 7 tweets
#Hungary justice minister @JuditVarga_EU wrote an op-ed in @POLITICOEurope defending emergency powers bill which will allow the government to rule by decree. In making her argument, she revealed why critics are worried about the powers this bill will grant to #Fidesz. Thread:
Varga says other EU gov'ts have "also taken exceptional measures in response" to #coronavirus. This is true, but none, to my knowledge, have declared decree powers with no time limit or sunset clause.
She writes that HU's constitution (which #Fidesz unilaterally authored in 2012) allows emergency decrees to remain in force for 15 days, after which parliament can extend them. This bill would circumvent parliament so existing *or future* decrees would be authorized by default.
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(Thread) Zur angeblichen "Abgrenzung" der #FDP von der #AfD:

1. In #Thüringen hat sich die FDP von #Höcke zum Ministerpräsidenten wählen lassen.
2. #Lindner hat die AfD Kandidatin zur Bundestagsvize gewählt…
3. Der FDP Vorsitzende MV erklärt dass er sich von der AfD wählen lassen würde…
Read 16 tweets

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