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Thread by @Marianne_M_B: "Yes, I was used as an underage honey pot/spy as part of a C(I)A operation that U.S. taxpayers funded. (…) It […]" #MKultra #mindcontrol #HumanRightsViolations #pedopredator

5 tweets, 7 min read
Yes, I was used as an underage honey pot/spy as part of a C(I)A operation that U.S. taxpayers funded.
It is part of the bigger picture of the DOD/C(I)A/M16 #MKultra #mindcontrol operations that U.S. taxpayers also paid for.

I was just saying to @IsaacKappy that one of the reasons I came forward publicly Oct 13, 2017 regarding #pedopredator Serial Child Rapist Roman Polanski is because Polanski is BFFs w Harvey Weinstein who runs w the #ClintonCrimeFamily which includes Soros & Rothschilds...
Here is the interview I gave to @emmamarieparry at Sun UK
regarding #pedopredator Serial Child Rapist Roman Polanski sexually assaulting me as a child:…
NYE 2018 @GstaadPalace
where criminal BFFs #RomanPolanski & #HarveyWeinstein celebrate NYE every year but last one.
HW’s invite list for his movie viewing party @TheAlpinaGstaad is the who’s who in international crimals like Soros.
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